Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

Manifesting Your Desires: A Guide to Asking & Receiving

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Hi Sweet Friends,

In fall 2013, I spent two glorious weeks working with my Hay House family in sunny California. The days were packed with recordings, meetings, dinners (including a fabulous date night with Louise Hay), the spectacular I Can Do It! conference in Pasadena, and lots of delicious manifesting.

While I was there, I decided to browse the book table for a new nighttime read. Since everyone’s been gushing about E-Squared by Pam Grout, I swiped a copy (well, I didn’t actually steal it; we Hay House authors get a few cool perks, and one of them is free soul schwag).

As you know if you’ve read it, E-Squared is hilarious, easy to understand, and very compelling. The book basically demonstrates how your thoughts create your reality, and it includes nine simple experiments that prove it.

Today, I’m sharing the results from the first experiment from E-Squared and the chain reaction of goodness that I started to notice as a result.

Allow me to set the scene.

I was kinda blue. Two weeks is a long time to be away from home, especially since our new arrival (Buddy) had just joined our family. Plus, Brian had originally planned to be with me for part of the trip (couple time), but since our sweet boy came into our lives, it’s been around-the-clock feeding and care. Loving papa Brian had to take one for the team and stay home. So there I was, alone in my room, reading about energy and missing my crew. Did I mention the dark chocolate covered strawberries and hydrating mud mask?

The Dude Abides…

The first principle is called The Dude abides (after the hilarious film The Big Lebowski). The dude in this scenario is the energy field, Universe, God—whatever you’re cozy with. And the goal of the exercise is to ask and receive—not in two months or years—now. As Pam says, “This experiment will prove to you that there is a loving, abundant, totally hip force in the universe.” Ask for a sign and give the universe 48 hours to deliver and show you it has your back.

I’ve never worked with such a quick turnaround time. It was like ordering something from Amazon Prime. I usually provide plenty of manifesting runway and stay open to the form my intention presents. It doesn’t always materialize exactly as discussed: Know what I mean? For example, you may be calling a new job into your life, praying for it, putting it on your vision board, and actively networking. Not only do you want a new job, you want the work to have meaning; you want to help others and serve. Good for you; great idea. Then poof! Your beloved aunt jets to the next dimension and leaves you gobs of cash. You take that moolah (abundance) and launch YOUR dream charity. See, ya never know how it all shakes out, but it always does. Always.

To take E-Squared’s advice for a spin, I picked something really practical.

“Hi, Universe, it’s Kris Carr from Woodstock, NY, Zip code 12498. Um, I’m reading E-Squared and the author says that you need to give me a specific and exact sign right quick. For the record, I’m not normally this demanding—she made me do it. Anyhooo, if you’re listening, I would like someone to spontaneously hand me a delicious green drink in the next 48 hours. Thanks so much.”


I guess I could have aimed higher. But hey, that’s what I needed at the time. So the next day I head to Worldwide Woo Woo headquarters (A.K.A., the Hay House main office). I have lunch with Reid Tracy, the awesome CEO (and I’m not just saying that because I want another book deal) and do some recordings with Bruce Lipton and Davidji, who brought his sweet rescue pooch, Peaches the Buddha Princess, to the sound booth. Next up, a Wayne Dyer visit. He was recording his next book and had just finished an amazing evening with Abraham. As you may imagine, I was in spiritual rock star heaven.

After a thoroughly creative and inspiring day, I grabbed my stuff and shimmied toward the door. Then it happened. Whoa. I stopped dead in my tracks. Guess who was standing there, holding a green juice in his hand and smiling? Reid!

Thank you, dearest Universe. The Dude definitely abided.


That afternoon, I took a gorgeous sunset stroll. The beautiful green elixir had rejuvenated both my body and my beliefs. As Louise always says, “Life loves you.” Cheers to that.

