Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Manifesting Your Desires: A Guide to Asking & Receiving

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Hi Sweet Friends,

In fall 2013, I spent two glorious weeks working with my Hay House family in sunny California. The days were packed with recordings, meetings, dinners (including a fabulous date night with Louise Hay), the spectacular I Can Do It! conference in Pasadena, and lots of delicious manifesting.

While I was there, I decided to browse the book table for a new nighttime read. Since everyone’s been gushing about E-Squared by Pam Grout, I swiped a copy (well, I didn’t actually steal it; we Hay House authors get a few cool perks, and one of them is free soul schwag).

As you know if you’ve read it, E-Squared is hilarious, easy to understand, and very compelling. The book basically demonstrates how your thoughts create your reality, and it includes nine simple experiments that prove it.

Today, I’m sharing the results from the first experiment from E-Squared and the chain reaction of goodness that I started to notice as a result.

Allow me to set the scene.

I was kinda blue. Two weeks is a long time to be away from home, especially since our new arrival (Buddy) had just joined our family. Plus, Brian had originally planned to be with me for part of the trip (couple time), but since our sweet boy came into our lives, it’s been around-the-clock feeding and care. Loving papa Brian had to take one for the team and stay home. So there I was, alone in my room, reading about energy and missing my crew. Did I mention the dark chocolate covered strawberries and hydrating mud mask?

The Dude Abides…

The first principle is called The Dude abides (after the hilarious film The Big Lebowski). The dude in this scenario is the energy field, Universe, God—whatever you’re cozy with. And the goal of the exercise is to ask and receive—not in two months or years—now. As Pam says, “This experiment will prove to you that there is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe.” Ask for a sign and give the universe 48 hours to deliver and show you it has your back.

I’ve never worked with such a quick turnaround time. It was like ordering something from Amazon Prime. I usually provide plenty of manifesting runway and stay open to the form my intention presents. It doesn’t always materialize exactly as discussed: Know what I mean? For example, you may be calling a new job into your life, praying for it, putting it on your vision board, and actively networking. Not only do you want a new job, you want the work to have meaning; you want to help others and serve. Good for you; great idea. Then poof! Your beloved aunt jets to the next dimension and leaves you gobs of cash. You take that moolah (abundance) and launch YOUR dream charity. See, ya never know how it all shakes out, but it always does. Always.

To take E-Squared’s advice for a spin, I picked something really practical.

“Hi, Universe, it’s Kris Carr from Woodstock, NY, Zip code 12498. Um, I’m reading E-Squared and the author says that you need to give me a specific and exact sign right quick. For the record, I’m not normally this demanding—she made me do it. Anyhooo, if you’re listening, I would like someone to spontaneously hand me a delicious green drink in the next 48 hours. Thanks so much.”


I guess I could have aimed higher. But hey, that’s what I needed at the time. So the next day I head to Worldwide Woo Woo headquarters (A.K.A., the Hay House main office). I have lunch with Reid Tracy, the awesome CEO (and I’m not just saying that because I want another book deal) and do some recordings with Bruce Lipton and Davidji, who brought his sweet rescue pooch, Peaches the Buddha Princess, to the sound booth. Next up, a Wayne Dyer visit. He was recording his next book and had just finished an amazing evening with Abraham. As you may imagine, I was in spiritual rock star heaven.

After a thoroughly creative and inspiring day, I grabbed my stuff and shimmied toward the door. Then it happened. Whoa. I stopped dead in my tracks. Guess who was standing there, holding a green juice in his hand and smiling? Reid!

Thank you, dearest Universe. The Dude definitely abided.


That afternoon, I took a gorgeous sunset stroll. The beautiful green elixir had rejuvenated both my body and my beliefs. As Louise always says, “Life loves you.” Cheers to that.

