Blog Post

Bring your intentions to life with mala beads

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Some people tie a string around their finger as a reminder. I wear a mala. It’s my spiritual forget-me-not. A tap on the shoulder throughout the day, encouraging me to pause, breathe and come back to my deepest intentions.

They motivate me to invest in moments of self-care and compassion. So when Tiny Devotions’ Founder, Diana Charabin emailed to ask if I wanted to design two special malas, I jumped at the chance!

Before I get to our creations, and their unique meanings, I wanted to share some background on malas with you. And since Diana is my resident mala expert, I connected with her to get the scoop on what makes malas so special and how you can use them in your everyday life.

Me: What are mala beads?

Diana: For those of you who don’t know, mala beads (also known as worry beads or prayer beads) are meditation garlands that have been worn for thousands of years in traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism, yoga and meditation. Whether or not they’re tied to your religion is totally up to you. Mala beads are usually used for japa meditation. During japa meditation you would recite a positive affirmation or mantra along each bead. This practice can help you achieve a more calming, connected and spiritual state.

Typical garlands contain 108 beads made from gemstones, wood or Rudruksha seeds that match your intention or affirmation. Malas love attention, so placing them around your neck, on your altar or running them through your fingertips daily, keeps them (and you!) vibrationally tuned. They’re a constant reminder that you are not alone, that you are powerful, complete and that everything is possible.

Me: How do I set an intention?

Diana: Setting an intention is important to align your beads with purpose and ground you for success. One common blockage I’ve seen people struggle with when choosing mala beads is figuring out what their dream or intention should be.

When in doubt, ask yourself :

  • What do I want?
  • If you cannot answer this, ask yourself: What do I not want?

Once you’ve narrowed it down, infusing your beads is as simple as focusing on your intention with beads in hand. Whenever you stray or waiver, simply pick up your mala and take a moment or two to realign with your desire.

Thanks, Diana!

What’s the story behind the Crazy Sexy Malas?

In order to design my one-of-a-kind mala beads for you, I spent a lot of time thinking about the intentions that guide me each day. The combination of stones I picked aligned with the principles that have supported me most during my Crazy Sexy journey.

Mala Beads

I am resilient (turquoise)

The intention behind this mala is to nurture your innate ability to heal and thrive. It was designed to be a reminder that you are your own best friend and have strength beyond measure. We get bumped, bruised and tossed around a lot as life navigators. This mala is meant to be a touchstone during those times—it’s available to cheer you on and to remind you that you have a vast well of inner resources!

Stone meanings:

  • Turquoise represents healing & protection
  • Black Onyx represents strength
  • Rose Quartz represent love

I am love (fuschia)

The intention behind this mala is to reinforce the sacred practice of loving and caring for yourself so that you can be the person you’re meant to be in the world. This mala was designed to center and calm you when you’re feeling unbalanced or overwhelmed. And it was crafted to ground you in the infinite power of the love that comes from within.

Stone meanings:

  • Freshwater Pearl enables one to accept love & assists in self-love
  • Fuchsia Jade represents health, wealth, longevity, harmony & balance
  • Turquoise represents healing & protection

Peace & intention,

Add a comment
  1. Michelle G says:

    My intention would be to be more confident in myself and know that I deserve the many blessings in my life just because I’m me.

  2. Jennie Page says:

    My intention is to radiate love and ignite radical healing now

  3. Krista says:

    My intention is to continue practicing self-love and self-acceptance, to gain more self-confidence!

    I am already a newsletter subscriber, and just liked you on Fb!

    Thanks! <3

  4. Kelly Murdock says:

    My intention is to accept who I am as a parent, cut myself some slack when needed, accept that I am doing the best I can and always strive to do better!

  5. CARRiE says:

    To nourish myself in body and spirit

  6. maria shanley says:

    My intention for today is to take care of myself and listen to my body.

  7. Sarah says:

    I set this intention with the new moon “I intend to be open to receiving LOVE into my life.”

  8. Sarah says:

    One intention I set with this new moon is “I intend to be open to receiving LOVE into my life.”

  9. Linda says:

    My intention is not to participate in facebook or any other social media which results in a less stressful life. I already subscribe to and love your blog info but it is too bad that the facebook is a requirement for your giveaway contest.

  10. amy says:

    My one intention today would be to be forgiving towards myself.

  11. Jennie says:

    One intention I just recently set in my yoga practice is to be strong and confident in exactly who and what I am. Struggles in self-confidence have always hindered my ability to take action but I am finally doing that in a strong way with my voice and with my teaching.

  12. b.b. says:

    To release judgement.

  13. Mary says:

    My one intention today is to take better care of myself and my family. I already like your page in Facebook and already signed up to your newsletter.

    Thanks so much.

  14. Tara says:

    My intention is to love myself more so that I can love those around me non judgementally and remember to come back to my true self when angry, anxious and melancholic

  15. Hannah says:

    Let the unimportant things go.

  16. Maria says:

    My intention is to find health and balance. Xoxo

  17. Dana Goldstein says:

    My intention this day and most days is to grow, persevere and to find balance.

  18. Danna says:

    My intention today and forward is to stop and breathe more. Ahhhhh I feel so much better!

  19. Take time to slow down, relax and meditate. Just 10 minutes a starting today!!!

  20. Linnea Hart says:

    Take good care of myself on all levels so I can take good care of my family, community and world

    PS – your books have inspired me to do a detox every spring – each year brings new discoveries!

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