I often forget to ask for what I need, and I bet you do, too. But that’s not all; sometimes I don’t even notice what I’ve already created, manifested, or called forth into my life. It’s like I’m walking around with blinders on. Of course, it’s important to count our blessings. But it goes deeper. We also have to recognize all the goodness we’ve actively manifested.

And guess what? I bet you’re manifesting a lot more than you realize. Yup. If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to take flight. Let the eagle be your power animal. Observe the majestic mountains, rivers, and meadows that make up your life. Little ole you created a lot of that. So much of our pain comes from the way we drive ourselves into the ground on a daily basis. We’re zooming like maniacs with barely enough time to pause and take in our accomplishments.

The relentless pace blocks us from receiving and celebrating our victories.

We just keep moving on to the next thing before we can truly appreciate our wonderful growth. Gosh, what’s all the hard work worth if we can’t smell the peonies? Can you imagine how good it would feel to periodically give yourself an Oscar acceptance speech? “I’d like to thank the academy (and my angel agents) for this imaginary award. I acknowledge and appreciate how amazing I am. In the last six months, I drastically reduced my cholesterol—without any drugs. Yay, me!”

We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

Try this with me: Crack open your journal and at the top of the page write “Noticing” and underline it. Next, list three things you’ve actively called into your life.

Here’s an example of another sweet (and very favorite) manifestation.

I’ve written about Buddy’s rescue story in the past, but I forgot to share the most important part.

A few hours before Buddy was found, Brian and I were at our local dump. In addition to unloading garbage and recycling, people can also find unwanted animals at our local transfer station. They have a shelter/adoption center. I always bring cookies and visit the sweet beings. Well, that morning I said to Brian, “I’m ready for another fur baby. Are you?” Full disclosure: I ask this question monthly. He usually responds like a smart therapist: “Honey, this is not a no, it’s a not now.” And I don’t blame him. I travel so much; we’re still wrapping our home renovation; work has been really nutty, etc. (excuse), etc. But that day it was different. That day was the best day ever. That day Brian said, “Yes, I’m ready!” Two hours later, Buddy wandered into our lives . . . . BAM! Manifesting a-go-go!

Your Turn: Share one of your victories in the comments below. The universe and I can’t wait to celebrate you.

Peace & Manifesting,

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  1. Bonnie Clark says:

    Since reading E2 I have been enjoying the benefits of my energy! I pretty much “always” get a firstie or lastie or a drive out front ways parking space because that is where my intention is permanently set! I don’t really have to think much about it anymore except to say thank you to the universe for providing this convenience. I thought it interesting, however, when you spoke of not realizing all the “goodness” that has been activated as a result of a person’s actions! I had a recent experience that I can only regard as an “In your face” kind of epiphany that my playful angels occasionally stick me into, in which I actually have to puzzle out a reason why a particular situation is happening. It occurred one evening recently when my hubby and I went to our local pub for a date night during restaurant week where meals were discounted to bring in new business. The place began filling up and pretty soon there was standing room only. As customer after customer walked by I noticed that at least half stopped to greet me before finding a table because I had sold them their home and we hadn’t seen one another for years. It kept happening most of the early evening and when I looked down the bar and realized that more than half the occupants were former clients of mine I was amazed. Then I scanned the lounge tables and once again at least half of the tables were occupied by former clients. None of these people for the most part knew each other and the only common denominator was ME! Well, I immediately thought my life was flashing in front of my eyes and when we went home to bed I was afraid to fall asleep because I thought I was going to die in my sleep! Obviously I didn’t, but in the morning I meditated on this serendipitous occurrence! I spoke to my daughter about this and she started laughing and suggested that I needed to be reminded that my job as a Realtor for the last 36 years has made a big difference in many many lives. Whew! That was really heavy! It’s amazing how we go about our business never realizing the impact we may have. I felt really honored and humbled by this experience, and thanked my angels, guides and mentors for bring this to my attention!

  2. Hi Kris,

    What a fantastic post today!

