Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Manifesting Your Desires: A Guide to Asking & Receiving

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Hi Sweet Friends,

In fall 2013, I spent two glorious weeks working with my Hay House family in sunny California. The days were packed with recordings, meetings, dinners (including a fabulous date night with Louise Hay), the spectacular I Can Do It! conference in Pasadena, and lots of delicious manifesting.

While I was there, I decided to browse the book table for a new nighttime read. Since everyone’s been gushing about E-Squared by Pam Grout, I swiped a copy (well, I didn’t actually steal it; we Hay House authors get a few cool perks, and one of them is free soul schwag).

As you know if you’ve read it, E-Squared is hilarious, easy to understand, and very compelling. The book basically demonstrates how your thoughts create your reality, and it includes nine simple experiments that prove it.

Today, I’m sharing the results from the first experiment from E-Squared and the chain reaction of goodness that I started to notice as a result.

Allow me to set the scene.

I was kinda blue. Two weeks is a long time to be away from home, especially since our new arrival (Buddy) had just joined our family. Plus, Brian had originally planned to be with me for part of the trip (couple time), but since our sweet boy came into our lives, it’s been around-the-clock feeding and care. Loving papa Brian had to take one for the team and stay home. So there I was, alone in my room, reading about energy and missing my crew. Did I mention the dark chocolate covered strawberries and hydrating mud mask?

The Dude Abides…

The first principle is called The Dude abides (after the hilarious film The Big Lebowski). The dude in this scenario is the energy field, Universe, God—whatever you’re cozy with. And the goal of the exercise is to ask and receive—not in two months or years—now. As Pam says, “This experiment will prove to you that there is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe.” Ask for a sign and give the universe 48 hours to deliver and show you it has your back.

I’ve never worked with such a quick turnaround time. It was like ordering something from Amazon Prime. I usually provide plenty of manifesting runway and stay open to the form my intention presents. It doesn’t always materialize exactly as discussed: Know what I mean? For example, you may be calling a new job into your life, praying for it, putting it on your vision board, and actively networking. Not only do you want a new job, you want the work to have meaning; you want to help others and serve. Good for you; great idea. Then poof! Your beloved aunt jets to the next dimension and leaves you gobs of cash. You take that moolah (abundance) and launch YOUR dream charity. See, ya never know how it all shakes out, but it always does. Always.

To take E-Squared’s advice for a spin, I picked something really practical.

“Hi, Universe, it’s Kris Carr from Woodstock, NY, Zip code 12498. Um, I’m reading E-Squared and the author says that you need to give me a specific and exact sign right quick. For the record, I’m not normally this demanding—she made me do it. Anyhooo, if you’re listening, I would like someone to spontaneously hand me a delicious green drink in the next 48 hours. Thanks so much.”


I guess I could have aimed higher. But hey, that’s what I needed at the time. So the next day I head to Worldwide Woo Woo headquarters (A.K.A., the Hay House main office). I have lunch with Reid Tracy, the awesome CEO (and I’m not just saying that because I want another book deal) and do some recordings with Bruce Lipton and Davidji, who brought his sweet rescue pooch, Peaches the Buddha Princess, to the sound booth. Next up, a Wayne Dyer visit. He was recording his next book and had just finished an amazing evening with Abraham. As you may imagine, I was in spiritual rock star heaven.

After a thoroughly creative and inspiring day, I grabbed my stuff and shimmied toward the door. Then it happened. Whoa. I stopped dead in my tracks. Guess who was standing there, holding a green juice in his hand and smiling? Reid!

Thank you, dearest Universe. The Dude definitely abided.


That afternoon, I took a gorgeous sunset stroll. The beautiful green elixir had rejuvenated both my body and my beliefs. As Louise always says, “Life loves you.” Cheers to that.

I often forget to ask for what I need, and I bet you do, too. But that’s not all; sometimes I don’t even notice what I’ve already created, manifested, or called forth into my life. It’s like I’m walking around with blinders on. Of course, it’s important to count our blessings. But it goes deeper. We also have to recognize all the goodness we’ve actively manifested.

And guess what? I bet you’re manifesting a lot more than you realize. Yup. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to take flight. Let the eagle be your power animal. Observe the majestic mountains, rivers, and meadows that make up your life. Little ole you created a lot of that. So much of our pain comes from the way we drive ourselves into the ground on a daily basis. We’re zooming like maniacs with barely enough time to pause and take in our accomplishments.

