Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Manifesting Your Desires: A Guide to Asking & Receiving

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Hi Sweet Friends,

In fall 2013, I spent two glorious weeks working with my Hay House family in sunny California. The days were packed with recordings, meetings, dinners (including a fabulous date night with Louise Hay), the spectacular I Can Do It! conference in Pasadena, and lots of delicious manifesting.

While I was there, I decided to browse the book table for a new nighttime read. Since everyone’s been gushing about E-Squared by Pam Grout, I swiped a copy (well, I didn’t actually steal it; we Hay House authors get a few cool perks, and one of them is free soul schwag).

As you know if you’ve read it, E-Squared is hilarious, easy to understand, and very compelling. The book basically demonstrates how your thoughts create your reality, and it includes nine simple experiments that prove it.

Today, I’m sharing the results from the first experiment from E-Squared and the chain reaction of goodness that I started to notice as a result.

Allow me to set the scene.

I was kinda blue. Two weeks is a long time to be away from home, especially since our new arrival (Buddy) had just joined our family. Plus, Brian had originally planned to be with me for part of the trip (couple time), but since our sweet boy came into our lives, it’s been around-the-clock feeding and care. Loving papa Brian had to take one for the team and stay home. So there I was, alone in my room, reading about energy and missing my crew. Did I mention the dark chocolate covered strawberries and hydrating mud mask?

The Dude Abides…

The first principle is called The Dude abides (after the hilarious film The Big Lebowski). The dude in this scenario is the energy field, Universe, God—whatever you’re cozy with. And the goal of the exercise is to ask and receive—not in two months or years—now. As Pam says, “This experiment will prove to you that there is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe.” Ask for a sign and give the universe 48 hours to deliver and show you it has your back.

I’ve never worked with such a quick turnaround time. It was like ordering something from Amazon Prime. I usually provide plenty of manifesting runway and stay open to the form my intention presents. It doesn’t always materialize exactly as discussed: Know what I mean? For example, you may be calling a new job into your life, praying for it, putting it on your vision board, and actively networking. Not only do you want a new job, you want the work to have meaning; you want to help others and serve. Good for you; great idea. Then poof! Your beloved aunt jets to the next dimension and leaves you gobs of cash. You take that moolah (abundance) and launch YOUR dream charity. See, ya never know how it all shakes out, but it always does. Always.

To take E-Squared’s advice for a spin, I picked something really practical.

“Hi, Universe, it’s Kris Carr from Woodstock, NY, Zip code 12498. Um, I’m reading E-Squared and the author says that you need to give me a specific and exact sign right quick. For the record, I’m not normally this demanding—she made me do it. Anyhooo, if you’re listening, I would like someone to spontaneously hand me a delicious green drink in the next 48 hours. Thanks so much.”


I guess I could have aimed higher. But hey, that’s what I needed at the time. So the next day I head to Worldwide Woo Woo headquarters (A.K.A., the Hay House main office). I have lunch with Reid Tracy, the awesome CEO (and I’m not just saying that because I want another book deal) and do some recordings with Bruce Lipton and Davidji, who brought his sweet rescue pooch, Peaches the Buddha Princess, to the sound booth. Next up, a Wayne Dyer visit. He was recording his next book and had just finished an amazing evening with Abraham. As you may imagine, I was in spiritual rock star heaven.

After a thoroughly creative and inspiring day, I grabbed my stuff and shimmied toward the door. Then it happened. Whoa. I stopped dead in my tracks. Guess who was standing there, holding a green juice in his hand and smiling? Reid!

Thank you, dearest Universe. The Dude definitely abided.


That afternoon, I took a gorgeous sunset stroll. The beautiful green elixir had rejuvenated both my body and my beliefs. As Louise always says, “Life loves you.” Cheers to that.

I often forget to ask for what I need, and I bet you do, too. But that’s not all; sometimes I don’t even notice what I’ve already created, manifested, or called forth into my life. It’s like I’m walking around with blinders on. Of course, it’s important to count our blessings. But it goes deeper. We also have to recognize all the goodness we’ve actively manifested.

