Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Not Sure When Enough is Enough? Listen to Your Body

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Hiya Gorgeous,

As I type this I have bronchitis. A few weeks ago it was something else, a violent stomach flu. Sickness definitely slows our lives way down and sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. We refuse to stop, so our bodies stop it for us. Thanks, bronchitis! Thanks, stomach flu!

Man, I must be really stubborn to need two back-to-back lessons—especially after the bug. It was like my personal Apocalypse Now. I’m sure you’ve been there. And by the way, why do they call it a “flu”? You know me, I gotta know these things…

After falling down a Google rabbit hole, I determined that I probably ate poop on a salad.

That sounds awful, I know, and I really hope you’re not eating a salad when you read this. If you are, I am very sorry. But those horrendous, toss-your-cookies-24/7 episodes often come from poor sanitary conditions at restaurants and well, I have been on a takeout jag. Why? You guessed it. I’ve been too busy to cook. I bet that sounds familiar too!

Anyway, I’ve been relatively healthy this year, so what gives? Well, clearly there are actual medical reasons, but that’s not what I want to explore today. I find it interesting that the two obligations I was dreading were set to take place during the weeks I got sick. Coincidence? Or was it my body saying “no”?


How often do you check in with your body before making a decision?

Can you actually imagine doing that? Checking in with your body (AKA your soul) to see what it needs?

It could go something like this: “Darling, how does that feel? Are you up for this? Would saying “yes” light you up or drain your tub?” If I had asked those questions and listened to the answers (fatigue, racing thoughts at bedtime) I would have said NO and I may have sidestepped the snot and gore. But, what fun it is to learn about ourselves.

Seriously, I do love these growth opportunities, they just keep coming!

But I have made new progress this year. Because I’ve slowed down to focus on my next book and to care for sweet Buddy, I’ve developed an even greater connection to my body. She no longer wants to move at an accelerated, hyper pace. She doesn’t want to “crush it” or jumbo size her plate so I can add more, more, more to the all-you-can-eat accomplishment buffet.

For an ambitious person like myself, this revelation can be a hard pill to swallow. It’s difficult when your body wants something different from your ego. My body is ferocious (and very sensitive). She will tank quickly if I make decisions that are out of alignment with my soul rhythm, and the older I get the more ornery (and gentle) she gets. I don’t really like speaking about my body as if she’s separate because obviously we are one. However, when my mind is going in one direction, and my body is going in another, it sure feels like we’re different. When that happens, I realize the consequences of behaving as if we’re separate.

Get a No Buddy

I love Facetime. Living on a dead-end street in the Catskills, Facetime is my favorite way to stay in touch with my friends—most of whom live in NYC or CT. So the other day, I was Skyping with one of my besties and I told him I got sick, yet again. Well, I love this friend because he has chronic medical issues too and he’s great at standing up for my body when I don’t.

Needless to say he gave me a spiritual tune-up and at the end of it we decided to become No Buddies. When invites and opportunities come our way, we run them by each other. If it’s a clear “yes” it’s obvious to both of us. If it’s a “no” but we’re on the fence due to scarcity mentality, guilt, or feeling left out, it becomes pretty apparent. At that point, we coach each other on the underlying emotions and it usually ends with a big ole “no”.

My body is very happy about my No Buddy.

Can we really be in optimal condition all the time?

Before I end this blog post I want to touch on another point. It’s OK to get sick. It isn’t always punishment or proof that we did something wrong. This is very important to understand. I’ve turned a corner when it comes to expecting peak health 24/7. Living with cancer has certainly helped me do that, and yet I’ve noticed that I have little tolerance for the smaller stuff (colds, aches, pains—the normal ebbs and flows of life).

Some seasons are strong, others are weak. Some days I’m creative, other days I’m stuck. Sometimes my marriage is solid, sometimes I want to live alone in an Airstream. That’s life. And maybe what life is continuing to tell us is that it’s all OK. The sunshine and the rain. The big bright breakthroughs and the dark nights of the soul. We can’t amputate our emotions and we can’t control our ups and downs. Fully accepting my complicated, miraculous instrument (AKA body) means leaving space for all of it. The highs, the lows, the wellness and the sickness, the stuckness, the flow. All of it.

