Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Not Sure When Enough is Enough? Listen to Your Body

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Hiya Gorgeous,

As I type this I have bronchitis. A few weeks ago it was something else, a violent stomach flu. Sickness definitely slows our lives way down and sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. We refuse to stop, so our bodies stop it for us. Thanks, bronchitis! Thanks, stomach flu!

Man, I must be really stubborn to need two back-to-back lessons—especially after the bug. It was like my personal Apocalypse Now. I’m sure you’ve been there. And by the way, why do they call it a “flu”? You know me, I gotta know these things…

After falling down a Google rabbit hole, I determined that I probably ate poop on a salad.

That sounds awful, I know, and I really hope you’re not eating a salad when you read this. If you are, I am very sorry. But those horrendous, toss-your-cookies-24/7 episodes often come from poor sanitary conditions at restaurants and well, I have been on a takeout jag. Why? You guessed it. I’ve been too busy to cook. I bet that sounds familiar too!

Anyway, I’ve been relatively healthy this year, so what gives? Well, clearly there are actual medical reasons, but that’s not what I want to explore today. I find it interesting that the two obligations I was dreading were set to take place during the weeks I got sick. Coincidence? Or was it my body saying “no”?


How often do you check in with your body before making a decision?

Can you actually imagine doing that? Checking in with your body (AKA your soul) to see what it needs?

It could go something like this: “Darling, how does that feel? Are you up for this? Would saying “yes” light you up or drain your tub?” If I had asked those questions and listened to the answers (fatigue, racing thoughts at bedtime) I would have said NO and I may have sidestepped the snot and gore. But, what fun it is to learn about ourselves.

Seriously, I do love these growth opportunities, they just keep coming!

But I have made new progress this year. Because I’ve slowed down to focus on my next book and to care for sweet Buddy, I’ve developed an even greater connection to my body. She no longer wants to move at an accelerated, hyper pace. She doesn’t want to “crush it” or jumbo size her plate so I can add more, more, more to the all-you-can-eat accomplishment buffet.

For an ambitious person like myself, this revelation can be a hard pill to swallow. It’s difficult when your body wants something different from your ego. My body is ferocious (and very sensitive). She will tank quickly if I make decisions that are out of alignment with my soul rhythm, and the older I get the more ornery (and gentle) she gets. I don’t really like speaking about my body as if she’s separate because obviously we are one. However, when my mind is going in one direction, and my body is going in another, it sure feels like we’re different. When that happens, I realize the consequences of behaving as if we’re separate.

Get a No Buddy

I love Facetime. Living on a dead-end street in the Catskills, Facetime is my favorite way to stay in touch with my friends—most of whom live in NYC or CT. So the other day, I was Skyping with one of my besties and I told him I got sick, yet again. Well, I love this friend because he has chronic medical issues too and he’s great at standing up for my body when I don’t.

Needless to say he gave me a spiritual tune-up and at the end of it we decided to become No Buddies. When invites and opportunities come our way, we run them by each other. If it’s a clear “yes” it’s obvious to both of us. If it’s a “no” but we’re on the fence due to scarcity mentality, guilt, or feeling left out, it becomes pretty apparent. At that point, we coach each other on the underlying emotions and it usually ends with a big ole “no”.

My body is very happy about my No Buddy.

Can we really be in optimal condition all the time?

Before I end this blog post I want to touch on another point. It’s OK to get sick. It isn’t always punishment or proof that we did something wrong. This is very important to understand. I’ve turned a corner when it comes to expecting peak health 24/7. Living with cancer has certainly helped me do that, and yet I’ve noticed that I have little tolerance for the smaller stuff (colds, aches, pains—the normal ebbs and flows of life).

Some seasons are strong, others are weak. Some days I’m creative, other days I’m stuck. Sometimes my marriage is solid, sometimes I want to live alone in an Airstream. That’s life. And maybe what life is continuing to tell us is that it’s all OK. The sunshine and the rain. The big bright breakthroughs and the dark nights of the soul. We can’t amputate our emotions and we can’t control our ups and downs. Fully accepting my complicated, miraculous instrument (AKA body) means leaving space for all of it. The highs, the lows, the wellness and the sickness, the stuckness, the flow. All of it.