I often forget to ask for what I need, and I bet you do, too. But that’s not all; sometimes I don’t even notice what I’ve already created, manifested, or called forth into my life. It’s like I’m walking around with blinders on. Of course, it’s important to count our blessings. But it goes deeper. We also have to recognize all the goodness we’ve actively manifested.

And guess what? I bet you’re manifesting a lot more than you realize. Yup. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to take flight. Let the eagle be your power animal. Observe the majestic mountains, rivers, and meadows that make up your life. Little ole you created a lot of that. So much of our pain comes from the way we drive ourselves into the ground on a daily basis. We’re zooming like maniacs with barely enough time to pause and take in our accomplishments.

The relentless pace blocks us from receiving and celebrating our victories.

We just keep moving on to the next thing before we can truly appreciate our wonderful growth. Gosh, what’s all the hard work worth if we can’t smell the peonies? Can you imagine how good it would feel to periodically give yourself an Oscar acceptance speech? “I’d like to thank the academy (and my angel agents) for this imaginary award. I acknowledge and appreciate how amazing I am. In the last six months, I drastically reduced my cholesterol—without any drugs. Yay, me!”

We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

Try this with me: Crack open your journal and at the top of the page write “Noticing” and underline it. Next, list three things you’ve actively called into your life.

Here’s an example of another sweet (and very favorite) manifestation.

I’ve written about Buddy’s rescue story in the past, but I forgot to share the most important part.

A few hours before Buddy was found, Brian and I were at our local dump. In addition to unloading garbage and recycling, people can also find unwanted animals at our local transfer station. They have a shelter/adoption center. I always bring cookies and visit the sweet beings. Well, that morning I said to Brian, “I’m ready for another fur baby. Are you?” Full disclosure: I ask this question monthly. He usually responds like a smart therapist: “Honey, this is not a no, it’s a not now.” And I don’t blame him. I travel so much; we’re still wrapping our home renovation; work has been really nutty, etc. (excuse), etc. But that day it was different. That day was the best day ever. That day Brian said, “Yes, I’m ready!” Two hours later, Buddy wandered into our lives . . . . BAM! Manifesting a-go-go!

Your Turn: Share one of your victories in the comments below. The universe and I can’t wait to celebrate you.

Peace & Manifesting,

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  1. Sarah says:

    Oh Kris! I read this post yesterday and it sounded to woo-woo Hay House-ish for me. Then I tried it. I think I feared that it wouldn’t work and then I wouldn’t be able to believe in the law of attraction any more. I have always known, on some level, that I can manifest things in my life….but this was different. My 9-month old hasn’t been sleeping well. For the past few weeks she has been up through the night for hours. Screaming at first, then just happy, and awake. Yesterday after reading your post I said to my almost 3-year old, “Let’s manifest something from the universe.” He said, “What is it mama?” To which I replied, “Hello Universe! Evelyn needs more sleep. I need more sleep. Let’s all sleep a full night tonight!” My son said “Yup, let’s sleep.” And….well I think you know where this goes…I put her down to sleep at 6:45 pm and woke up at 7:20….AM!! Breasts enormously full (she has been nursing numerous times each night while she’s awake….) and me blissfully happy and rested. Bring it on, Universe. Let’s do this!!

  2. Nicki says:

    Hi Kris,
    I’m a big fan! I ordered E Squared right away, but I didn’t wait to do the 48 hour exercise. I asked for a delicious invitation. And I got an invitation to join two friends for dinner next week! My book is arriving today. So Grateful!

  3. Melissa says:

    Love, Love, Love this post!! It is so true.. I just put mine out to the universe I will let you know how the 48 hours goes!

  4. Mia says:

    I LOVE E-Squared! I read it this past September and have been playing with it ever since. The first Dude Abides I tried was while I was driving. I said, “Universe, I would love to see a shiny red Toyota Corolla drive past.” Nothing fancy, just a test. In less than 10 minutes, that little shiny red car drove past and hung a left just in time for me to see exactly what it was! Also, I had a dream last may about an Audi car. I told myself either myself of someone I know would have an Audi before November this year. Sure enough, on October 31st, my mom drove up in an Audi Allroad!!! Definitely a great reminder to keep listening, tuning in, AND being grateful!

