Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Manifesting Your Desires: A Guide to Asking & Receiving

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Hi Sweet Friends,

In fall 2013, I spent two glorious weeks working with my Hay House family in sunny California. The days were packed with recordings, meetings, dinners (including a fabulous date night with Louise Hay), the spectacular I Can Do It! conference in Pasadena, and lots of delicious manifesting.

While I was there, I decided to browse the book table for a new nighttime read. Since everyone’s been gushing about E-Squared by Pam Grout, I swiped a copy (well, I didn’t actually steal it; we Hay House authors get a few cool perks, and one of them is free soul schwag).

As you know if you’ve read it, E-Squared is hilarious, easy to understand, and very compelling. The book basically demonstrates how your thoughts create your reality, and it includes nine simple experiments that prove it.

Today, I’m sharing the results from the first experiment from E-Squared and the chain reaction of goodness that I started to notice as a result.

Allow me to set the scene.

I was kinda blue. Two weeks is a long time to be away from home, especially since our new arrival (Buddy) had just joined our family. Plus, Brian had originally planned to be with me for part of the trip (couple time), but since our sweet boy came into our lives, it’s been around-the-clock feeding and care. Loving papa Brian had to take one for the team and stay home. So there I was, alone in my room, reading about energy and missing my crew. Did I mention the dark chocolate covered strawberries and hydrating mud mask?

The Dude Abides…

The first principle is called The Dude abides (after the hilarious film The Big Lebowski). The dude in this scenario is the energy field, Universe, God—whatever you’re cozy with. And the goal of the exercise is to ask and receive—not in two months or years—now. As Pam says, “This experiment will prove to you that there is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe.” Ask for a sign and give the universe 48 hours to deliver and show you it has your back.

I’ve never worked with such a quick turnaround time. It was like ordering something from Amazon Prime. I usually provide plenty of manifesting runway and stay open to the form my intention presents. It doesn’t always materialize exactly as discussed: Know what I mean? For example, you may be calling a new job into your life, praying for it, putting it on your vision board, and actively networking. Not only do you want a new job, you want the work to have meaning; you want to help others and serve. Good for you; great idea. Then poof! Your beloved aunt jets to the next dimension and leaves you gobs of cash. You take that moolah (abundance) and launch YOUR dream charity. See, ya never know how it all shakes out, but it always does. Always.

To take E-Squared’s advice for a spin, I picked something really practical.

“Hi, Universe, it’s Kris Carr from Woodstock, NY, Zip code 12498. Um, I’m reading E-Squared and the author says that you need to give me a specific and exact sign right quick. For the record, I’m not normally this demanding—she made me do it. Anyhooo, if you’re listening, I would like someone to spontaneously hand me a delicious green drink in the next 48 hours. Thanks so much.”


I guess I could have aimed higher. But hey, that’s what I needed at the time. So the next day I head to Worldwide Woo Woo headquarters (A.K.A., the Hay House main office). I have lunch with Reid Tracy, the awesome CEO (and I’m not just saying that because I want another book deal) and do some recordings with Bruce Lipton and Davidji, who brought his sweet rescue pooch, Peaches the Buddha Princess, to the sound booth. Next up, a Wayne Dyer visit. He was recording his next book and had just finished an amazing evening with Abraham. As you may imagine, I was in spiritual rock star heaven.

After a thoroughly creative and inspiring day, I grabbed my stuff and shimmied toward the door. Then it happened. Whoa. I stopped dead in my tracks. Guess who was standing there, holding a green juice in his hand and smiling? Reid!

Thank you, dearest Universe. The Dude definitely abided.


That afternoon, I took a gorgeous sunset stroll. The beautiful green elixir had rejuvenated both my body and my beliefs. As Louise always says, “Life loves you.” Cheers to that.

I often forget to ask for what I need, and I bet you do, too. But that’s not all; sometimes I don’t even notice what I’ve already created, manifested, or called forth into my life. It’s like I’m walking around with blinders on. Of course, it’s important to count our blessings. But it goes deeper. We also have to recognize all the goodness we’ve actively manifested.

And guess what? I bet you’re manifesting a lot more than you realize. Yup. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to take flight. Let the eagle be your power animal. Observe the majestic mountains, rivers, and meadows that make up your life. Little ole you created a lot of that. So much of our pain comes from the way we drive ourselves into the ground on a daily basis. We’re zooming like maniacs with barely enough time to pause and take in our accomplishments.

The relentless pace blocks us from receiving and celebrating our victories.