Your Turn: Today, I’m your “No Buddy”. What’s your body saying no to? Is there something that’s going to throw you off balance that you can decline? Share in the comments and feel the weight fall off your shoulders.

Bonus: Your Crazy Sexy Love Notes Reading!

I also wanted to throw in this extra video goodie. Here’s what my Crazy Sexy Love Notes card deck told me when I asked for guidance during this period. Wouldn’t you know, I pulled the “Nourish Yourself” card! If you need this message too, press play to join me in my tree fort. And if you haven’t already, you can order your own copy of the deck from Amazon here!

Peace & nurturing “no’s,”

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  1. Claudia Ricaldez says:

    Hi Kris,

    Sending you love for a speedy recovery! Funny I am also just recently curing from Bronquitis- as a result of probably not listening to my body. I have as well being in a difficult situation and hopefully you’ll be able to comment here on ideas. I love my husband, meeting him was the best thing this universe had in store for me. However, he works as an agronomist and we have been stationed in a country where I have failed to make any true connection to. It’s really strange. I am Latin America and I am in another Latam country and you would think this is easy. I have as well lived in different places and like to travel, so have been exposed to different cultures. My body has been saying no for a while here, I have talked to my husband about it- at first he was really stubborn about staying- but now is open to the idea, just that I do not think the change is coming fast enough. How to cope? And what to do Kris? If I were single, I would have given the place a chance and if it did not work out I would have already moved long time ago. One positive is my connection with nature here- its my favorite part to venture for a walk in the forest.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Hahaha, love the big foot slippers, but I don’t think Lola does. Even sick, you are just the sweetest being on the planet.

  3. Jadi says:

    Hi Kris,

    I don’t have a specific comment, just a continuous “THANK YOU”. Thank you for speaking my soul language; it’s tough in a go-getter’s world not to get caught up in it all. But I am also a sensitive unicorn ;); and while I’ve understood for quite some time that my spirit soars when I put fewer things on my plate and am able to absorb myself in them; I am still working on the accepting part. It’s fellow human beings like you who remind me that it’s ok, and that I am ok, exactly as I am, and that rather than turning away from my body and “pushing through”, I need to bring a gentle ear and an open hear to what she’s really asking for. Thanks again!

  4. So sorry you are not feeling well. I actually just went to Dr. Bock yesterday per your interview with him on Lyme Disease and I want to thank you so much for sharing that Information. I feel hope after seeing him. Having Lyme Disease actually has forced me to slow down. I don’t like it but I feel the universe sent a strong message that I was not caring for myself and this has made me turn my life around. Sometimes we need to get sick in order to get better…love to you! Hope u feel better.

  5. Lizzie says:

    Thank you for this article, Kris. After spending a sleepless night in turmoil about having to take a step back from the job I love as a teacher to recover from cancer treatment, it feels like the Universe is telling me that it’s ok to do that. It’s ok to take time out to focus on my recovery and to be a good Mummy to my 2 year old daughter. You’re an inspiration!

  6. Michelle says:

    Hi kris! Omg I can’t believe I just read your blog , I was diagnosed with ms 12 yrs ago , have been off meds for 3 because I am using food and yoga as my medicine! I admit I over did it on Mother’s Day, doing yard work I should of had my 4 teenage boys do, but I hate to ask for help, we’ll it caught up to me and had an ms episode, paralyzed from neck down, (that is normal for me) I can walk and move but am still in so much pain and my head was getting in the way, or should I say ego, today was playing games with me , had another flair up today not paralyzed but leg dragging, pain and now depression we’ll not anymore since reading your blog!!! Thank you, I love my body mind and spirit!
    Thanks for all you do!

