Blog Post

5 Tips to Make Changes that Stick

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Hi Precious Pals,

Happy (nearly) New Year! Soon, I’ll be tooting my party horn and tossing virtual confetti towards the heavens. This is going to be a grrreat year for us both. I can feel it my bones.

More than anything, the new year serves as a symbol—of expansive new beginnings.

In the past, I’ve lunged upon New Year’s Day, beating it over the head with a bat and broom. (We all know how this story ends.) Not this year! I’m focusing on how I want to feel (thank you, Danielle LaPorte!) and setting intentions from that holy, sacred space. I hope you will, too.

In the spirit of shifting toward a life that feels deliciously good, whole and passionate, I called in my friend and miracle maven, Gabrielle Bernstein. For those of you who don’t know Gabby, she’s a shining motivational speaker, author and the leader of the Spirit Junkie nation.

Awhile ago, Gabby and I sat around my kitchen island to chat about the ins and outs of change.

I hope our conversation infuses your intentions with the confidence you need to forge ahead feeling more empowered and at peace. Use our tips to create a kinder, simpler, happier new year.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn …

  • How to make changes that stick.
  • The simple practice that has helped Gabby make small and life-altering shifts over the years. It takes less than a minute each day!
  • The major stumbling blocks that are standing between you & transformational change and how to begin knocking them down.
  • My approach to change (I’ve never made resolutions like this before!)
  • A fresh, new way to embrace forgiveness and release the negative thinking that’s holding you back.
  • Unicorns can talk!

Your turn: What’s the one thing you will transform in the new year?

Once again, Happy New Year! I hope you have the best year ever, and I just adore you to your core. xo 🙂

Peace & simple, powerful shifts,

Your biggest fan,

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  1. Leah says:

    I am willing to let go and trust in 2013. I am willing to do this patiently, slowly and kindly. Thanks for another great blog. Happy New Year

  2. Cheryl says:

    The two of you at the same table would be my dream girl date. In 2013 I’m going to practice forgiving myself, and be nicer to myself. I have taken the “tiny mad idea” and manifested it against myself for too long. My goal is to enjoy the journey every step, be it good or bad, and not be so focused on the outcome. You are both such great mentors, and I’m thankful every day for the path that brought me to you both. God bless you and blessings for an awesome 2013.

  3. Sam says:

    God I love you Kris. You never fail to inspire me and make my heart feel happy… My life changed when I read CSD. I turned to it for help with losing weight and I’ve lost 36kg (80pounds) in 12 months without it feeling hard. Thank you for continuing to be so divinely inspiring you gorgeous thing!! Mwah. Xxxxx

  4. Beth says:

    I am willing to let go of comparing myself to those around me, especially those who have more perceived success than I do at this time. I’m willing to let go of jealousy, competition, and the feeling that I am not good enough.

    Loved this video!
    Thanks so much 🙂

    xo Beth

  5. Julie says:

    LOVED the 10 minute video with the inspirational Duo! Thanks… OK, I am more than willing to cease and desist with all of the explanations of why have stress and struggles — the $$, the over-working and under-sleeping, etc. The more I speak about all of the above (and more…) the more I fan the fear flames. So I commit to getting my daily dose of Struggle-Be-Gone! Kris, I have all of your books. I read them, give them as gifts and I loooooove them. And Gabrielle, I just excitedly pre-ordered “May Cause Miracles.” So for every strugglish word than sneaks out of my (unconscious) mouth, I will consciously speak double about my blessings and miracles! My cat, Diego, just sat on the keyboard — a definitive show of support 🙂 One more thing: I am willing to exercise BEFORE I start answering emails… no more 45 minute workouts turning into 20 minute rushy ones. Happiest, healthiest 2013 to you!! Much gratitude and love…

  6. Amanda N says:

    Hello beautiful ladies, thank you for sharing this video. Something I am ready to transform in 2013 is the need to have all the answers. The need to, “figure out my life” and to step into trusting that life is already “figured out” for me, and that all will work out for my highest good and the highest good of others as well. Namaste ya’ll 🙂

  7. Heather Kolwich says:

    I am willing to start each day with a prayer to give me the grace to forgive, the humbleness to have patience and to love my family.

  8. Susan Evans says:

    I sense flavors of A Course in Miracles in Gabby’s book….always a good thing.
    Transforming my Yoga practice into a daily practice will help all other areas of my life fall into place.
    Happy New Year!