    I started reading your email and then ate my breakfast while thinking of how I could get an assistant to help with my photo shoot tomorrow – someone to just take shots of the session and help me. I really wanted my son to help but he is often not available due to his schedule.

    I then read your blog and thought what do I want to manifest? My answer: An awesome photo shoot with someone fun to help me during the day. I started to write a text to my son to ask for help and then I heard him come through the door. Now I could ask him in person. And guess what, he is available and will help me. I just love working with my son as he encourages me to have more fun and be less serious which will help while I am in front of the camera.

    What I love about this story is that you pointed out that we often are asking for what we need without really knowing it – which I did while eating breakfast. And then when I was clear with my intention – bang it was an immediate response to my request.

    Of note: before I had even ate, I gave thanks to the universe for all the abundance in my life right now. Your blog post is part of the abundance I am manifesting and I am always grateful for your gift of expressing yourself.

    Peace and joy to you Kris,


  3. D says:

    I noticed ayear or so ago that I dod not like the direction that the leaders iny work department were going. They formed an elite group that did not invite me to meetings. I was also a leader in the department. I noticed that if one of the leaders disliked someone that particular leader would go after that person behind closed doors. In essence making life harder for the person that was not liked. I realized that the environment was hostile and negative. I manifested my exit and it started happening just as planned….all I had to do was let go and let go every step of the way! I am out of a job and I feel free. I am not focusing on finances . I seem to be focusing on happiness first!

  4. Danny Kahn says:

    I feel like I’m reading a message from my wife, Jill Kahn! (By the way that’s a good thing)

  5. Linda says:

    So, I’m sitting here wondering whether we can manifest something on another’s behalf (or at least add power to their manifestation). I have a friend who has been going through an awful divorce. She left an abusive relationship, spent a period of time homeless, and has worked really hard to get herself and her kids back on their feet. She is now in the final phase of divorce and has worked hard to get what is, according to the law, hers. Since she can’t afford an attorney, she’s representing herself and has done such a wonderful job reading, studying, and putting together her paperwork. She’s a good, heart-full person, and I would love to see her get the very best outcome for herself and her children. I am sending good juju and asking for a great outcome for her (she is, too). If it’s possible to help manifest for others, please send her some good juju, too!! Thank you SO much.

  6. Sharon says:

    I loved your blog and was totally into it until wham!!!! You said people can “unload unwanted animals at the dump”, unload…….unwanted………dump……. Are you kidding me???
    Please elaborate as my feel good morning just took a nose dive

    • Kris Carr says:

      Oh dear! Sharon, at my local dump there is an adoption center. It’s no frills. Cages and a small outdoor area for walks. Kind volunteers run it. It’s totally enclosed, warm and safe. Lots of people bring there trash and then cruise in to check out the animals. So it’s a good thing in the end. 🙂

  7. Maura says:

    E-Squared made my day to day life FUN. The first experiment — I asked for something BIG – like expensive big. That’s not in my nature (I’m a starving artist right?!) but the book gave me permission and I was giddy over it. The 48 hours ticked away. I kept looking, like a child on Xmas morning.

    My fiance came home from work the second day. He’s the major breadwinner right now as I focus on my writing (whatta man!). He had gotten the results from the dealership about his car. All week he’d been preparing to sell his car, as he was pretty sure that one or both turbos needed replacement. And as he’s the soul breadwinner AND we’re planning a wedding, this expense didn’t fit in our life right now. And this is what he said to me. “I heard from the dealership. BOTH turbos need to be replaced. And the dealership is paying for them.” (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Apparently, they were under warranty for about 100 more miles. His commute is 30 minutes each way ever day! 100 miles is gobbled up as fast as turkey on Thanksgiving! That was a $6,000 gift.