  7. Amy U says:

    Gosh this was great. Thank you. Reading that just felt like sunshine. Just what my body and soul needed to hear.

    There were so many little treasures in that I don’t even know where to start! My friends would consider me a professional sick person. They consider me many other things as well, but that’s definitely one of them.

    Thanks to good ol’ cancer and it’s resulting surgery, I have a gaping hole in my head. The roof of my mouth was removed due to a tumor and I now wear a prosthetic mouth piece. Yes, you read that correctly, I wear a prosthetic mouth. I have nothing separating my mouth from my sinuses and the rest of the black abyss of my head that I can see into, other than my prosthetic. So this leaves my sinuses with limited protection and therefore I am declaring myself Queen of the Sinus Infections! I get these like clock work every 3-4 months and they are awful. I can’t fully describe the amount of pain and pressure on that part of face where bone has been removed. However, I’ve recently been getting them way more often, in the last 3 months, I have had 3. And every time I get thrown on heavy antibiotics and steroids, all of which I hate for several reasons. But, that made me took a look elsewhere, other than the whole I have in my mouth. And guess what? I’m stressed the heck out!! I agree, I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I recently had the revelation that in certain ways I am weaker than others and have to take better care of myself, maybe missing out on some things and saying no more often, all for the sake of staying healthy. My mom was like, seriously, you just realized that now?

    So the timing of this was just magical and just reaffirms my recent a-ha. I’ve gotten better at listening to my body and my gut instinct in the 3 years since surgery, but it isn’t always easy. Just because you have this new found knowledge doesn’t mean things magically get easier, you have to apply them every damn day. And lord knows the universe is testing us on that on the regular!

    Anyways, thank you so much for all that you do, you have no idea how much you being you helps me be me.

    Love, Amy

  8. I wholeheartedly agree. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to take care of yourself. Saying no can sometimes be the best medicine for you. I hope you are feeling better and thank you for all you do. I tell my students that they should watch Crazy Sexy Cancer when we cover the topic of cancer in class. The students who watch it, love it.

  9. JeanMarie says:

    I presently have a cold, what my mother calls a “poor man’s vacation.” But I am reframing this minor but uncomfortable condition, and using my passing illness to feeling very grateful that I don’t have a worse malady; and I am grateful to have this unencumbered time to rest and STOP! I also have your crazy sexy notes next to me, a comfort and inspiration. These cards are lovely and uplifting! Thanks!

  10. Sarah says:

    Well…aww..I’m sorry you don’t feel good. I know how you feel. If I eat too much I’ll get a stomach ache. Or if I eat food with a lot of preserves in food I’ll feel bad. Then I’ll get sick to my stomach. But if I don’t get sick. I’ll feel really bad.

  11. JB says:

    Hi Kris,
    It’s called flu because it’s an abbreviation of its proper name, influenza

  12. Gina says:

    Kris…………….thank you for hitting the nail on the head for so many of us. This article hit home hard. Thanks for being a ‘No Buddy’ to all of us. xoxoxoxoxo

  13. Cindy says:

    Hi Kris!

    I hope you’re well on the way to feeling better! Your messages seem to be just what I am needing to hear at the moment I read them! I have been soooo tired lately and the worst part of when I am not feeling super duper is I feel BAD about not feeling so super duper! How silly is that!? I too have so many ambitious ideas and projects but my body is telling me more and more that I need to slow down…take a moment and rest….or take a break. That is so hard for me to do cause then I wonder how I am ever going to do EVERYTHING I want or need to do if I don’t keep going 90 miles an hour every day! Even when I clearly do run out of gas I often continue to struggle to keep going The past couple of days I have been feeling exhausted to the point of not feeling well at all and yesterday I just threw in the towel and hooked up to a great audio book and snoozed on and off all day without any negative feelings about how I was physically feeling or what I was not getting done. And I decided today I am going to order your cards and take a moment to LISTEN to my body and then HEED the message, even if I have to give up something I think I need to do. Your message could not have come at a more pertinent time…love your emails always Kris! And thank you for sending yours out when you were feeling under the weather…you really do rock!!