  9. Safena says:

    Thanks for the VLOG…I felt like I was right there having a cup of tea with you both. Kris…I have to give you my deepest thanks for creating a better world for the rest of us…and specifically the animals we share our lives with. I started a month ago to only buy organic farm raised animals whether it is in grocery stores or restaurants. I have added more vegetarian meals to my diet and I decrease the amount of meat in the meals I prepare at home (my husband hasn’t even noticed yet…yay). My motto is if you are going to take a life you give a life. At the very least, allow animals the right to be animals…let them love each other freely, experience nature, allow them to “be” who they are and live their full expression. No less than you would expect for yourself. My change for 2013 is to eat one meat dish a day (it used to be all three) and to spread the word to diehard meat eaters to make healthier and more compassionate choices. Who knows maybe 2014 my mind, body, spirit will not allow the flesh of an animal anymore. I will know and feel it if that is the truth for me and I will honour that.

  10. Susan says:

    Admire both of you truly lovely people! I am willing to give up always living in the future (ie:when I’m 10 lbs lighter) and instead learning to enjoy the journey along the way. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  11. I’m willing to let go of resolutions!
    Cause they don’t work! However…
    I am willing to let my core desires (thanks Danielle + Abraham Hicks) to be the driving force of my life so that whatever I am inspired to do comes from my wise inner Goddess. And from this place of feeling amazing + deliberate delicious conscious creating, the manifestations & miracles will come pouring in.

  12. Leigh says:

    LOVED hearing the TRUTH… “You have to REALLY WANT IT!” I have not really WANTED to commit to losing 40 pounds, but I am willing to drink at least 32 oz of water every day. That feels DO-able and I am inspired to create ways to stick with this small change NOW!

  13. catherine costa says:

    I will admit, I’ve been a peripheral fan for a few years. But a fan none the less, i have given Crazy Sexy Diet to 4 friends as books they have to have because it changed they way I think and eat. I know you believe everyone’s journey happens in their own time. My journey with you started out of fear (like many I am sure). You’ve taught me so much about what i could/should eat to be well (I don’t always do what I should, but I try…and I teach my kids too).
    My 2013 journey is turning more inward and I really resonated with your conversation with Gabby. I am truly looking at 2013 as a journey. I am going take what I need from 2012 to make the most of it, but the rest is the past, and that is where it shall stay. I have always been afraid to let go of the past, I have so many important people that are only in my past, I was afraid if I let go I would be letting them go forever, people I really love. For the first time I feel strong enough to bring only what I want and need with me, and let the rest go. It’s been really hard to fly straight with all that other stuff, exhausting really.

    So here we go, off into the wild, blue 2013!! Here’s to getting to know you better, I think I am ready!



  14. Kirsten says:

    Thanks Kris and Gaby! What a great 10-minute short– Can’t wait to pick up the book. My friend and I wrote something similar last year that we’re still working on, called “Manifestival.” I love what you say about timing and willingness when it comes to your goals–and also about present-moment. In 2013 I am willing to give up my negative feelings about my body. In learning to admire, love, and be grateful for my body the way it is, I know that the body will respond by moving toward its full potential. Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. CSK Project says:

    Gabrielle Bernstein I just bought your book! I saw you speak in San Jose last year, and you were awesome!

    I plan on continuing to transform my cooking skills. I seriously sucked in the kitchen, but I am slowly conquering that fear and learning to cook. Since I have been cooking, blogging and photographing my food from CSK I have found JUST cooking is not so hard!

    Look forward to reading your book. Happy New Year!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing. This is exactly what I need. I think it’s good for us to realize that our goals the we set don’t have to be made over night because that’s when we end up failing ourselves. Subtle sounds more do able. Happy New Year! Hugs!

  17. Eve says:

    I’m willing to let go of my anger and to continue my path towards a better health and spiritual life. Thanks a lot to both of you for the inspiration I find in your books and videos.

  18. Maria says:

    I am willing to let go of my resentment about my last relationship. I have been feeling toxic with hurt, anger & resentment for the last 2 months ( and have been self medicating with sugar!!!) and I am sick & tired of feeling this way.
    PLEASE pray for me!

  19. kate says:

    Thanks so much, ladies! I absolutely loved hearing this and really needed to too! I am willing to “hold onto myself” in the face of anxiety and change. I have come to realize that the best and ONLY way to have a lasting, loving relationship with myself and others is to know who I am and consistently choose to be that person, no matter how uncomfortable it may be in the moment. I know that it will take deepening my self-compassion, integrity, humility and a willingness to “deal with my own shit and keep my side of the street clean”… but I know that with the love and support of my HP (most of all!) and of MYSEFL that I can totally rock this in 2013. Oh, and perfection is not necessary for success 🙂

    Blessings in 2013!!

  20. Clarisa Mompremier says:

    I REALLY want to stop eating animal products. I have tried before and have not succeeded. I tried again this month and fell into old patterns..but I realized I wasn’t completely surrendering. The part of taking one moment and one day at a time resonated really strongly.

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