Blog Post

5 Tips to Make Changes that Stick

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Hi Precious Pals,

Happy (nearly) New Year! Soon, I’ll be tooting my party horn and tossing virtual confetti towards the heavens. This is going to be a grrreat year for us both. I can feel it my bones.

More than anything, the new year serves as a symbol—of expansive new beginnings.

In the past, I’ve lunged upon New Year’s Day, beating it over the head with a bat and broom. (We all know how this story ends.) Not this year! I’m focusing on how I want to feel (thank you, Danielle LaPorte!) and setting intentions from that holy, sacred space. I hope you will, too.

In the spirit of shifting toward a life that feels deliciously good, whole and passionate, I called in my friend and miracle maven, Gabrielle Bernstein. For those of you who don’t know Gabby, she’s a shining motivational speaker, author and the leader of the Spirit Junkie nation.

Awhile ago, Gabby and I sat around my kitchen island to chat about the ins and outs of change.

I hope our conversation infuses your intentions with the confidence you need to forge ahead feeling more empowered and at peace. Use our tips to create a kinder, simpler, happier new year.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn …

  • How to make changes that stick.
  • The simple practice that has helped Gabby make small and life-altering shifts over the years. It takes less than a minute each day!
  • The major stumbling blocks that are standing between you & transformational change and how to begin knocking them down.
  • My approach to change (I’ve never made resolutions like this before!)
  • A fresh, new way to embrace forgiveness and release the negative thinking that’s holding you back.
  • Unicorns can talk!

Your turn: What’s the one thing you will transform in the new year?

Once again, Happy New Year! I hope you have the best year ever, and I just adore you to your core. xo 🙂

Peace & simple, powerful shifts,

Your biggest fan,

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  1. Kimberly McCann says:

    Kris, I found your Crazy Sexy Cancer video when it was first released. What amazinspiration. I love how you view thw world. July 11, this year, 2013, I was diagnosed with 20 liver adenomas. Benign tumors which have a tendoncy to turn cancerous. You guessed it. The “T” word. Transplant. For now cancer free but I have no options. It’s a “wait and live”situation. Do I live as though I potential y have cancer? I’m following all of your diet protacol. Kimberly

  2. Jeannine says:

    Thank you. You are such an emanating light and so vivacious. I feel joy in watching your videos.

  3. Great video! My intention is to wake up early daily. So I can take the time to meditate and properly prepare for my day. I have to be mindful of my excuses and rationalizations! I’ve also learned from my experience that I think about something for awhile..and then I move into preparation/action! Thanks for your generosity!

  4. Katie says:

    I am willing to give up eating while standing up. I will be seated for every meal & snack and make a commitment to eat mindful, slowly, & fully enjoy my food and allow it to nourish me completely.

  5. Betty says:

    The universe seems to be pointing in the same direction, isn’t that amazing! I have worked my way through Our Lady of Weight Loss – starting 2013 thinner – program, and the thing that really stuck with me is the need for tiny changes. I, too, Kris tend to plan sweeping changes and crash and burn. What I’ve learned is that the Amygdala (fight or flight) part of our brains freaks out when we do that, so we need to tip toe past the Amygdala by making one small change at a time. The suggestion she had is to eat an apple before every meal to fill you up. I’ve committed (and have followed through) to eat at least one apple a day, often two apples a day – you have no idea what an improvement this is for me. The second thing I have done is invested in a Nike+Fuel band, which tracks all of my steps, and have committed to 10,000 steps a day. Most days I’ve been surpassing 11,000 steps and a few days have hit 13,000-14,000 steps. I’m going to keep with these two small changes and see how they shake out over the long run. Then I can add another small change to the mix. Small changes, carried out. Tip toeing past the part of our brains that wants to run from the room screaming like a banshee.

  6. Helen says:

    You are so incredibly inspirational! I started juicing and will start the 21 day cleanse on Monday! Thank you for all of your amazing Crazy, Sexy, books.

  7. Thanks for a great vid! You girl are shining!

    I am willing to give up sugar, wheat & dairy. I commit to keep on going with my daily practice of dropping out of my mind and into my body (yoga, dancing, shaking, singing, meditation – different stuff on different days).

    I commit to keep on living a life of service, where I prioritize aliveness (less computer, more dance), focus on my greatness (instead of trying to fix my weaknesses) and live in embodiment of love.


  8. Charlotte says:

    Loved the Vlog! Exactly what I needed to hear today. I am willing to finally take the steps to live the life I want and can easily have, but to my husbands and my own frustration often find excuses to put off. With a little one on the way it is time I stop putting up road blocks and become the person I want to be. It is a big goal, but one with many small steps to work my way there. Thank you for such simple and inspiring motivation.

  9. Lia says:

    This was one of my favorite vlogs so far. Thanks for sharing. I’m getting the book today as a gift to myself to help me in my ever ongoing quest to live a happier, more present, and more fulfilled life. I’m sticking to the goals and intentions I’ve had for many years, allowing for slow changes over time that stick, but I do have a focus for this coming year and that is consistency. I don’t just mean in fitness or food, but in general, including those, but also including having a routine (any – whether it be morning or evening or both). I’m a change-aholic.

  10. Jen B says:

    In 2013 I am willing to let go of resentment. I am willing to let go of the feeling that I need to bottle up everything inside me. I am willing to let go of feeling like I’m the only one who can steer the ship – it’s okay to ask for help both in mundane daily tasks and with the bigger stuff too.

    I am willing to let spirit flow through me and guide my life.

  11. Wendy Jean says:

    I am the willingness to let go of the fear that I won’t be loved if I express myself fully as a musical artist. Thank u beautiful ladies for the enlightening video and total truth of light and love:)

  12. vivian says:

    Am I willing to forgive? Not sure I’m quite there – but I’m willing to be willing to forgive, and that’s a start. Thank you for this.

  13. Joan says:

    I give up the need to be a control freak, because in the end I am not in control of everything. None of us are and that is a good thing 🙂

  14. Natalie says:

    Kris and Gabby,

    Thanks so much for this. I love the simplicity as I know from experience and from working with clients that implementing change is one of the hardest things to do.

    In 2013, I am really working on Giving (without expectation). This is something that has always been very hard for me, but I’m realizing that it is an important part of feeling more authentic, connected and passionate. I looking forward to inviting more giving-ness into my life.

  15. kris carr says:

    Happy New Year sweet wonderful readers! I love you so so so much. Blessings for 2013. xo kris

  16. Andrea says:

    One thing I’m willing to let go of in 2013 is trying not to be such a control freak. I try to have everything planned to a T which adds more stress to situations at times. So working on having my goals but not trying to control things that in which I cannot change.

  17. Torrie says:

    Hi Kris, Hi Gabby!!! 2 of my favorite people!! So in 2013 I am ready to let go of and transform……..
    ~negative self-talk
    ~focusing on things that don’t serve me, or apply to the greater good.

    I feel lighter already 🙂 Thanks for this great video!!! Oh and I’m ready to let go of a few pound too! I mean ACTUALLY doing it..not just wanting it.

  18. Maryam says:

    I just love you both!! Thank you for this wonderful message… So inspiring!

  19. Darris says:

    I’ve been talking, thinking, wishing and hoping to do a photography boot camp. Today I decided to say “yes”. I got the last of the 25 spaces and I’m IN!!

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