  14. Jennifer says:

    Wow! This was JUST what I needed to hear today. For the past week I’ve been plagued with fatigue and migraines (due to saying yes when I should have said no) and I had to cancel travel plans today. The guilt was setting in until I read your newsletter this morning. Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear. I’m going to save this email in my “in” box so I can reread it and be reminded to just say no.
    I am headed to the couch to sit with my cat an dog and read a book!
    Have a happy day!
    Jennifer (i’m the girl that came to see you speak twice in Cleveland a few years ago, I was sitting right in the front row : )

  15. Isa says:

    Well, I don´t know what my body is telling me. But I am desperatly trying to understand because I know my body is really trying to tell me something.
    I have had a burn-out two years ago and I have never been the same. It is obvious for me that my burn-out was related to some issues that I can know identify.
    I have tried to change those “issues” and it was not easy since other people pretty close to me didn´t understand my change and how much I neeeded it.
    In the end, I left my husband because he couldn´t understand and accept the “new me” and my limitations.
    In the end, he FINALLY understood and we are together again.
    The thing is.. There is still something to solve, something my body is telling me with my awful migraines and being constantly tired. My life is not the same, I cannot do what I used to do. And ok with that until a limit. Maybe it has something to do with an issue that is still not solved and, either way will make me suffer.
    It is always that issue that comes to my mind when I meditate. ALWAYS.
    Will it be the “thing” that is making me feel sick? Sometimes I need to spend a whole day sleeping. At weekends I don´t want to do anything else except to have some rest.
    And maybe my feelings, my need for change isn´t still accomplished.
    And I have already written too much….

  16. Amy says:

    Boy I needed this today. I’ve been on an over commitment binge. I commit to saying no this week to subbing an extrayoga class. Even though I love to teach, I can’t do it without taking care of me first. Thank you for this!

  17. Mieke says:

    Thank you Kris. For me this is definitely a post I will be coming back to. Allowing to go with the highs and lows of life, not expecting to be super healthy all the time. That is such a good reminder.
    I hope you feel better soon, wishing you all the best!

  18. Liz says:

    I just got home from the hospital yesterday after having had major surgery. I came home with a bag taped to my tummy for my poop. It’s called an “ostomy” and I’ll have it – and will have to care for it – for 4 – 6 weeks. Last night I sat on the toilet and just cried. It is so gross and smelly and, well, NOT me. This morning I woke up thinking differently about it. Today, I realized that my poop is now like infant poop and I have decided to, as much as I can, care for my self like a loving momma changing her precious new-born’s diaper. With patience, love and tenderness. Your blog is like a bold underline to that newly written sentence. Thanks so much, Kris!!

  19. Rhonda says:

    Hi Kris,

    As I read your post today it reminded me of how we have all bought into this crazy busy mode of operating our lives. Of course we are going to weaken our immune systems and get run down when we take on all the things we are wanting to do plus compile ourselves with things we don’t really want to do by saying yes to them. So it is good to realize and then make a practice to schedule more down time and use it to take better care of ourselves starting with fueling ourselves from our own kitchens.

    Your message today reminded me of my crazy days of caring for my mom, full time career woman, taking care of household with hubby and fur babies and feeling like I was spinning in circles as I tried to keep all the plates going. I would get a case of the chronic bronchitis at least once or twice a year as I would pick up a cold. I found a formula that works and with letting go of some of the crazy living, I have not had the bronchitis in years. I found it in an older version (70’s) Eal Mindell’s Vitamin Bible. When we know we need to take care of ourselves first before taking on all the other stuff, we are able to do more.

    Take care Kris

  20. Julie says:

    Thanks! i needed to hear this today. So often I try to fill my schedule so full, but lately I am having to pull back, due to sickness and just not feeling well. It’s then I begin to feel guilty, but hearing this now today, I know I am doing the right thing and just taking care of me. <3

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