And guess what? I bet you’re manifesting a lot more than you realize. Yup. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to take flight. Let the eagle be your power animal. Observe the majestic mountains, rivers, and meadows that make up your life. Little ole you created a lot of that. So much of our pain comes from the way we drive ourselves into the ground on a daily basis. We’re zooming like maniacs with barely enough time to pause and take in our accomplishments.

The relentless pace blocks us from receiving and celebrating our victories.

We just keep moving on to the next thing before we can truly appreciate our wonderful growth. Gosh, what’s all the hard work worth if we can’t smell the peonies? Can you imagine how good it would feel to periodically give yourself an Oscar acceptance speech? “I’d like to thank the academy (and my angel agents) for this imaginary award. I acknowledge and appreciate how amazing I am. In the last six months, I drastically reduced my cholesterol—without any drugs. Yay, me!”

We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

Try this with me: Crack open your journal and at the top of the page write “Noticing” and underline it. Next, list three things you’ve actively called into your life.

Here’s an example of another sweet (and very favorite) manifestation.

I’ve written about Buddy’s rescue story in the past, but I forgot to share the most important part.

A few hours before Buddy was found, Brian and I were at our local dump. In addition to unloading garbage and recycling, people can also find unwanted animals at our local transfer station. They have a shelter/adoption center. I always bring cookies and visit the sweet beings. Well, that morning I said to Brian, “I’m ready for another fur baby. Are you?” Full disclosure: I ask this question monthly. He usually responds like a smart therapist: “Honey, this is not a no, it’s a not now.” And I don’t blame him. I travel so much; we’re still wrapping our home renovation; work has been really nutty, etc. (excuse), etc. But that day it was different. That day was the best day ever. That day Brian said, “Yes, I’m ready!” Two hours later, Buddy wandered into our lives . . . . BAM! Manifesting a-go-go!

Your Turn: Share one of your victories in the comments below. The universe and I can’t wait to celebrate you.

Peace & Manifesting,

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Perfect reminder, thank-you!

  2. Vero says:

    SO I live in a first floor, its a cute house, but not much natural sunlight or good sights, plus it gets cold. Which is a shame because where I live, we have sunny mornings and afternoons about 80% of the year AND im sorrounded by trees and parks. So everyday I walk my dog around this gogeous park, and there houses around it. I spotted a house on a third floor, with a gorgeous balcony, coffee table out side, and sights of the park. So for the past month, I would sit on a bench with direct view to the balcony for about 5 to 10 minutes and watch it visualizing myself in it, even thinking what furniture I would add, music I would play, feel the amazingness of enjoying my coffee there. All this not wondering HOW it would happen (im pretty sure the owners would not let go of the house easily, let alone me having enough money). Well guess what, last week I discovered the apartment on the last floor of my building (4thfloor) was being rented, in an attempt to be of service to my landlord I said I would help him rent it and asked permission to see it, and guess what, I couldnt believe it, it was my dream come true. Huge windows, light pouring in, warm, sight of the abundant tall trees right in front of the building and the clear blue sky, and of course, a long balcony with access to these sights and space to fit a coffee table and plenty of furniture. Best part? a little under a hundred dollars more than my apartment, which is totally affordable for me. Of course I reserved it for me and will move in very soon. The funniest part is it took me a while to connect the dots of the LOA at work, a couple of days went by. I got exactly what i wanted – perhaps not the same balcony, but I did get the benefits or reasons why I liked that balcony – sunlight, sights of nature, warmth, and the space of a balcony – so I get what Chris says that it has funny ways of working, the LOA, its not that it gives you exactly what you focus on, it fullfills your DESIRES or motives, but the delivery is usually a surprise, lol. Its not the first time I experience this, so at leats for me its usually like this. And often the outcome, or the delivery the universe finds to satisfy my desires, is even better for me, than the initial object or symbol of my desires, I wanted to attract.