    In addition to that – I’ve manifested a healthy life beyond my wildest dreams. Veggies & green smoothies galore – and I adore them! I crave them! No more booze, cigs, gluten, dairy or sugar! I meditate! I take relaxing baths! I sleep plenty and regularly! Sometimes – I exercise! And when I don’t I don’t beat myself up! This took me years. But self-love can work wonders.

    I also manifested my fiance. I found “My Ideal” list a week ago – the list I wrote about 4 years ago when I finally put the breaks on no good guys (for me) and asked for my dream guy. Rory is everything on that list — AND MORE.

  8. Cate says:

    Kris, I am so in love with this.
    I’ve been feeling quite “meh” lately and can’t really bring up any real immediate cause for it. Job’s good, family’s good, health is good, Penny Lane (my rescue doggie daughter) is great… so why the lame vibes? After reading this I’ve realized that I haven’t been acknowledging any of it, nor have I been setting my sights on more goodness and blessings. Just going through the motions day in and day out has brought me down so much and I didn’t even see it happening. So, thanks for the lovely, eye-opening morning reading. Ordering my copy immediately.

  9. Yes, this year I asked for a partner to come in and take my StrutFit program to the next level. And BAM! here we are – doing 4 videos on Dec 8th and launching my brand out into the Universe Jan 2014! Can’t believe I’m actually doing it! I don’t feel like I know exactly what I’m doing but it’s here and so I’m jumping IN!
    Thank you for your messages and inspiration ~ always.

  10. Rebecca Haak says:

    I started saying a Monday morning mantra a little while back and with in the space of one week a lady called me looking for a chef to help her out in a wonderful new health club
    My mantra was this ” there is somebody out there looking for exactly what I have to offer right now ” I cannot believe myself even how fats it worked .
    P.s I love reading your blog …the way you write is so fun

    • Jessica says:

      I really love your mantra. Thanks for sharing it. I am going to start using it, and funny enough, it was just what I needed.

  11. Kathryn says:

    Several months ago just before going to sleep, I was thinking about how I would like to lead retreats. I thought about how I needed to get more experience and that the best way would be to attend a retreat led by an expert. I thought about how the retreats that I’m interested in are expensive and I didn’t have any money for one. I fell asleep and the next morning in my e-mail was a newsletter from Jen Louden an author who I follow. In the e-mail was information about an upcoming retreat and a link to enter a contest to win it. “No way!” I thought. I looked up and said, “Wow you really do act fast.” I learned what was involved to enter the contest and what the commitment would be if I won. I set out to enter the contest by blogging daily. I’m bet you are guessing that I won. Yup, I did. But, it gets better. I needed about $500 to cover my accommodations. As I entered my office two days later there was an envelope on my desk. Tucked inside was a check for $500 to pay for a poster I had designed a year ago for an organization and they had forgotten to pay me the stipend. I attended the retreat that was at the end of October and I’m still pinching myself. Each one of us has the power to create and manifest our dreams.

  12. Shannon says:

    Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us to look around to notice our universe victories. I have one that actually happened back in 2005, but it is also about manifesting a furry friend. I wanted to rescue a Bichon. I’d already named her Blossom. I wanted a female because we already had a male. Sure enough, a rescue group called me that I’d done some volunteer work for, and asked me if I’d like to foster a female Bichon. They’d never received Bichons in the past but this one came in. Not only did I foster her, I adopted her and she is sitting right here next to me. She’s my little miracle.

  13. Julieta Arango says:

    Thanks for sharing this story. Even though I love to have good thoughts and keep myself positive, I am going thru a meltdown and this is what I needed to hear.

  14. Aditi says:

    This was more to manifest signs that I am doing the right thing. I asked for 5 signs that it was the right move for me to breakup with my bf. I got 8 signs! I did end up breaking up, and although it was hard I know I am stepping into the next phase of my life.

    I also do Angel Card Readings and I did a life purpose meditation with Doreen Virtue and as soon as I finished, I logged onto my computer and someone had just bought my reading. If that wasn’t a sign that I’m on the right path, I don’t know what is!