The relentless pace blocks us from receiving and celebrating our victories.

We just keep moving on to the next thing before we can truly appreciate our wonderful growth. Gosh, what’s all the hard work worth if we can’t smell the peonies? Can you imagine how good it would feel to periodically give yourself an Oscar acceptance speech? “I’d like to thank the academy (and my angel agents) for this imaginary award. I acknowledge and appreciate how amazing I am. In the last six months, I drastically reduced my cholesterol—without any drugs. Yay, me!”

We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

Try this with me: Crack open your journal and at the top of the page write “Noticing” and underline it. Next, list three things you’ve actively called into your life.

Here’s an example of another sweet (and very favorite) manifestation.

I’ve written about Buddy’s rescue story in the past, but I forgot to share the most important part.

A few hours before Buddy was found, Brian and I were at our local dump. In addition to unloading garbage and recycling, people can also find unwanted animals at our local transfer station. They have a shelter/adoption center. I always bring cookies and visit the sweet beings. Well, that morning I said to Brian, “I’m ready for another fur baby. Are you?” Full disclosure: I ask this question monthly. He usually responds like a smart therapist: “Honey, this is not a no, it’s a not now.” And I don’t blame him. I travel so much; we’re still wrapping our home renovation; work has been really nutty, etc. (excuse), etc. But that day it was different. That day was the best day ever. That day Brian said, “Yes, I’m ready!” Two hours later, Buddy wandered into our lives . . . . BAM! Manifesting a-go-go!

Your Turn: Share one of your victories in the comments below. The universe and I can’t wait to celebrate you.

Peace & Manifesting,

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  1. siri jostad says:

    kris-i bought E-squared and am reading it but….i’ve gotten to the first experiment and i’m hesitating to read it. I’m afraid ‘what if it doesn’t work for me?”. So i want to ask you: will it work for me even if i do it some lingering doubts? will it work for me if i’m afraid of failure?

    • siri jostad says:

      i am replying to myself and laughing at the beauty of things as i do! 🙂 Big smile. After i wrote my question above, i clicked through email and went to my 7 days of gifts from Oprah and Deepak…todays meditation was called Miraculous Relationships. Right out the gate…they answered my questions and addressed the fears i’d been asking you, kris about.

      This is what they said:

      what you ask for from the world is exactly what you’re getting back!
      it is REAL and it works whether you recognize it or not.
      Our ability to attract goodness is MOST powerful when we DO recognize it and cultivate that which we hope to attract within ourselves first!
      Empowered with that crystal clarity, the universe will answer and will provide.
      Rumi says: What you seek…is seeking you.

      wow…i was uncontainably giddy through the meditation and SO excited…actually laughing at how miraculous God and universe really are. I asked–they/he answered. I just though i was asking Kris! ha ha.

      I think i’ll go read that experiment now…and DO it.

      • siri jostad says:

        I wish i could post a photo i took…after doing the experiment, i drank down my turmeric tea (turmeric powder muddled with raw honey, a dash of fresh lemon juice and a twist of black pepper) because when i drank it down last night what was left for me in the dregs was distinctly the shape of a heart ( a little cuppa love from the universe! My daughter claimed ‘tea leaf reading’). Could this be my blessing from the Dude Abides experiment? Or would it be more/something different? I felt thrilled either way. Signs of love are so warming.

  2. Kate says:

    I read this book last summer- When I did the first exercise, it was seeing a butterfly. That same day I went to the gas station and there-on the pump-sat a butterfly, It stayed until I was done pimping the gas a flew away. Fast forward to a few days ago. I went to the same Speedway where I had the experience with the butterfly on the pump. As I was getting out of my car, the thought came to me about a butterfly and that experience. As it is very cold here now, I thought ” Not to likely I will see a butterfly in this weather-I then thought well, perhaps in the store, a pic or something. Nothing at all, When I got home and was on FB, on my newsfeed was a pic of a friend whose daughter had drawn a butterfly on her face- then Christmas at a friends house there was a huge butterfly drawing on her fridge.

  3. Kari Petterson says:

    Loved the blog, it’s my first time reading you. So here’s my share…Nightly for several weeks an owl (occassionally a pair) has been sitting on the light post outside my urban home beckoning me to remember the mystical underpinnings of life. At least I think that’s what they’re saying, perhaps they’re just having a hoot! Anyway, in the last several days I’ve finally taken the time to reflect on this.