  3. Beril says:

    Okay, then I am ordering;

    Hello beautiful lovely universe! I love you so much but I know that you love me so so much more than I can ever imagine from my limited perspective. Since I really feel excited about trying out what Kris suggested in this post, I want to play it with you also. I know that you always give me what I truly need for my highest good. However, according to this game’s rule, I have to say something very specific and give you 48 blue planet hours to show me the result. Besides my exciting scientific life, I love painting spiritual topics. I especially love to make meditating, soul connection illustrations, to be used as an altar object, and to motivate people on their inner-work processes. So far, I sold some paintings, but I am very interested to get custom meditating girl/boy illustrations and to experience having very satisfied costumers. Yes, I want to see these costumers giving orders and smiling afterwards. 🙂 Your 48 hours time is started with my local time of my physical being 🙂 and I enjoyed a lot, while I was writing this post. Thanks Kris for giving opportunity! 🙂

  4. isabelle says:

    I wanted so badly to go back to the south of France where I belonged, and it finally happened! Iwanted to get a new coat , elegant, warm and trendy, and not too expensive , and it came to me!! I wanted a pretty baby daughter and I got her, so beautiful and adorable! I wanted to find a gift for a friend and i was totally lost , so i let it go, and the perfect gift came to me… etc.. etc;… and yet , now I want things so badly and i don’t trust the Universe enough!!!! so thanks a lot for this post, it gives me confidence, Kris, and i’m going to read E squared I bought one year ago and haven’t read yet!!! i wish you a beautiful, peaceful, radiant year! love from France, XO

  5. Skye Winters says:

    This summer, sitting in my front yard, dreaming about what I wanted to do with it. I really, really, wanted to start a beautiful hedge, but didn’t have the money to spend on something like that. I still set it in my mind, all my thoughts about this hedge. Ended up taking care of someone’s cat for an unexpected two weeks. The owner returned, she got a new job working in a gardening store that week and by the end of it, she had brought back 6 beautiful hedge bushes that were going to be thrown out. She gave each of them to me, meanwhile an older woman down the street came over to help plant them, bringing some hedge liner and picking up woodchips/soil for me in her truck. Now I have this beautiful hedge growing, granting me privacy and my kids safety from running out onto the street. Would have never been possible, I thought at one time, but it was exactly my thoughts that made it possible!

  6. Barbara says:

    I had been thinking for awhile that I wanted a new more comfortable desk chair for my home office where I do freelance writing. One Sunday Sunday I had a feeling to skip my Unity church service and go instead to a talk on Chinese medicine at the Methodist church in walking distance to my home. I listened to Spirit and took a shortcut down a walking path near my apartment. What did I see on the path but an abandoned black faux leather desk chair! I said to myself if the chair is there when I come back from the lecture, the Universe wants me to have it. The chair was there after I came back from lecture so I wheeled it up to my apartment. Two of the casters were missing and, of course, the casters from my old desk chair fit perfectly. Thank you, Spirit!

  7. Jamie says:

    This may seem like a lame manifestation, but I really like the song “Simple Man”. But I like the cover Shinedown does of it so on my Pandora even though an hour earlier they had played it I thought I really wished “Simple Man” would come on again, and literally two songs later there it was. I just pointed up because I knew.

  8. Hi Kris,
    I read Pam Grout’s E-squared and loved the experiments in the book. I asked for a specific sign (a thunder clap struck right above my RV) concerning my psychic biz. I said, “Holy Crap, you’re fast.”
    I recommend this book to all of my clients and students. So, thank for sharing!
    Thanks so much, Trisha.

  9. Kristen says:

    Hubby & I talked about building a small rock wall around our rural mailbox to expand our flower bed. I had envisioned about 8 ft long, 2 ft wide, our pretty barn red rural mail box in the middle. And I wanted river rocks – soft and beautiful colors that would really be a highlight to the flowers and beautiful during the colder months. Picking river rocks is a LOT of work, but we thought we’d take the kids when we had time and let them swim and help us pick rocks. In other words: project on the back burner. We didn’t tell anyone our plans and really just stopped thinking about it. Three hours later, my brother in law calls and says, “Do you know where I can dump a load of river rocks?” Half an hour later, he shows up to DELIVER a trailer load of the most beautiful, graceful river rock you’ve ever seen. I spent the rest of the afternoon in a state of amazed joy & satisfaction!