We just keep moving on to the next thing before we can truly appreciate our wonderful growth. Gosh, what’s all the hard work worth if we can’t smell the peonies? Can you imagine how good it would feel to periodically give yourself an Oscar acceptance speech? “I’d like to thank the academy (and my angel agents) for this imaginary award. I acknowledge and appreciate how amazing I am. In the last six months, I drastically reduced my cholesterol—without any drugs. Yay, me!”

We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

Try this with me: Crack open your journal and at the top of the page write “Noticing” and underline it. Next, list three things you’ve actively called into your life.

Here’s an example of another sweet (and very favorite) manifestation.

I’ve written about Buddy’s rescue story in the past, but I forgot to share the most important part.

A few hours before Buddy was found, Brian and I were at our local dump. In addition to unloading garbage and recycling, people can also find unwanted animals at our local transfer station. They have a shelter/adoption center. I always bring cookies and visit the sweet beings. Well, that morning I said to Brian, “I’m ready for another fur baby. Are you?” Full disclosure: I ask this question monthly. He usually responds like a smart therapist: “Honey, this is not a no, it’s a not now.” And I don’t blame him. I travel so much; we’re still wrapping our home renovation; work has been really nutty, etc. (excuse), etc. But that day it was different. That day was the best day ever. That day Brian said, “Yes, I’m ready!” Two hours later, Buddy wandered into our lives . . . . BAM! Manifesting a-go-go!

Your Turn: Share one of your victories in the comments below. The universe and I can’t wait to celebrate you.

Peace & Manifesting,

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  1. cathy says:

    You added such a lightness to this possibility that I decided to join you. Yesterday, I asked for an acknowledgment that the Divine that I am attempting to connect to is mine for the asking. A couple of things ran through my mind that might have worked (e.g., lottery winner), but I left it alone and went about my day. This morning I noticed that I had lost one of the diamond earrings that I wear EVERYDAY. Very bummed. Finished getting ready for work, went to pick up my phone and ipad which had been charging over night and my earring was sitting alone atop my ipad. Of course, asked husband if he had found it and left it for me. He knew nothing of it. me & the divine, forever!!

  2. Marie, UK says:

    Funny thing is – I’m going through a bit of a ‘rough patch’ at the moment.
    I receive your emails all the time and hands up on this – I very rarely get to read the entire thing as I have 1000’s of emails come through everyday.
    Something about this one, however, caught my eye and I’ve as good a read every single response.
    I don’t believe in coincidences – I think the angels and God (the dude – love that by the way), and the Universe do give us what we want but we just have to ask correctly.

    I’ve been feeling down the last couple of days with love troubles but after reading your blog and going through everyone’s responses it has really perked me up and I feel like I can do anything!
    I’ve given the Universe 48 hours to get the man I’m crazy about to contact me again…
    I’ll let you know!!!!

    Kris I love you and I promise from here on in I will read EVERY blog/post you send through.
    (And I love your porridge receipt too by the way… LOL!)

    Love and light to you all!

  3. Clarisa Mompremier says:

    i LOVED THIS POST!!!!!!! I’m going to try this experiment and ask the Universe to send me the book, sounds amazeballs. One of my favorite topics in life is manifesting. It’s so much FUN!

  4. Tracey Geddes says:

    WOW – I read your blog yesterday and gave it a go… I have been looking for an NHS (UK) Dentist for weeks now but having no luck. Yesterday I asked the universe to send me a message as to where I could get one and lo and behold, today a colleague was bemoaning that he had to have two fillings. I asked him about his dentist, and in a nutshell, I am now an NHS Patient at a recommended dentist!! Thank you , thank you, thank you!!!

  5. Cheryl Steffen says:

    Thank you! I have been having a tough time getting my head to calm down on the negatives my Mother put in there 1/2 my life. As she is coming for a visit, I need to focus on the positives and be the adult and put all the negative aside.

  6. michelle b says:

    I read your blog 24hrs ago, I had heard of this book but never read it, when I read about your green smoothie, I thought, mmm, im going to test this out, what can I manifest in 24hrs. Into my mind came my reading glasses, they had been missing for months, I had no idea where they were, I was had made a decision to call this week and get a new pair, so I thought great, lets see if this really works, if this is true I will find my lost reading glasses in 24hrs, I said it in my head and then forgot about it. Got up this morning, went to work, had a big day, came home feeling tired. As I walked into the house my daughter approached me and said “Mum, look what I found today” and into my hands she placed my lost reading glasses, now found, I couldn’t believe it, it totally blew my mind, I thought hey, this stuff really works…
    Thanks for your blog Kris you are a total inspiration, lets see what I can manifest next.. Michelle x

  7. Janet Marie Petty says:

    Glad hear of your adventure. Yes, living here in CA is a bit laid back even with all the technology.
    I would like to travel and meet/greet some myself…and dance and/or yoga flex stretches, my True Joy yoga style, to some music.
    Hey, it’s my birthday this Friday, November 29th and and God know what ‘call-out’ for and I am Thank FULL that He not only hears but answers me in wonderfully timed ways, on-time in perfect synchronicity for both divine purpose and earthly good.
    Enjoy healthy, tasty moments this Thanksgiving ya’ll, with grace in an attitude of gratitude. Thank YOU Lord Jesus Christ for living in me & lovin’ me. Amen.

