Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Not Sure When Enough is Enough? Listen to Your Body

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Hiya Gorgeous,

As I type this I have bronchitis. A few weeks ago it was something else, a violent stomach flu. Sickness definitely slows our lives way down and sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. We refuse to stop, so our bodies stop it for us. Thanks, bronchitis! Thanks, stomach flu!

Man, I must be really stubborn to need two back-to-back lessons—especially after the bug. It was like my personal Apocalypse Now. I’m sure you’ve been there. And by the way, why do they call it a “flu”? You know me, I gotta know these things…

After falling down a Google rabbit hole, I determined that I probably ate poop on a salad.

That sounds awful, I know, and I really hope you’re not eating a salad when you read this. If you are, I am very sorry. But those horrendous, toss-your-cookies-24/7 episodes often come from poor sanitary conditions at restaurants and well, I have been on a takeout jag. Why? You guessed it. I’ve been too busy to cook. I bet that sounds familiar too!

Anyway, I’ve been relatively healthy this year, so what gives? Well, clearly there are actual medical reasons, but that’s not what I want to explore today. I find it interesting that the two obligations I was dreading were set to take place during the weeks I got sick. Coincidence? Or was it my body saying “no”?


How often do you check in with your body before making a decision?

Can you actually imagine doing that? Checking in with your body (AKA your soul) to see what it needs?

It could go something like this: “Darling, how does that feel? Are you up for this? Would saying “yes” light you up or drain your tub?” If I had asked those questions and listened to the answers (fatigue, racing thoughts at bedtime) I would have said NO and I may have sidestepped the snot and gore. But, what fun it is to learn about ourselves.

Seriously, I do love these growth opportunities, they just keep coming!

But I have made new progress this year. Because I’ve slowed down to focus on my next book and to care for sweet Buddy, I’ve developed an even greater connection to my body. She no longer wants to move at an accelerated, hyper pace. She doesn’t want to “crush it” or jumbo size her plate so I can add more, more, more to the all-you-can-eat accomplishment buffet.

For an ambitious person like myself, this revelation can be a hard pill to swallow. It’s difficult when your body wants something different from your ego. My body is ferocious (and very sensitive). She will tank quickly if I make decisions that are out of alignment with my soul rhythm, and the older I get the more ornery (and gentle) she gets. I don’t really like speaking about my body as if she’s separate because obviously we are one. However, when my mind is going in one direction, and my body is going in another, it sure feels like we’re different. When that happens, I realize the consequences of behaving as if we’re separate.

Get a No Buddy

I love Facetime. Living on a dead-end street in the Catskills, Facetime is my favorite way to stay in touch with my friends—most of whom live in NYC or CT. So the other day, I was Skyping with one of my besties and I told him I got sick, yet again. Well, I love this friend because he has chronic medical issues too and he’s great at standing up for my body when I don’t.

Needless to say he gave me a spiritual tune-up and at the end of it we decided to become No Buddies. When invites and opportunities come our way, we run them by each other. If it’s a clear “yes” it’s obvious to both of us. If it’s a “no” but we’re on the fence due to scarcity mentality, guilt, or feeling left out, it becomes pretty apparent. At that point, we coach each other on the underlying emotions and it usually ends with a big ole “no”.

My body is very happy about my No Buddy.

Can we really be in optimal condition all the time?

Before I end this blog post I want to touch on another point. It’s OK to get sick. It isn’t always punishment or proof that we did something wrong. This is very important to understand. I’ve turned a corner when it comes to expecting peak health 24/7. Living with cancer has certainly helped me do that, and yet I’ve noticed that I have little tolerance for the smaller stuff (colds, aches, pains—the normal ebbs and flows of life).

Some seasons are strong, others are weak. Some days I’m creative, other days I’m stuck. Sometimes my marriage is solid, sometimes I want to live alone in an Airstream. That’s life. And maybe what life is continuing to tell us is that it’s all OK. The sunshine and the rain. The big bright breakthroughs and the dark nights of the soul. We can’t amputate our emotions and we can’t control our ups and downs. Fully accepting my complicated, miraculous instrument (AKA body) means leaving space for all of it. The highs, the lows, the wellness and the sickness, the stuckness, the flow. All of it.

Your Turn: Today, I’m your “No Buddy”. What’s your body saying no to? Is there something that’s going to throw you off balance that you can decline? Share in the comments and feel the weight fall off your shoulders.

Bonus: Your Crazy Sexy Love Notes Reading!

