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My top 9 must-read inspiring books

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Hi Sweet Friends,

The first leaves of fall are starting to pop up at my farmette and the slight chill in the air has me reaching for my cozy sweaters. I don’t know about you, but when the weather starts to cool down, I start thinking about my grade school days. And even though it’s been a decade or two-ish (ahem) since I started my mornings in homeroom, I’m still perpetually in school (and I still buy new notebooks).

Life itself has grown into one big ole workshop fueled by inspiring books and I don’t even want to skip class these days!

If you’re familiar with my journey, you know that I became a full-time health sleuth after my diagnosis. Books were my teachers, the Internet was my classroom and blood tests were my grades. Over the years, reading has become as much a part of my health practice as meditating (my nightstand is actually hazardous). I dog-ear pages. I highlight. I re-read and then read again. I scribble in the margins. I have a personal relationship with my books.

Nowadays, what really gets my gray matter fired up is reading about mental, spiritual and emotional health.

After years of crunching numbers to figure out all my necessary nutrients and becoming snuggly familiar with anatomy (and my excrements!), I can’t wait to sit down with books that ignite my creative lighter fluid. Whether it’s about writing well, staying sane or exploring why our magnificent brains work in certain ways, I’m immersed in the wellness of the mind.

So, I curated some of my favorite tiles, covering my go-to resources, most loved page-turners, plus a few super-exciting titles that will be hitting the shelves this fall. Sharpen your pencils, friends. Class is in session!

My top 10 must-read inspiring books list

Broken Open, Elizabeth Lesser

Life gets messy. That’s always gonna be true. But it’s what we do in those messy times—and, particularly, what we get out of them—that make them worthwhile and interesting. Elizabeth uses her own deeply personal and gloriously raw experiences to guide readers through being open in the hard times. She’s one of my favorite writers and this book in particular contains countless soul aha’s. It’s sorta like my spiritual woobie.

How to Meditate, by Pema Chodron

Straightforward and kind. Those are two amazing qualities in any person, but they’re especially important in a meditation maestro. Yes, there are many books that tell you why you should meditate, but Pema makes it available to even the most fidgety of folks.

The Law of Divine Compensation, by Marianne Williamson

Putting your principles into action is what this book is all about. Marianne, as many of you probably already know, is one of the country’s best-loved spirituality writers. In this book, she makes the ideas laid out in A Course in Miracles accessible, and applies them to our financial well-being.

Mom & Me & Mom, by Maya Angelou

My mom gave me this book so we could connect further expand our relationship—and we did just that. This book is a spiritual memoir page turner! And the roller coaster ride these two women went on is cinema-worthy—as is the profound love, respect and forgiveness that shaped their relationship. There’s no one quite like Maya to explore what it means to be a daughter, then her own woman, and then discover a relationship with her mother again. Oh, and there is definitely no one like Maya Angelou’s mother! As my own grandma would say “She’s a pistol packing mama”—literally!

Money: A Love Story, by Kate Northrup

What I love about this book is Kate’s approach. Sure, there are a zillion books out there that teach you how to set up savings accounts. But Kate nails the root of our money insecurities. She knows that when we truly value ourselves, we can heal our relationship with money, and then spend in a way that lines up with who we are at our core. Kate recently visited the farmette and I just loved chatting with her in this quick video! Check it out.

Red Hot & Holy, by Sera Beak

Do you have a unique relationship with the Divine (that’s big D, not divine as in chocolate)? My sweet friend Sera does, but it took her years of trial, tribulation and a few ooh la la saucy encounters to settle down. This woman is wild and free and on fire. Red Hot & Holy (another spiritual page turner) will take your on a ride! It’s sexual, ripped open, devout and filled with the sort of realness that very few authors dare to reveal. I. Was. Blown. Away.