  10. Nathalie says:


    I love the green juice story.

    It’s funny how the universe responds when you ask for something very specific.

    or not..
    I once said that I wanted that i was opening the door to dating, so bring it on. The very next day, I had an email in my inbox. Sure enough I had a date lined up. I’d opened the door, but hadn’t specific about actually having a date. Funny!

    As for E-Squared, I asked for solid proof that there was a really greater power. I know. I don’t need proof, but it was one of the experiments. So why not? At the grocery store the next day, I went through the self-checkout line. I paid with my card and took out some cash. I received 60$ more than I’d asked for (I double checked). Proof — cuz really that’s never happened to me.

  11. jenny ryan says:

    OMG! I’m currently manifesting something extremely important to me that i live Sri very much, and though i am a beginer i am full of faith and excitement…so I’m going to do the Dude Abides test….ill let u know in48 hours how it goes..

  12. Brittany says:

    “Angel Agents” – I LOVE IT! I used to be an actress AND work at a talent agency, so I just love the idea of having angel agents up there working their butts off, negotiating miracles for me! haha! Most recently, I’ve actively manifested my business, my soulmate AND this really cute dress that I lost in a hotel room. I found the EXACT dress on ebay, IN MY SIZE, sold by a person with my name! Some people call that a coincidence – I call it manifestation in action. Thank you Kris for all that you do! xoxox

  13. E2 is a really great read for anyone just warming up to the idea of manifesting (and also perfect for master manifesters!). It’s funny, hip, and relevant! Definitely a must-read!

    My biggest success story this year: I recently manifested being released from my corp job to pursue my passion for helping others full time!

  14. Aqiyl Aniys says:

    I just ask to see the opportunities in everything to improve myself daily. It works.

  15. Meghan says:

    Last year, I manifested my amazing boyfriend into my life! I was very frustrated about finding love and decided to really pray and meditate on it. I used Marianne Williamson’s guided prayers to the universe. I put up pictures of happy couples. And lo and behold, I randomly met him at a restaurant. He loves meditating and has become a vegan with me. I know if I hadn’t gotten clear about my desire, we never would have met. It really works! 🙂

  16. Sue says:

    I suffered for years with acid reflux. It really affected the quality if my life. My doctor prescribed Prilosec and it worked but I hated to take it. My granddaughter who is vegan suggested I try that. 6 months later no reflux, lost 10 pounds and feel terrific. Can’t believe how delicious a plant based diet can be!

  17. DJ says:

    Good morning, I love, love, love this post (and all of your others as well). You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for being you. YOU ROCK.

    cheers to good health.
    DJ – XO

  18. Elane says:

    Spot on with this write-up, I truly feel this website needs a great
    deal more attention. I’ll probably be back again to read through
    more, thanks for the advice!

  19. I have PTSD and recently got a service dog, named Nova. The organization that I went through, Service Dogs Express, assesses and trains shelter dogs to become service dogs for wounded warriors and civilians, like me. I am already feeling more joyous and confident with Nova at my side. Plus she is a cute and social little mutt that just seems to love being out and about. I just got approval to take Nova to work with me tomorrow and am so relieved and excited.

    I love your smoothie recipes and so appreciate your positive messages. They are an inspiration as I strive for better health and happiness in life.

    Best wishes for joy in your life!


  20. Dianne says:

    Here’s my latest: My 86 year old mom & I have an agreement that the first of us to go over will send a message back in the form of the song I was named for called ‘Diane’. In Dec of 2013 I was very worried and having a rough time. I stopped into a Walgreens pharmacy that I seldom use and while I was at counter this song started playing that I recognized. It was ‘Diane’. What are the chances of a song written in 1927 playing during the 10 minute interval that I happened to visit the store when I hadn’t even been there in the past 6 weeks? I had never even heard this 1964 rendition and this was 2013. I knew that even though my mom was still alive somehow someone got the order to play that song. When I recognized the lyrics I burst into tears and knew that everything was going to be fine and turn out well and it has……

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