    The last two years have been ones of transformation, with a hit-list that includes divorce, loosing a house, moving, the death of my father and helping close the family business. But more potent is the spiritual rejuvination occuring, including the surrender of ego, opening to be of service to the universe, an awareness of connectedness, identifying with my true essence, knowing that I am love, loved, lovable and loving, desirable, desired, cherished, brilliant, perceptive, accepted -reversing the false beliefs that pervaded my past thinking patterns. Manifesting things weren’t on my radar then, I just wanted to feel whole, to understand who I am, to connect with the eternal and unchanging. Early on in this spiritual awakening was manifested a life partner who is an amazing barrometer for my inner thought life and a wonderful support through these recent life chapters. He is also uniquely able to help my mother with the loss of her husband of 49 years. And this manifested a YEAR BEFORE these needs arose.

    So, yes, the Dude Abides in spades and is GOOD!

  4. Cynthia Selkow says:

    I have manifested my home…..(exactly as I envisioned it); my two children, (in the correct order); I created an occupation for myself; and most recently manifested a sun room and a roof for my home. Now I find myself unemployed at 60 years old, and my previous occupation is no longer an option for me as the requirements for MA and licensure have now changed. So despite almost 30 years in the field, I am not not qualified to do the job that I love and have received high praise from state licensing and from everywhere I have ever worked or consulted. I need a new dream, but I have not idea what even to ask for…..I will try and manifest a hopeful email about my situation. When people asked me what I wanted to do next I said, “work with Oprah,” and I actually applied for a field reporter with her company. Nothing yet…:-( Anyway…I admire you so much….I was blown away by Crazy, Sexy cancer…you are a strong and amazing woman. Thanks for being such an inspiration to so many for such a long time….:Love and blessings to you Kris, Cynthia

  5. alexander says:

    The Dude showed up at 6 am in the cold dark windscreen frosted morning
    in a deserted place where i was staying.
    A van started just down from me then pulled up next to me and an arm
    extended a new can of Ice remover to me…keep it the voice said i do not need it and drove off.

    Then i went to the local amenity centre..the dump an old tv.
    4pm on a Sunday afternoon in December. A car pulled up next to me.

    It was a 1965 Ford Falcon orange sunset beige in colour and had CALIFORNIA plates on it.
    This is England we do not have California Licence plates.
    let alone a car i last saw when i hired one in Canada in 1965. aarrgghhh.

    Only wanted the proofs of the principle..which i have.
    Now i am very careful …and…how doi look for the Love in everything i think i see. ?

  6. Matt Greener says:

    Very timely and a good reminder that we need to live in gratitude, not just talk about it briefly one day per year. Thank you!

  7. Liz says:

    I manifested my husband. I didn’t really mean to, I hadn’t heard of manifesting at the time. I was trying a meditation from a book called the Joy Diet by Martha Beck. It said to spend 10 minutes a day visualizing, in as much detail as possible, that you had some thing you wanted. I pictured a man kissing my pregnant belly. I pictured us staring pensively at an abstract piece of art when he leans over and says, “I don’t get it.” And we both laugh inapropriately loud. Well about 3 weeks later I bumped into a man at a meeting-like literally bumped. And all of a sudden he was the guy kissing my pregnant belly in my visualization. This actually made me pretty angry at first, that was MY personal perfect place. Well two weeks after that bump we were inseparable. He proposed 11 months later and 6 months after that we were in Ireland for our honeymoon. I am happy to report that we are currently 6.5 months pregnant and he kisses my belly all the time.

  8. I bought this book (E-Squared) a few weeks ago and haven’t had time to read it. Putting it at the top of my list today! Thanks.

  9. Tori says:

    Last Christmas I had heard rumors that my daughter-in-law was cheating on my son. Of course I couldn’t say anything to him because of the children. Woke up one morning around 5:00am to go to the bathroom. I looked out the window and there was a lone star. I looked at it and I asked it to help my son find the truth. The next day he came over with a receipt he had found with the other guy’s name and phone number in his house. What are the chances of that?

  10. Tanya says:

    I am a cancer survivor (had lymphoma/hodgkins disease mass when I was 17 (4% curable and I was cured) and 30 years later breast cancer caused by the radiation that was part of what saved my life 30 years earlier – I am fine now. As I grew older I have wanted to find a way to share my healing with other, being via Reiki or some other modality. YESTERDAY I led my first healing circle for a dear friend fighting cancer. I am a Kundalini Yoga Teacher in training and we chanted the Kundalini Yoga Siri Giantri Mantra and surrounded our dear friend with healing white light and love! I did it!