    I also manifested a guy once. After a hay house conference I visualized, wrote about, and imagined him. I met him about 2 weeks later, exactly what I envisioned!

  15. Ilyse says:

    To my amazement, this morning your post in about manifesting
    This weekend my 21 year old daughter was telling me about what she has been actively manifesting. She has not been a “believer ” so to listen to her enthusiasm and excitement was beautiful

    Last night I was thinking I really wanted to refocus on manifesting. Something I had put energy towards years a go and got away from my own awareness about it

    I made a mental note to myself ( and the universe) to ask Jess about her practice.

    And then I awake to your post!!
    With affirmation about the very topic and a suggestion for a book to read.

    Ask and you shall receive.
    Thank you Dude and Kris!
    We rescued a Buddy too!!

  16. María says:

    Kris i just love your inspiring stories, all your blogs are just perfect and come in perfect timing in my life, last weekend I have to say I was drowned in depression and with a bulimia problem, I started the 21 meditation challenge you posted and you can’t imagine how much it has helped me, I was praying to find someone to help me with my heart problems and just got the help I needed I was offered a free study by an institution doing meditation I’m groups, and they follow on every student (it’s kind of a therapy thing) and the best thing it’s for free 🙂 , the therapist also suggested a natural juice full of vegetables and herbs, to replace all the electrolytes I have lost because of purging, it also helps me with my anemia problem. I just have to say it does really work setting your mind, asking it and as deepak chopra says have faith that it will manifest when the right time comes. Btw I’m Colombian and yesterday watched also your cooking classes and as you said you were brought up by a Colombian grandma … So was I and have to agree is the best butter ever.

    Thank you so much for all your inspiring stories and your blog I just love it … Also the green smoothies I am having one every morning en every day I attempt more and more veggies than fruits.



    • Kris Carr says:

      You’re doing great Maria! Thanks for sharing honey. Many blessings to you. xo

      • Maria says:

        Thank you :), and by the way last night I was coming home from the gym (on a snowy cold night) and all I wanted was a warm and hot soup, I said it to a friend, but I was tired and didnt not fell like cooking. As soon as I came home voila there was one of my neighbours making a typical dish from Slovakia and guess what i was?? a delicious Christmas soup they have over there.

        Just perfect timing, after I read your… Coincidence? might be but just loved it.

  17. I’ve been a noticer lately Kris, and have been seeing how those desires, wishes, and prayers called out previously, even if barely for a moment… have now started to unfold. I’m involved with a network marketing company, and I’ve asked for more business contacts and leaders in places I want to spend more time. It’s happening. It’s amazing. and it’s totally more than I can see or do all by myself.

    I love what you said:

    We make magic constantly. Pause. Breathe. Notice. Praise. Repeat. You’ve come so, so, so far. Pour a cup of tea and brag to yourself. Truly, you’re a miracle creating the miraculous.

  18. Elaine says:

    You are correct, we are always manifesting. As Mike Dooley says, Thoughts become Things. So my challenge is to remember to think positive thoughts.
    My best manifestation resulted in my husband, but it took awhile. Still the best!!!!!

  19. vicki eklund says:

    thank you for you incredible inspiration, lessons, and sheer passion for life!
    You are my hero, Kris, Rock on!

  20. A great post to start off the week with! I had a really rough time last week. A good friend died of terminal breast cancer in late September, and last week my aunt going in the hospital for surgery (she’s fine, it went well) triggered lots of emotions in me. My body basically threw me to the curb – I caught a cold and hurt my lower back on the same day. Oh yeah, I guess that means I need to slow down, right?! I’ve had to acknowledge how I’m still grieving and be reminded to not be so hard on myself.

    I bought E-squared a while back and haven’t read it yet. It’s been sitting there on my Kindle waiting. I’m going to start reading it today!

    Thanks so much, Kris.

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