Hi Sweet Friends!
If you didn’t catch my original short film and some of my soul food chats on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday episode with Mark Nepo yesterday, here you go (and there’s more to come)!
It was super fun to film, and lucky me, I got to work with some of the same crew from my last episode. It’s really nice to get to know the folks who work so hard to bring us all meaningful content—and these artists often don’t get the credit they deserve. So, thanks guys, especially Heather!
My journey with Oprah
Nearly seven years ago, I had the honor of being a guest on the legendary Oprah Winfrey Show with the cherished Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture. What an amazing man—a true gift to this planet.
Folks have often asked me what it was like to meet Oprah. To be honest, it went so dang fast! Here’s what I remember: Oprah was truly, sincerely, authentically kind. We shot the shizzle during commercial breaks, she loved the essential oil blend I was wearing, she called me a “Crazy Sexy Teacher” and then she gave me a good ole hug. The sorta hug you get from someone who is a real pro at sharing their huge heart.
Then I ate Chinese food and went home. Yup, that’s about all I can recall.
Today what stands out most for me is how much I have changed and grown since then. I’ll be honest, sometimes it’s hard to look back on my early media interviews. Even though I thought I was at peace with going the distance with disease, I still really wanted to be cured. Time, struggles, triumphs, and experience have all given me some valuable soul perspective.
I want to hug that gal who many of you met on Oprah. She said all the right stuff, and I know she meant it, but after 10 years of living with a chronic disease, I can honestly say that the greatest journey was yet to come. The journey that has turned into the bedrock of my spiritual practice: unconditional acceptance.
What I’ve learned since sitting on Oprah’s couch
- Love what is (instead of what could be)
- Practice self-kindness and care, daily
- Embrace the uncertainty
- Live now
These practices have each made me a better/stronger person. But more than that, these practices have actually released me into the person I was meant to be—regular ole me. I bet you can relate, regardless of whether or not you have cancer.
Life is the best gig around.
Even the sucky days have something to offer us. It’s natural to sink into the mud of our mortal humanness from time to time, but think of it this way—all rich dirt creates new life. You just might not see it right away.
More Super Soul Sunday goodness
I hope you were inspired by this Super Soul Sunday episode and that you get a chance to see the entire show, because Mark Nepo is the true star (watch the full episode online here)! My mom gave me his book—The Book of Awakening—a while back and I keep it tethered to my side as I navigate the start of each day. Give it a spin if you haven’t already. Your soul will thank you. Plus, Mark’s new book, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, was just chosen as Oprah’s Super Soulful Book of the Month for November. I scooped up a copy and can’t wait to dive in!
Finally, I want you to know that you have grown as much as I have. You’ve healed as much as I have.
You may not have national footage to look back on (lucky you!) but you’ve stretched, opened, deepened, stepped up. I know you have. If you don’t agree with me, hush for two seconds. You have. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for watching and thanks for letting me share my exciting health update! I’m grateful for this journey, no matter how big or small my tumors (beauty marks) get. Either way. It’s all good.
Now it’s your turn: What was your biggest Super Soul Sunday takeaway?
Peace & big joy,
I love this SO much.
I love this vid. It’s exactly what I needed to hear today.
While I don’t have cancer, I do have my own battles with chronic asthma among other things (eczema, food allergies, hypoglycemia and depression). For the past 5 years, I’ve been living with a goal to knock my asthma back into remission and in turn feeling like a complete failure every year that it hasn’t been knocked back.
Instead, starting today I’m going to thrive with asthma and just live in the moment for me. No more chasing the asthma remission dragon around. Just living. =)
Also, I love your quote “I don’t need to be healthy on paper, but I am well”.
Thanks a lot Kris. I really appreciate you and the work you do. <3
Hi Kris, just want to say you are truly inspirational.
I’m so sad. I got all cozy on the couch tonight to watch this and it is gone! So, I watched all the short clips and enjoyed every one of them. Please let us know if OWN airs this again or has it available on line. I would love to see the whole thing. Thanks for all you do Kris and for sharing your insights and wisdom with us.
Dawn xo
It is impressive what you’ve accomplished with your mind and the fellowship you created with some of the sharpest, brightest one could only hope to meet in a lifetime.
As I’ve seen in your video’s, your journey is inspirational. My best friend and wife who crossed over would wake up in the morning surprised to find she still had massive deviant cell overgrowth with associated pain. Not only did she speak to me from 480 miles away when she crossed over, she continues to bless me with her guidance as she did when we shared space in Indianapolis.
If I can assist you in completing your journey to physical wellness while living younger longer, it would be a great honor and a privilege in deed.
