Blog Post

5 Tips to Make Changes that Stick

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Hi Precious Pals,

Happy (nearly) New Year! Soon, I’ll be tooting my party horn and tossing virtual confetti towards the heavens. This is going to be a grrreat year for us both. I can feel it my bones.

More than anything, the new year serves as a symbol—of expansive new beginnings.

In the past, I’ve lunged upon New Year’s Day, beating it over the head with a bat and broom. (We all know how this story ends.) Not this year! I’m focusing on how I want to feel (thank you, Danielle LaPorte!) and setting intentions from that holy, sacred space. I hope you will, too.

In the spirit of shifting toward a life that feels deliciously good, whole and passionate, I called in my friend and miracle maven, Gabrielle Bernstein. For those of you who don’t know Gabby, she’s a shining motivational speaker, author and the leader of the Spirit Junkie nation.

Awhile ago, Gabby and I sat around my kitchen island to chat about the ins and outs of change.

I hope our conversation infuses your intentions with the confidence you need to forge ahead feeling more empowered and at peace. Use our tips to create a kinder, simpler, happier new year.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn …

  • How to make changes that stick.
  • The simple practice that has helped Gabby make small and life-altering shifts over the years. It takes less than a minute each day!
  • The major stumbling blocks that are standing between you & transformational change and how to begin knocking them down.
  • My approach to change (I’ve never made resolutions like this before!)
  • A fresh, new way to embrace forgiveness and release the negative thinking that’s holding you back.
  • Unicorns can talk!

Your turn: What’s the one thing you will transform in the new year?

Once again, Happy New Year! I hope you have the best year ever, and I just adore you to your core. xo 🙂

Peace & simple, powerful shifts,

Your biggest fan,

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  1. Jessica L says:

    There are things that I want very much to change, but my struggle each morning is with the willingness. I hope to focus on that in 2013. I might just have to pick up a copy of Gabby’s book tomorrow!

  2. rosanne says:

    I don’t go on FB or twitter….. just email. Is there any way to enter to win a juicer without being technologically on board? Thanks, Rosanne

  3. elinor says:

    Love the chats in your kitchen Kris! Thank you so much for showering us with your gifts and insights.

    Wishing you a glorious 2013!

  4. Amanda says:

    Congrats to both you girls. I have been following you both for quite some time now! You have both accomplished so much over te past year, come so far, and changed and inspired change in so many. Many thank yous hugs and kisses. Lots of love 🙂 stoked about the new book (go gabby!)

  5. Sabine says:

    I am going to give up all animal products for 2013. I’ve been eating mostly plant based foods for 15 years now, and find going Vegan very daunting. I bought “Crazy Sexy Kitchen” last Saturday (yeeaahhhh)….and am committing to going Vegan every 2nd month, vegetarian every other month. I know my personality….easy does it….one step at a time, and then success usually follows. I am so curious to see how my body and health will respond by the end of the year and am hoping to be Vegan full time by then. I also commit to actively donating my time and money to Animal Rights this year, to full out my resolve to do and be better. Cheers everyone!

    • Safena says:

      Hi Sabine
      I just wanted to say I am more awake to the rights of animals than I’ve ever been. I know I’ve just started my own journey with my relationship and my life’s purpose with animals. I’m not certain how that will manifest exactly but I have experienced a couple unbelievable miracles divinely directed by animals that have crossed my path.

      I believe when we finally recognize the divinity in animals we will see the shift that we will all need to feel in this world. So thank you for doing your part already! You are many steps ahead but I have already cut back on meat in my diet and only buy organic farm raised and although I am experiencing judgment from others I am determined to at the very least to commit to ending factory farming. I think that is the first step for the world to eradicate that level of cruelty. What were we thinking!! I will be working on forgiveness for taking this long to wake up!!

  6. Ellen Silverman says:

    I am willing to give up my daily mantra that I don’t have time to exercise. I am committed to finding a fun gym class or dance class. Exercise is key for my well being and everyone’s well being.
    I love your work Kris and I am buying your book Gabby.
    Have an amazing 2013!

  7. Kris, love your spirit and sweet honesty. Thanks for this video.

  8. Michele says:

    Yes, to give up again…..hmmmm why not gain? Instead of dropping the bad focus on doing the good and in turn the bad just fades away. By focusing on giving up don’t you feel that your losing something? Why not focus on gaining something? Let’s say that you know that drinking to much coffee is not doing your body/mind any good so you need to do something different…don’t drink the coffee. By focusing on not drinking any coffee puts you in a negative by focusing on drinking something else like herabl tea or more water will put your mind set in a positive. So don’t focus on giving it up focus on the gain.