I also wanted to throw in this extra video goodie. Here’s what my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck told me when I asked for guidance during this period. Wouldn’t you know, I pulled the “Nourish Yourself” card! If you need this message too, press play to join me in my tree fort. And if you haven’t already, you can order your own copy of the deck from Amazon here!

Peace & nurturing “no’s,”

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  1. Shelly says:

    Thank you so much for writing this very poignant blog. I just got your follow up email to this today (which then led me here) and it couldn’t have been better timing for me. I’m always an enthusiastic “yes!” person. I love being involved in things and being the best I can be. However, this is not being honest with my body which in turn often turns to disappointment and the feeling of being a failure. I have an autoimmune disease that honestly wipes my ass out and has been kicking my ass more often lately. I was supposed to be attending a conference this week but, I got sick and worst of all… I had to cancel. I’m so disappointed, upset, and angry with myself. I’m loyal and feel it is important to stick to your word- no matter what! But, I’m finding that it’s not realistic. What is realistic is saying no because my body says so. Thank you for your wisdom. This life is a journey that never stops teaching. xoxo!

  2. Andi Blackwell says:

    Think I’m late to the party but I really need to revisit this. I used to get frequent migraines and a friend of mind asked me “what do you get out of them?” After giving him the dirtiest look and getting defensive, I thought about it and told him it was the only time I took a break. Now I find myself a new mom, feeling rushed and irritable often, as if I’m missing what’s important. I don’t want to crush it anymore either, at least not at what matters to other people. Thank your for the amazing reminder.

  3. My wife sent this to me a couple of weeks ago, and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Days spent under-the-weather are a wonderful reminder of how great the days of good health really are. You are much appreciated. Be well and keep on doing what you’re doing!

  4. Carina says:

    Dear Kris,

    i send you a big warm hug from germany to feel better, the best you can. Fingers crossed!
    I just read your article. At the moment I feel the same way seperated from myself.
    I had a breast operation last year, the cells were on way to be cancer. It was an infiltrate. It was taken out. After that all my thoughts cruised around cancer and getting healthy again. I started a vegetarian, nearly vegan life… but after half a year the pressure from “the outside” was so big, that I started to eat the old, bad stuff.
    I should have said NO to others and should have said YES to myself. I should have stayed stronger. But I havent been.
    It´s 35 days ago now, that I decided to take care of myself, of my own life, no matter what other do or say. It´s not easy, but this is my way. Encouraged by many articles of you, your book and all the videos.
    Though I started to change my route, I can´t explain why: It´s a feeling inside. I don´t know of any desease right now… it´s just a little voice telling me, to be careful and lovely with myself.
    It´s important right now to let all the feeling come, maybe go, maybe stay…. these are my feelings. This is my voice. I shouldn´t punish it. I shouldn´t say NO to myself anymore. I should listen to this little voice saying “hey, Carina……improve your lifestyle…… this is not the right way you´re walking on”….

    Thank you for your article to realize, that little voices of my body and soul are hints to change something!

    XOX, Carina

  5. Louise says:

    Loved reading your blogg and the idea of having a No Buddy GREAT IDEA!

    Thank you 🙂

  6. Catherine says:

    Thank you, Kris, for this beautifully written post. I was asked just a few days ago what makes me feel unwell and my response was, “being too busy”. As I am getting older, I am realizing more and more the importance of listening to ourselves with regard to the pacing of our lives. As someone who tends to over schedule, I am now working on taking immediate note of my reaction when someone asks me to do something. If there’s any hint of a cringe, I practice declining. It feels really good. We all really know when we want to say, “yes”. Hopefully, this practice will become more and more intuitive. Your writing resonated so much! I wish you good rest and healing!

  7. Lisa Haney says:

    Thank you for your guidance on saying “no”. I lost my oldest son last October and I have never felt so broken. Just when I think my breakthrough has come, I have to sit back down. I didn’t say no this last week and of course it made things worse. This post came along when I needed it most. It is astonishing how much grief affects the body and how much more important it is to nourish yourself. Your card deck is very helpful and inspiring. Thanks and much love your way!

  8. Leah says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic, Kris. It has been just under a year since my diagnosis and I’m still “superwoman”. Over the past 4 months I’ve had 2 huge anxiety/panic attacks (something I’m not prone to). I have forgotten to listen to my body, allow myself to “feel”, ect. One of my favorite sayings “feel the fear and do it anyway: I had forgotten and just kept going and stuffing emotions down – thinking I would “deal” with them later. Like you, my mind is ready to take on the world (as usual) and my body just sometimes doesn’t want to play that way.
    Thank you for the reminder
    Leah B

  9. Tammy says:

    I completely resonate with this. My body tells me all the time when something is right or wrong–unfortunately it has been too much of the latter lately. I finally listened to it just yesterday and up and quit my job. Scary as it was, its also so freeing- and now I am waiting to see what the universe will bring my way. My negative and limiting thoughts have now been replaced with thoughts that I can do, be or achieve anything. Have faith and believe that God will bring you what you need. Do what you have to do to live in alignment with your core values and who you are.

