Blog Post

Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday with Me & Mark Nepo!

read all about it

Hi Sweet Friends!

If you didn’t catch my original short film and some of my soul food chats on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday episode with Mark Nepo yesterday, here you go (and there’s more to come)!

It was super fun to film, and lucky me, I got to work with some of the same crew from my last episode. It’s really nice to get to know the folks who work so hard to bring us all meaningful content—and these artists often don’t get the credit they deserve. So, thanks guys, especially Heather!

My journey with Oprah

Nearly seven years ago, I had the honor of being a guest on the legendary Oprah Winfrey Show with the cherished Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture. What an amazing man—a true gift to this planet.

Folks have often asked me what it was like to meet Oprah. To be honest, it went so dang fast! Here’s what I remember: Oprah was truly, sincerely, authentically kind. We shot the shizzle during commercial breaks, she loved the essential oil blend I was wearing, she called me a “Crazy Sexy Teacher” and then she gave me a good ole hug. The sorta hug you get from someone who is a real pro at sharing their huge heart.

Then I ate Chinese food and went home. Yup, that’s about all I can recall.

Today what stands out most for me is how much I have changed and grown since then. I’ll be honest, sometimes it’s hard to look back on my early media interviews. Even though I thought I was at peace with going the distance with disease, I still really wanted to be cured. Time, struggles, triumphs, and experience have all given me some valuable soul perspective.

I want to hug that gal who many of you met on Oprah. She said all the right stuff, and I know she meant it, but after 10 years of living with a chronic disease, I can honestly say that the greatest journey was yet to come. The journey that has turned into the bedrock of my spiritual practice: unconditional acceptance.

What I’ve learned since sitting on Oprah’s couch

  • Love what is (instead of what could be)
  • Practice self-kindness and care, daily
  • Embrace the uncertainty
  • Live now

These practices have each made me a better/stronger person. But more than that, these practices have actually released me into the person I was meant to be—regular ole me. I bet you can relate, regardless of whether or not you have cancer.

Life is the best gig around.

Even the sucky days have something to offer us. It’s natural to sink into the mud of our mortal humanness from time to time, but think of it this way—all rich dirt creates new life. You just might not see it right away.

More Super Soul Sunday goodness

I hope you were inspired by this Super Soul Sunday episode and that you get a chance to see the entire show, because Mark Nepo is the true star (watch the full episode online here)! My mom gave me his book—The Book of Awakening—a while back and I keep it tethered to my side as I navigate the start of each day. Give it a spin if you haven’t already. Your soul will thank you. Plus, Mark’s new book, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, was just chosen as Oprah’s Super Soulful Book of the Month for November. I scooped up a copy and can’t wait to dive in!

Finally, I want you to know that you have grown as much as I have. You’ve healed as much as I have.

You may not have national footage to look back on (lucky you!) but you’ve stretched, opened, deepened, stepped up. I know you have. If you don’t agree with me, hush for two seconds. You have. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for watching and thanks for letting me share my exciting health update! I’m grateful for this journey, no matter how big or small my tumors (beauty marks) get. Either way. It’s all good. 🙂

Now it’s your turn: What was your biggest Super Soul Sunday takeaway?

Peace & big joy,

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  1. Heather says:

    Oh girl, I just love how you speak LIFE! You are such an inspiration. My 7 year-old son is battling a serious disease using an intense (to put it mildly) nutritional therapy and he’s winning. Through his story, we have many reach out to us who are struggling with life threatening illnesses. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to meet with a stage four cancer friend. As I so often do, I shared your story and it was such an encouragement to him and gave him the motivation to move forward… and live. You rock girl! Thanks for all you do. So grateful… xo

  2. Lauren says:

    WOO HOO!
    Congratulations on your amazing 10 year news angel. Moving up from C to B… Go Buddy go!
    Mwah x

  3. Beth Greer says:

    Kris, I loved watching your Soul Food moments on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. You are such a clear channel of wisdom and support for people, whether they have cancer or not.

    (I would love to send you my book “Super Natural Home: Improve Your Health, Home and Planet…One Room at a Time,” endorsed by Deepak Chopra, but can’t get access to your mailing address!)

  4. Ruth Chermok says:

    You were and are such an inspiration to me! I received your book seven years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer………..I am so grateful to be at this point in my journey – but your short film and the part where you talked about your fear of upcoming scans and appts and never being able to slay “that dragon” was so meaningful to me. As I get farther away from my diagnosis, I thought the follow ups would be easier, but sometimes I allow the fear and apprehension to overtake me…………..your thoughts on this, changed my heart and I “get it” and appreciate your method of dealing with this…………I have been following you and appreciate sharing the journey with you!!!