    • Anne says:

      Hey I like that. Gaining something. We are always told to say things in the positive light. So I agree giving up is negative , but gaining is positive. One of my ‘gaining’ things is to be in the moment, be present

  9. Robyn oakes says:

    Thanks so much ladies! I am willing to give up pleasing other people above myself! I only have one life, one body and one heart and i am willing to tressure and take care of myself!

  10. Dawn says:

    2013 will be the year I stop giving up on myself. I’m a positive energetic person, but I have a tendency to just let things fall apart because they are too hard. The truth is they are not, I just don’t try.
    Pictures of the kids every month, sticking to my incredibly easy workout routine and getting out of the house and having adventures…even if it’s all by myself!!

  11. Melissa says:

    I am willing to dedicate more time to my exercise routine verses skating by. I am also willing to take more responsibility for my health and the issues regarding my health (hypothyroidism). I will live in the moment instead of skating by on ice.

  12. Ingrid says:

    Thank you Kris and Gabby. I really loved what you said about forgiveness. 3 years ago I sufferred a huge loss including a divorce after 35 years. At that time I did not feel I could ever forgive my ex husband. Now 3 years later and much work on myself I have forgiven him. REALLY and TRULY! I can see how energy does shift which inspires me even more to do deeper work on myself and forgive myself for what I am holding against myself and embrace my humanness. I am doing the best I can, I was doing the best I could at the time and you know what so is everyone else. So for 2013 I am willing to embrace my humanness and love myself as I am “warts” and all. Happy New Year to all. This is going to be a great year for us all.

  13. Sarah says:

    You are authentic (and hilarious) and driven to help people evolve into more powerful, loving versions of themselves. We’re in this together and I’m so happy to have stumbled upon your plethora of happy “tools” for my toolbox. We ALL have our personal battles but I’m willing to look mine in the eye and (with a smile) surpass them. Glad to have you on my virtual team 🙂
    Happy New Year! I hope it is as radiant as you are!

  14. julie says:

    Hello all! I am willing to give up wheat and dairy.

  15. Vibeke says:

    I am willing to take myself out of the picture and try to understand other people’s motives and feelings. Stop making it all about me, because most of the time it’s not about me at all. I am willing to practice consideration of others’ feelings.

    On another note I aim to support myself and my partner as we take the next step to healthy living. We watched Hungry for Change together last night (for the third time) and we renewed our vows to follow the teachings of that film.

  16. Belinda says:

    That was awesome!!!! LOVE you guys. Love all your videos/vlogs! Thanks… now so ready for 2013! K, Keep up the Chat & Chew, “Don’t stop it!” (my own ‘B Me’ quote), b/c I LOVE IT! You both have a blessed 2013… how could you not? Belinda, ‘B Me’

  17. Patty Beasley says:

    I love the video and plan to check out the book. My life feels totally upside down right now so major change is needed. I’m not sure where to begin. I need to let go of the past in order to move forward so I guess my goal for the new year is to let go and don’t don’t look back. Take that step forward, and begin my journey.

  18. Linda J says:

    Hi! Gosh I loved the vlog. I’ve been able to give up candy, the biggest weakness I’ve had, in 2012. I’ve been without it for almost three months now. For 2013 I’m willing to change the way I spend my money. Before it’s been about spending according to how I feel, On rainy days I spend a lot… I’m now willing to give that up and start spending according to what I truly need.

    P.s. Just ordered Gabrielle’s new book!!

  19. cherie says:

    I’m willing to let go of auto-pilot! By this I mean the tune-out, cruise control mode of coasting through the day reacting as if I wasn’t really present – just letting things happen without REALLY thinking and BEING involved. I’m willing to let go of check-out and substitute check-in.

  20. Great vlog and some really powerful insights here- thanks so much for sharing. Kris- I love it when you say that you write for yourself and it just so happens (thankfully) that other people want to read it! That really resonated with me, and I feel it’s one of the most powerful ways to write because there it oozes intimacy and authenticity.

    For me one of the most important is the focus on living totally in the present, moment by moment. One of the challenges we face as ambitious women is that we can easily become consumed by that ambition- our natural inner ‘default mode’ becomes our ‘future’ (which is just an illusion!) Our bodies may be present, but really we’re in what I call ‘Tomorrow Town” !

    This is the problem of rigid, over-zealous ‘goal setting’. What’s the point of getting to where we want to be, if we’ve not truly lived and enjoyed the journey? What is more- the power that comes with being present is what will help us get to where we want to be be with ease and grace. I explore this more in my blog post.

    I hope you enjoy it and a big happy new year to you- looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store for both you and gabby XX

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