  5. Kat says:

    Can you manifest something without really asking? My mom died three weeks ago and I am devastated. I was telling my new therapist last night that there is no one left to spoil me. This morning, there in my inbox was an emailed gift card to a spa from a friend I don’t see often. I wept and thought, “Well, here is someone spoiling me…”

  6. Sue says:

    Finding your site was the answer to my asking.
    Wow! I have a lot to learn and enjoy.

  7. Sheyla says:

    Lovely blog post, very inspiring. Weird enough, I came across the very same book last week and have tried to manifest, but I already seem to have failed at the first exercise 🙁 Not even a “basic” wish came true. Oh well.

  8. Alexandra says:

    Kris, this post came into my life in the perfect moment. Thanks for the inspirations: I immediately took your call to action and wrote 3 things I’ve Noticed and Manifested.

    Victory: Attracting 2 open full-time positions that challenge me, are in alignment with my core passions & values and allow me to use my strengths as virtues in action.

    Thanks you, Universe!

  9. CLH says:

    Kris – thanks so much for this great reminder of how powerful we are. I enjoyed reading it along with the posts by your readers with their own examples of things they had manifested in 48. I decided to manifest a compliment — sounds easy but I wanted to hear from someone in my day that I looked nice, cute outfit, great earrings, whatever. Just to see what would happen. Walked In the door to our office this morning, started a conversation and before long in less than 5 minutes, our assistant said to me, you look really pretty today. Huh? What? It was just too cool. I love this manifesting stuff. Now, what to create for tomorrow?

  10. Karen Zummo says:

    As I read your blog I had to laugh! I just came home from a manifest X3…. I was out for some therapeutic shopping with my daughter today. As usual, I sported a ball cap on my bald head, as I am in treatment. I guess I’ve grown weary of the “looks” that say, “I’m afraid to speak to you”. Today, I asked God to just let someone say something to me instead of just look then quickly dart their eyes away when I see them. I said, “Please, let me feel supported today!” No kidding, within 5 minutes of this throw up prayer a young girl turned to me between the rows of shoes and asked, “So are you in treatment?” YES, YES I AM…..
    She was a survivor who had battled leukemia at 9 years old and was recently declared cancer free after many years. Okay, so that wasn’t good enough for my source of power. As I walked away from this girl and turned down another isle of the store a woman approached me and said, “I have to give you a hug. We are sisters.” Another survivor! Needless to say, another 10 minutes of talking and encouragement went out and the conversation ended with a phone number in my pocket. But the story isn’t complete without the X3. A young sales assistant was listening to our conversation and came up to me and gave me a big hug and told me to hang in there. She was so inspired that she wants to dye her hair pink! LOL! She was cute enough to pull that off if she does. So, all that to say, there is power is our thoughts, power in our source, and I had a dang good shopping trip!

  11. Michelle Pfeiffer says:

    I LOVE this – especially the part about Buddy!

  12. This is the third time within the last week I’ve heard about e-squared. I think the universe wants me to read it. Thanks for your insights, Kris, and for reminding me that I have a green drink tucked away in my fridge!