  8. Kelly says:

    Thank you so much for this reminder of the universe’s available affirmation as well as awareness. I wrote down goals for the first time in my life in Lululemon’s goal website and then didn’t look at them for a long time. A couple of years later I randomly got an email the day I found out that I got accepted into graduate school that was a reminder of that exact goal. I logged into read my goals and almost everything had happened exactly the way I had written it down, except for one thing, which is in the works. Pretty amazing stuff! Thank you again. I am off to write down new manifestations!

  9. Maria says:

    O.K. Well I haven’t read the book, but it just so happens that I was at a white feather gathering on the week-end and a section of the book was read out about how you can eat whatever you like as long as you are believing that it will nourish your body, then it will nourish your body. At the same time, I am trying to lose weight and feel that I have improved my health by eating much more healthily lately. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this subject Kris.

    • Kris Carr says:

      Well, hmmm. Not every section of every book resonates. I’d stick with my books when it comes to healthy eating! 🙂

  10. andrea says:

    everybody here is so sure about everything…no doubts… anywhere…it’s a beautiful life…looks like fake to me… i am no hater, just not a part of the happy people club… if you look outside of yourself and you notice only flowers and birds and happy people smiling then i guess we do not live in the same planet. maybe i am wrong.
    no, wait, i am wrong.

  11. LouAnn Carver says:

    I loved this blog! I need to work not harder, but smarter at manifesting. Will look for “E-Squared” at the book store tomorrow. Congratulations to you, Brian and Buddy!

  12. Karyn says:


    Thank you so much for this post!! The timing is impeccable, and the practice of “Noticing” is so relevant for me right now. This is the best blog post from you….I simply loved every word!


  13. Sherrie says:

    What a beautiful post…I love hearing this message and feel I am hearing it at such a perfect time.
    I am sending out my universe request… 🙂

  14. Kris! Synchronicity is my life blood and this post rings so true for me as I had recently written something similar on my blog! I am 100% aligned with everything you wrote and have certainly been in the flow to allow myself to receive while being grateful and purposeful in the process. Beamed while reading your own synchronistic flow 🙂

    Just last week, I acknowledged and acted upon on my desires (something very foreign to me) to go to the Adirondack’s for the weekend as I desired to be in nature, hike, adventure, stop along the road trip to grab coffee, get a massage up there, etc. Ever since I canceled my original plans for the weekend and booked my massage + a stay in a beautiful lodge, I received my biggest month yet (over 6k!) – literally, a VIP client signed up and 4 new clients. Not to mention while I was in upstate NY, I manifesting an upgrade to the King suit and some other sweet experiences. It was perfectly aligned and loved to experience the flow. As I guide my clients to step into the same game, the world is being empowered — one individual at a time 🙂

    Thank you for being you and sharing your adventures. Much love x

  15. Joanna says:

    That book is awesome! I decided to manifest a button in 48 hours using the “Abracadabra Principle”. About halfway through day 2 my boss was standing in front of my desk talking to me. When she was done, she turned around to walk away, bent over, picked something up off the floor and said, ” I don’t know where this came from, but here you go” I held out my hand and she placed a button in it. I just sat there staring at it. I mean, a button is not a terribly rare thing, but seriously: How often does someone just hand you one??? I believe!

  16. Sandra says:

    What a great post! Very engaging, its funny that i just ordered this book last week 😉

  17. Sheree says:

    Hey Kris…..I was chatting with the Universe and made mention of needing some extra cash…the next day I had some work offered up to me and was paid cash that day! Yay me!!

  18. Tonette says:

    I have a copy of E-squared that I’ve read in just 2 days. That was how excited I was. Recently, I’ve re-read it and now I’m on the 3rd experiment. It is so much fun! So far I’ve manifested road trips and counted lotsa things I wanted to see in the street. He he

  19. Kelly Irving says:

    This is amazing! I recently posted on Facebook asking my friends if they would be willing to join me reading E squared, as I need something to lift me up. Usually I’m skeptical about boos like this but every review I have read has been positive.

  20. Teri says:

    You are so darn c u t e!!!

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