Your Turn: Today, I’m your “No Buddy”. What’s your body saying no to? Is there something that’s going to throw you off balance that you can decline? Share in the comments and feel the weight fall off your shoulders.

Bonus: Your Crazy Sexy Love Notes Reading!

I also wanted to throw in this extra video goodie. Here’s what my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck told me when I asked for guidance during this period. Wouldn’t you know, I pulled the “Nourish Yourself” card! If you need this message too, press play to join me in my tree fort. And if you haven’t already, you can order your own copy of the deck from Amazon here!

Peace & nurturing “no’s,”

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  1. Beverly says:

    I got my Crazy Sexy Love Notes in the mail yesterday and the first one I pulled after mixing them up really good was “Listen to Your Body”! I have been battling diarrhea for over 6 weeks. A couple of weeks I wrote about it in my own blog and how I felt there was some kind of mind-body connection. Before pulling the card, I had already made the decision to take some time off from running competitively and to start a special 7 day diet to support my digestive tract while waiting for my appointment with the gastroenterologist.
    Funny, but I was about to blog about pulling the Listen to Your Body card last night and decided to go to bed instead. Reading your blog this morning was even more confirmation that I’m on the right path!
    Feel better soon! 🙂

  2. victoria hornsby says:

    Hi Kris,

    What you have just said has touched me so deeply. I have lupus and have only been diagnosed for a year. I’ve have struggled with the ups and downs and have tried to lead a healthy life so not to be reliant on drugs. I had a bad day last week and struggle with the thought of I’ve failed and its all my fault I’m feeling bad today. I attack myself instead of listening to my body.
    I’m awful at saying no and plan far too much in my day and I get stressed when I can’t do everything. I have struggled with my mind saying I should do all these things but my body is resistant. I love yoga but the last few sessions I have felt drained, achey and so tired. I don’t want to give up and your blog made me realise I just have to be gentle on myself.

    Thank you! I hope you rest and feel better very soon.
    Love Victoria x

  3. Dawn says:

    Kris, You are just SO inspiring to me on many levels! Thank you for being YOU!

  4. Jiillii says:

    Hi Kris,

    I hope you feel better soon and am inspired you are able to see this as a positive learning experience. It was like you wrote this post for me yesterday. I have had a run of niggly illnesses for the past 2 months and had been feeling increasingly frustrated at myself…now I realise that’s the ego but my soul is doing things in a different, quieter way with truly my best interests at heart. I see that now and hope we can learn to live together harmoniously.

    I think I’m going to start daily journal writing again to understand my body/deeper feelings better and help ‘us’ to understand one another.

    Interestingly I sometimes refer to myself as “we” in my head “we can do this”, I am wondering if that indicates the two parts of my are not aligned.

    Thank you, Kris, for this wonderful insight and positive interpretation! And also for saying it is ok to get sick. Some books suggest you bring it on yourself through your thoughts – I think that can sometimes be true but I prefer your interpretation!

    Much love,

    Jillian xx

  5. isa gesseau says:

    great to share this with me thank you to Xenia for sharing and also to you for your insightful thoughts about well being x

  6. Cass says:

    So crazy that you have posted about this! I’ve been noticing lately I’m consciously checking in with myself and asking how I feel about certain commitments.
    Thanks for this, I definitely needed the theme to be re-iterated and shone in bright lights 🙂
    I hope you’re feeling better soon <3

  7. Dear Kris:
    First of all, I hope you’re doing well with your bronchitis.

    Thanks for being my NO Buddy. Really, I needed it.

    I’m not chronically ill, but since I suffered panic and anxiety attacks from a couple of years now I know sometimes I need to stop. Sometimes I need to say NO. Sometimes I need to rest, to read, to eat, to breath. But I do it hardly ever.

    My job is not my cup of tea, so I fill up my spare time with volunteer activities and some other stuff that I really love to do, but for which I don’t have enough time if I want to go to bed early (as I do, of course). So I have much more stuff in my plate that I can manage.