As Dr. Bill Andrews says, “When I or somebody else is healthy enough to run a seven minute mile when they’re 130 years old, that’s when I’m going to know that we’ve cured aging.” He ran the Ultimate Himalayan 138 mile Marathon in 51 consecutive hours at age 60. His wife, at 56, is the only American woman (of 6 in the world) to complete the distance in the required 60 consecutive hours.
Best All Round,
Jim Gilbert
Thank you for sharing this clip (I don’t have cable!) and for helping me to be aware of how I have clung to your thought”…until they say I am perfectly healthy.” I have lived with the diagnosis of MS for 11 years now, and while I function very, very well, I have allowed the diagnosis and the annual MRI’s and tests to make me CRAZY, and yes, tired, and to live in a perpetual state of “The disease is stable but I’m not.”
I have been looking for it to go away completely (can totally relate) and to deny it’s presence for a decade of my life, rather than just being with it and in the moments of everyday. I hear people say that they are not their disease, but this has been hard for me to wrap my head around; it had become my identity until recently, and so I had morphed into this anxious and stressed person, who perpetuated more dis-ease in her life, including several big C scares. Until I found your website and others through your recommendations, I was very, very alone in my understanding of how to unzip the costume of my old sick self. My understanding and acceptance of this is only beginning (thanks to you!!), but it is a springboard for letting go of this pain-habit and just being with all that is good in my life.
Thank you for all your positive energy and for reaching out to folks the way you do!
I was so moved by your short film. Your a wonderful teacher and I love you very much:)
The acceptance. I know this to be true but need to be reminded constantly. A paralysis condition has left me with a bladder dysfunction and nerve pain and I have to use a catheter to empty my bladder which triggers the nerve pain. There is little logic in it – sometimes it works fine – sometimes it hurts so much I scream on the inside. Sometimes I feel ok afterwards and sometimes the pain stays on a high enough level to make me get chills all over my body and my sensitive bladder is irritated from the pain making me feel like I have to go again soon. It can make me so sad and frustrated and feel hindered and it is at these times the acceptance is so important. It keeps me from giving up the things I can control because there are some things that I can’t and helps me live my best life instead of just being upset and think it isn’t fair.
Watching you, seeing your life snippets on Soul Soup made it apparent to me why you are here; to give us your beautiful and eloquently presented life affirming lessons. Thank you. My journey started 15 years ago and I aspire to be as free and in the “now” as you. Namaste.
Thank you Kris, I’ve had a difficult day today and watching your sections on Super Soul Sunday really really helped me. I’m going to bed now, and I know that tomorow’s going to be a much nicer day.
Keep being here for us!
“I was giving up on feeling like ‘Until they say I’m perfectly healthy, I’m broken'”.
That is so huge, it brought tears to my eyes. And it might just be the key to my own healing process. Thank you so much for this Kris!
And also: yay for shrinking tumors!!
I just love you Kris!
Live now, that is the most difficult thing sometimes, because it seems us humans are very difficult beings to satisfy. We always want more, always want what we don’t have. I suppose this is good in certain directions – makes us work out, for example, or choose the food with care, but we do tend to exaggerate. Kudos to you for attaining this unconditional acceptance and living life exactly as it is!
Thankyou Kris! Beautiful film. I always remembered seeing you on your first Oprah appearance and being inspired to take on my own wellness of body and spirit. It is truly wonderful to hear your amazing wellness news! Thankyou again for your Inspiration to live life in the moment, with joy. As you say, we may not be 100% healthy on paper but we can be well, living (love this). I got that whatever may be happening around me ‘on paper’ I see I have the opportunity to live in the moment, really live. Thankyou. Love Lxxx
A flood of tears came over me when you said:
“Finally, I want you to know that you have grown as much as I have… you’ve stretched, opened, deepened, stepped up. I know you have. If you don’t agree with me, hush for two seconds. You have. Keep up the good work.”
I guess I needed to hear that today. Thanks, Kris. You are an inspiration. xx
Tears welled in my eyes while reading your blog. I am so proud of you Kris. I pray for healing, love and peace for all who challenge the up and downs in life.
Thank you Hannah!
Thanks for all the love everyone, it really matters to me. I adore & appreciate you all. xo kc
Hi Kris,
Thank you. I needed to hear this message today. I too have a chronic disease and have felt that exact feeling you described as being exhausted and broken open. I will never be 100% healthy on paper, but you have inspired me to be well for myself. Your message today has become my intention… to love myself, to accept myself where I am today and everyday, and to be well… for me.
I feel the love! Thank you –
what was the essential oil blend you were wearing?! xo