  10. Evelyn says:

    So timely. Shaking off three weeks of sinus and bronchitis – I am rarely sick, so this has been miserable. I have forced myself to rest more the last three weeks and I was feeling guilty about it. Been under a lot of stress, and have been mindful to meditate and try to eat well to help my body heal. Going to dial it down this long weekend and focus on the healing. Thank you!

  11. I love you and this blog! I have followed you for so many years while on my own journey battling Lymes disease and I was able to get it out of my body but still am sometimes frustrated because I need more rest than people my age and I also cannot ward off as easily the colds and need extra nourishment. It is so important to know this is my own journey and I am doing all I am able to do. I have also chosen to slow down the pas few months and go at my pace instead of the driven pace of the over achiever in my ego! Thank You Kris for inspiring me and making me feel like I am never alone! SO much love~ JV

  12. Kris says:

    Kris you are so uplifting and so positive. I absolutely love you .

  13. Maureen says:

    HI Kris,
    It’s OK to get sick. It isn’t always punishment or proof that we did something wrong. This is very important to understand. I’ve turned a corner when it comes to expecting peak health 24/7.

    This is a great reminder for me! thank you! I have been working thru the Epstein Virus since last summer…….and I had to say no to work for the time being. There are ebbs and flows for sure, and it takes the lower days to remind me of the high days. I guess I am in denial that I have this illness….surprised at the symptoms at times, but know it is here and in good time I will feel re-charged. I also have a rescued cat, one that showed up from a friend that rescued her as I couldn’t actually go thru with it, scared I couldn’t care for her. She has been good company, and we are healing together ! fur companions are teachers too.
    Thank you for your work and continued success and wellness.

  14. Marie Spencer-Rowland says:

    Kris, I love you, you’re amazing.
    Thank you for your posts, they always cheer me up and remind me that we are more than just skin and bones.
    I hope you’re feeling better soon!
    Sending you loads of love and light.

  15. Darcy says:

    I couldn’t have needed this more right now as I feed my feelings and not my body and soul. Thank you for helping me see that I need to take care of my one and only body. Feel better! Xo

  16. Maiya says:

    Perfect timing for this blog. Thank you Kris!! I am on week two of your Crazy Sexy Cleanse and diligently drinking my green juice every morning and eating on the plan. I have a perfectionist tendency so am diving deep into learning about living a plant strong life (thanks for the suggestion to join the Food Revolution Summit. ~ I loved it an got the Empowerment package from your discount link!) I have also had a couple sessions of colonics (2 more to go in my series) and it feels good to clean out, but I am exhausted, detoxing and my chemical sensitivities are really rearing their heads!
    Going to take your suggestion and start down-sizing the to-do list and saying no to social invites that I usually say yes to so I don’t feel left out.

    You are an inspiration for all of us on SO many levels!

  17. Melinda says:

    Sending you a “Get Well Soon” comment filled with lots of Healing Mojo, Angels, Love, and a big scoop of Fun – love your work – have been a fan for years – take time for you – you give all of us so much!!

  18. CarolW says:

    Forgetting about myself a lot these days due to stress with both family and the job. “Pumping-up” with coffee and carbs. Not good…feeling blaaaahhhh. 🙁 Needed to see this Blog to wake myself up! Thanks Kris!

  19. Therese says:

    Thanks, Kris for sharing. I appreciate very much your message today. I recently did not attend two events that I would have gone to in the past because I felt it was expected from others and out of fear of disapproval. I knew it was the right thing fro me to decline, and although it was hard at first to feel totally ok with it, I finally did, and I was so glad I honored my feelings and needs. I am learning how to really care for and love myself…and to listen more to my body and do what is really is nourishing to me…it has not been an easy thing to change, but I am seeing and learning how important and life-giving it truly is. Thanks again for your posts and the information and inspiration that you share. Sending blessings, good wishes, and healing thoughts your way.

  20. Marnie says:

    Thanks so much for this article!!!
    I learned so much from it, after I read it I had the courage to say my peice and stand up many times thru the day!
    I was clearing house and loving the feeling of being free !

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