  13. mia says:

    OK, so I read your post yesterday while I was up at 2am, because I havent been able to sleep for 2 weeks because I have a launch date(dec 1) for my business and I have no idea how I will be able to follow through, and ppl are counting on me. I have no $$ and I cant get any loans..
    so I was desperate and I figured I would try, so I did.
    I opened the mail from yesterday, since I was too depressed yesterday to open it, and there was a check from a federal agency, apparently there has been some new law and when you lose a home, there are funds from the final sale that have to be returned..crazy right? I lost my home 3 years ago! This does work! the check wasnt much in monetary value but in the spiritual realm, it was BIG 🙂

  14. Helen Savage says:

    I love your story Kris, thanks for sharing, i also just recently purchased E-squared, the past few months i had been having some challenges with our 14yr old son, he was choosing the path travelled to destruction, anyway to cut a long story short, love and belief in his true light that shines within him and i can always see, kept me moving forward, i had been told about that 1st experiment in E-squared of Pam’s awesome book and yep fabulous funny and simple read, I’m actually getting a copy for all my 5 children, anyway, i had intended to purchase the book, though proclaimed to the universe i wanted a sign to show they were there as the book says, i gave it 48hrs, at the 47hr i went to a book store I’m not familiar with to purchase e-squared to walk right over to the self help section, although didn’t have any clue as to where it may be, so guided you may say over there, the 1st thing that caught my eye was a book facing me completely and easy to see and read the title, which said “HE’LL BE OK” in capitals and then under that it said “growing gorgeous boys into good men” i was touched KNEW BEYOND ALL DOUBT that this was the sign from the UNIVERSE for me and about my boy, which he had had been on my mind and of course i was working on guiding him in back to the right path, it gave me hope, but even more so THE KNOWING that all will be well, i was so grateful it brought me to tears, i love thinking about that, and yes i went to purchase e-squared which i found right after close by and purchased the both, i love this beautiful Universe and all the teachers that have guided me, many many from Hay House, my journey started with the beautiful Wayne Dyer and it has expanded from there, thanks for your awesome share, it was really entertaining, and yep something as simple as a green drink to showing me that all will be well, it all works, although i didn’t put it out there as to what i wanted the Universe knew what was on my mind and gave me what i needed to see.

  15. Kristina says:

    Thank you Kris for the fabulous story and rescue of Buddy. I have a small hobby farm which has allowed me to rescue many animals – horses, dogs, birds, cats, bunnies and more over the years. I have a 4000 gallon pond in my front yard that attracts a lot of wildlife too. One day while I was working in the landscape around the pond I felt something tickling my ankles and found 5 tiny baby skunks huddling around my feet. Alarmed at first that Mom might not approve I quickly realized that they must have been orphaned. I called a local wildlife sanctuary but the thought of transporting them was a little frightening so I fed and cared for them until they were ready to go out on their own. I am still amazed that they were brave enough to come to me for help and grateful for parents that instilled a love of nature and nurture that I in turn have been able to instill in my sons and granddaughter. I love all of your posts and your brave and loving heart =)

  16. Casey says:

    I asked for my higher purpose and to serve God through my work (as I have been wanting to change careers) …within several days, while doing a body scan/meditation, I hear only two words: holistic nutritionist. Now I am going back to school to become a registered dietician and eventually study holistic nutrition. 🙂

  17. Charmaine says:

    This is crazy, was laying in bed, feeling kinda down when I thought of this post. All I could think that I wanted in the next 48 hours was more love, so I sent up a prayer for that. Phone immediately buzzed, it was my man, calling just to say he loved me.

  18. Jan says:

    I just love reading your stories. Always makes me smile and just helps me to be a nicer person to myself and others. You are a gift to us all, namaste.

  19. Nimrod E. M Christ Nimrod, Ph.D. says:

    Kris, We manifested LOVELY YOU!!! :o)

  20. Lee Davy says:

    Hi Kris,

    Four years ago after I gave up drinking I read The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.

    He said I could do, or be, anything I wanted and armed with the power I had after quitting the booze I decided to quit my 20-year career on the railway to try and help other people also quit the booze and find happiness in their lives.

    During a mind mapping session I wrote a brainstorming note that said, ‘I will write a story about my success and Jack Canfield will help me spread it around the world.”

    A few months ago I received an e-mail from Jack and he asked me to be a part of one of his forthcoming books.

    I never doubted it for a second.

    Lee Davy

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