    I loved the quote of the picture. I guess you have it in your board. I will write it in a piece of paper and put it in mine just to remind me that sometimes I have to listen to my body and say no.
    Thanks for sharing your experience and inspire us all.

    Huge hug from Spain.

  8. Ashley says:

    Kris, you are so cute and sweet. I always feel happy after reading your emails. Great post, and cheers to feeling better soon.

  9. Genevieve says:

    Thank you for this post! I, too, currently have bronchitis. And worse, I’ve been beating myself up over it, like if I had followed a more perfect diet and exercise regimen, I wouldn’t have gotten sick. Thank you for telling me it’s ok; I really needed to hear that!

  10. Misara says:

    My current quest is self love. Having listened to a speaker on the Hay House Summit, Teal Dwain, I went to YouTube to listen to some of her videos. Having some chronic health opportunities myself I discovered some brilliant insights from the following video

    Watch “What Should I Do When I Am Sick? (Ask Teal Episode About Sickness) – Teal Swan” on YouTube

    May all be well <3

  11. Victoria says:

    you are so awesome Kriss, feeling grateful to have read this email that I received. A wonderful gift.

    Thank You!


  12. Debra Mazer says:

    Love You Kris. xoxo Thanx for keepin it real. Even the health goddesses have our challenges, me too! 😉 Oh yeah, we get to be human, not a plastic version of ourselves (speaking in mirror). LOVE!!! 😉 + Feel bettah! x (I love this post. !!!)

  13. Lyn says:

    Hi Kris, I love your “No Buddy”. I agree that there are times when it is not so clear what one should do: A yes or no? Thanks for sharing. Get well too!

  14. Heather says:

    You are a sparkly human! This universe is so blessed to have you! I love the way you put all things into perspective!
    Thank you for you! Xoxoxo

  15. Caro says:

    Did you just jump inside my body??? Wow. You’re singing my song today, sistah. A couple of weeks ago, I overcommitted big time & got sick from it – still am recovering.

    Thanks for giving me permission to just be.

  16. Paule says:

    Wham bam! Earlier today, I applied for an extra day of work for next year, having a freak out about money. I don’t want to be doing this job anymore and I am so grateful to be on my way to becoming a certified nutritionist. Still a year to go and in the meantime, been very well supported by this amazing friendly Universe. What was I thinking? I lost my way for a few hours… and all my joy!!! Realigning now. Fells much better in my belly :0) Thank you so much for this absolutely Divine order post Kris.

  17. kim says:

    Sychronicity and not surprising.

    Last week I clicked on your message and listened to your Hay House Summitt talk and it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear this week it is the same. I have been going through a similar situation with my health and body and the permission to SAY NO hit me hard. Thanks for sharing and always being so truthful and vulnerable

    Lots of love


  18. Kirsten says:

    Hi Kris I always luv your tales but today something really hit home, something I’ve been struggling with and thought it was only me having these feelings and that I had to do something drastic to fix them……..Sometimes my marriage is solid, sometimes I want to live alone in an Airstream…….thanks for being so honest about your life…….that one little sentence just helped me a BIG….HUGE…. amount 🙂

  19. Ellen Hurley Clark says:

    Flu, from Influenza, actually got named by Italian astronomers long ago. When people were getting very sick, they said it was the influence of the stars. Maybe they were really on to something big! Feel better Kris.

  20. Stonerocks says:

    My body is saying: hey, I wanna love you, but you make it soooo hard. You haven’t juiced in WEEKS, you are eating too many of those peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. You aren’t meditating. And you’re getting pret-ty grumpy. Do you wonder why I’m all achey and tired? Can’t you feel how those peanut butter (on WHITE bread) sandwiches are doing to me? Jeeze, I pay for that “treat” for hours with bloat and indigestion. Is is sooo hard to eat your veggies and put some good stuff in a blender and push a button? C’mon, kid, get going before I need help getting up off the couch. As a matter of fact, please get up off the couch! Do you really need advice from Dr. Phil everyday?

    Gosh, I needed that. Going to look for something green.

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