    Thanks for asking Kris!

    Tanya Dixon

  11. Pam says:

    “We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. I love that line, Kris!

    It is so true. It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget what has magically appeared in our experience. For instance, at the beginning of the year, I wanted to lose those extra five pounds that wouldn’t got away. I kept “hearing” this voice in my head, drink green juice. At the time, I had stumbled onto yoga with Tara Stiles. She introduced me to you, and you changed my life! Losing the five pounds was no longer the objective, but months later when I got on the scale, I had lost ten pounds. I’m in the best shape of my life, and I shine from the inside out! I created not only a new body, but a new lifestyle…and with that, anything is possible.

    Keep rocking!

  12. One of my victories has been calling forth a mighty group of loving, strong and noble women when I was feeling lonely and lost. We are now sisters. xxx

  13. Mariann says:

    I had heard of the book, E-Squared, a while back but your post inspired me to get it. I hadn’t even gotten to exercise one but as financial issues have been primary in my mind of late, I decided to “test the theory” and ask for a check in 48 hours. Now, I knew the universe would have to really get in gear to make this happen because it’s a holiday week (Thanksgiving was yesterday) and no mail on Sunday which would be the 48 hour mark but I decided to put it out there anyway. That same day I sent my request out to God, nearly six hours later, a check for $30 came in the mail. 🙂 Now, in the past I’ve been kind of a “Negative Nelly” when it comes to these type of things but I’ve made a lot of changes in my life this last year and have adapted the attitude of being willing to try nearly anything as long as it doesn’t conflict with my core values. I had debated asking for something less necessary, like Pam’s potato masher example or your green juice, but decided to just go for the gold, so to speak. Glad I did! I look forward to trying the other experiments. Much love and appreciation for you Kris!! …..Mariann

  14. Kris Carr says:

    Your stories are so amazing! Spent the day after Thanksgiving catching up and filling up on all the goodness here. Thank u! x

  15. Jessica says:

    Just ordered E-Squared. So looking forward to it. Thank you. What a beautiful manifestation of Buddy.

  16. Janelle says:

    Thank you for this post! I never heard of E-squared but read the “Look Inside” on Amazon. Sounds like a great book so I ordered the Kindle version to have it right away. I really could use some making things happen refocusing.

  17. Stacy says:

    Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to read this book 🙂

  18. priti says:

    inspiration u are 🙂 nd magical too!
    i jotted a crazy super demanding ( i honest ain;t a demanding sorta person…like i cant muster courage to tell my own mother what i want for birthday meal upon her asking is a good example! haha
    i jotted crazy demands from the bug U 🙂 and guess what !!!?
    worked 🙂

    lotsa love and special gratitude your way and lousie hay’s way 🙂 ( it’s via her fb that we connected )



    bombay, india

  19. Jessica Smith says:

    I’ve been struggling with some not serious, but uncomfortable health issues this year. After making many diet changes, seeing a Naturopath, trying different supplements and spending a fortune, I plateaued. I saw a few minor improvements but still feeling “uncomfortable”. On my way to my favourite Warm Yin Yoga class I said a little prayer. I asked for me to be able to step back, stop forcing my recovery and listen to the guidance that’s being whispered to me. I basically asked for help getting out of my own way so I could hear clearly what the next step is for me on this journey. That night we focused on poses that detox the stomach and the spleen. The spleen resonated and I kept asking the same question over and over again in my head…”What are some of the symptoms of a blocked spleen”. After class I asked the instructor and she named a few things I’ve been feeling for quite some time. Then she told me she’s a student of Bio-Energy Healing and although she’s completed her term assignment she’d be happy to use me as her last case study and treat me for FREE!!! 4 40 minute sessions at no charge. Whether we unblock what’s happening or not in those 4 days, I truly believe this is the next step on my journey to healing my body. Thank you Universe!!! Prayer answered. Turns out I just needed to ask…and get out of my own way. Thank you for sharing your story about Buddy. I’m awaiting the day my partner says “Yes, I’m ready” too. That will be the best day ever and I’ll head to my fave local rescue shelter immediately! 🙂

  20. Debbie says:

    Thank you for all that you do!!! You are awesome!!! You shared with us where you purchased your facial products….thank you!! Can you please share where you purchase your makeup and shampoo etc…. of course, all natural and organic. Thank you again!!! The book sounds awesome!!! Cannot wait to read it and start manifesting wonderful things in my life!!

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