  5. Kristin says:

    Oh my gosh, I was expecting to hear her tumors were the same size but not SMALLER!!! That is incredible, and brought tears to my eyes. Self love and acceptance is amazing. And I’m sure the crazy sexy diet didn’t hurt!

  6. Shirley Taylor says:

    I love the video. I admire the attitude u have taken about life… How do u that.. I like to know how to start?

  7. Julie Trainor says:

    Congrats on your recent good news! When I was going through chemo I stumbled on your book in Barns and Nobles on a low day. It bolstered my spirit and I’ve followed you ever since. Keep inspiring others, you are truly making a difference!

  8. Laurie Nathe says:

    HI Chris: Wow you said it, I have also been feeling like chasing perfect health is always driving me and I may never have perfect health! Yet, I make an effort each day. I just want to be crazy sexy!

  9. Deb Kytle says:

    Kris, you are such a ray of sunshine!!! I look forward to your weekly blogs… inspirational, every week I’m reminded of things that I know to be true and get so excited to implement them into my own life!!! I love you and am grateful for the lessons and the love you share. Thank you so much

  10. Jude says:

    Thank you Kris – Your words touch to the hearts of our souls. SSS was wonderful, just like you.

    Thank you and God Bless!

  11. Mary Jo says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your short film and your heartfelt words! You are amazing! It is so gracious of you to share all your experiences with the world! I am so happy I found you all those years ago on that TLC documentary!! My love to you, Brian, Lola, and Buddy! Thank you for sharing the Oprah info on your blog since I don’t have cable.
    Peace and veggies,
    Your granola gal
    Mary Jo
    P.S. Went to the WFAS Thanksliving for the very first time last month, what a blast!

  12. Zoe' says:

    You are amazing!!! I was just having surgery again and to my surprise, a newly found friend, saw you live and got me your book and personally autographed from you to me!!!! I can’t tell you how happy and excited I was. I’m enjoying reading it and feel so special.
    Thank you xo xo co

  13. Kris…would love to know what ‘essential oil’ you were wearing on your first visit with Oprah and did you wear the same this time?

  14. Rose Long says:

    Thank you Kris. I have been following you since I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in February this year, a month before my wedding. I was given the all clear a couple of weeks ago, as much of a shock as it was to be diagnosed, and I have been feeling a little lost since the initial euphoria faded. Watching your film reminded me of the simplicity of living life as it is, living life as myself for myself. Sometimes I feel like I should accomplish something to reflect what I’ve learnt from having cancer, I put pressure on myself to live in a state where I am always appreciating life, always grateful to be alive, and even though I know it’s not possible, I allow this to feed my story that my life is not enough, I am not enough. Your film spoke so beautifully of how we are all enough, when we live for ourselves, when we live life as it is. Thank you for your example, you are an inspiration to me. I hope our paths cross one day.
    With love Rose

  15. Tracey Grimes says:

    I love you! That’s all that needs to be said. You ARE the reason I’ve changed my eating habits, and you inspire me. Thank you!

  16. mary lakshmi says:

    Thank you Kris, I’ve been following you since practically the beginning and am so thankful for you and for the light and hope you have shined onto the world! Yes we have all grown and evolved and it feels soo DELICIOUS!! Thank you for everything and for being YOU!!

  17. Geege says:

    I may not be perfect, but I am well!
    Wow, what profound words! Thank you for my gift today Kris! I will love myself today and feel grounded because of your words and loving thoughts. I am not my body, I am ME! Lotsa hugs and peace.

  18. I LOVE YOU KRIS CARR!!!!! You are such an inspiration to all of us who have this ultimate terminal condition of life, whether diagnosed with something specific or not!!! And such a great reminder to find joy in every aspect of our journey!

    My biggest take-away from the video was that after you decided not to define yourself by the state of your disease and freed yourself from focusing on being in remission, YOUR TUMORS SHRANK!!!!! It speaks to me of how powerful our focused minds are, and that it’s completely up to us where we choose to focus our minds!

    Thank you!!!

  19. Super huge congratulations Kris: you truly are a Brilliant + Radiant Sexy Inspiration!

  20. Susan says:

    Thank you, thank you for you and all that you bring to all of us. The show was beautifully done and inspiring, thought provoking and made me think and reflect. I am so happy when my mailbox has one of your emails in it as it allows me to gain so much knowledge from you. Thanks again.

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