The Tapping Solution, by Nick Ortner

Tapping (aka Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) has been one of the most valuable practices that I’ve embraced in my daily life. It helps me work through mental and physical challenges with relative ease and it’s literally at my fingertips at any moment. I adore this book, and as many of you know, I also adore Nick Ortner. Though he’s my brother from another mother, I’m not playing favorite when I say that this book will change your life. If you’ve ever wondered how tapping really works, Nick backs up the “how” here with the “why,” including the science behind tapping. For a quick introduction, step into my kitchen. In this video, Nick and I lead you through the basic EFT practice—it’ll take five minutes to learn!

True Refuge, by Tara Brach

I’m in deep awe of Tara Brach and I need more of her in my life! This book is a way home—home to yourself. Tara breaks down the illusions and, as she calls them, “false refuges” that can distract us when we’re seeking ourselves. She reminds readers that the true refuge is accepting the present, and all that it brings. Like so many Buddhist teachings, this sounds a lot more simple than it actually is! But Tara really makes it doable with her teachings in this priceless book.

Why I Wake Early, by Mary Oliver

Oh, poetry. Just writing the word makes me feel more interesting. Ha! But in all seriousness, there’s something subtle and grounding about the way that Mary uses her short, neat words. This book in particular celebrates all the many wonderful parts of nature. I often read poetry before I start writing. It gets the muse juices flowing. And since I love spirit and nature so much, Mary is a go-to source. Once again, my mom turned me on to her work (sheesh, that woman has good taste!).

Your turn: What book has inspired you lately?

Peace & page turners,

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  1. Shilpa Pol says:

    Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life
    Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Inspiration
    Osho’s fear

  2. Dianne says:

    Some great recommendations here thank you. Great to see a Marianne Williamson book – I loved the Law of Divine Compensation and Marianne’s online seminar (The Law of Divine Compensation). I read A Return of Love by Marianne Williamson over 20 years; it became my bible, and led me on to be a student of A Course in Miracles. Also Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, poetry including Rumi and Gibran.

  3. Tanya says:

    E Squared by Pam Grout. Love it!

  4. Well, your reading preferences are certainly a little different than mine. To each their own, I guess. I have a stronger preference for non-fiction that’s more academic than you, I think. I’ve heard good things about the book by Maya Angelous, so perhaps I’ll give that a shot?

  5. Angela Nicoll says:

    Add More ~Ing To Your Life…still my favourite Gabrielle Bernstein book, and “The Pleasure Zone” by Stella Resnick are the two books I turn to when I feel like I need some healing. I also love the Red Book by Sera Beak, haven’t read her latest book yet. Anything written by Rumi. And probably my ultimate favourite read, the Prophet by Khalil Gibran. I’m a big reader!

  6. Temple Williams says:

    Anti Cancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan – Schreiber.
    Raw Juices Can Save Your Life by Dr Sandra Cabot and any of her books very informative and easy to read.
    Thanks Kindly

  7. Jenny Fisher says:

    Do You QuantumThink

  8. Tanya says:

    Hi Kris,

    Thanks so much for the list…although if I add any more titles to my to-read shelf I think it will collapse under the weight. *smiles*

    Right now I’m making my way through The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, and I’m tearing through it because every page is so true and enlightening I can’t wait to see what’s on the next one.

    I highly recommend it for everyone, especially those of us who are aching to be creative, but just can’t seem to get going.

  9. Michelle says:

    Great recommendations!! I am reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and it is a life-changing read! It is simple and profound and is changing my relationship with my thoughts, emotions and surrounding world. xx

  10. Shearin says:

    Thank you all for the great recommendations!!! I’ve been having anxiety due to several factors, realizing how I was taught to worry and be so hard on myself has hurt me and brought me to where I am now. The good news is I am more aware of this then I have ever been and working with myself and a great therapist to break the old habits. My biggest challenge is being in the moment. Any recommendations on great books on mindfulness, awareness, being kinder to yourself? Thank you!!! 🙂

    • Tanya says:

      Hi Shearin,

      I haven’t read it yet, but it sounds like Gabrielle Bernstein’s May Cause Miracles might be exactly what you’re looking for. Gabby is a beautiful soul and she wrote this book to help people find their way out of fear and into love. She’s also big into meditation & affirmations, and I hear this book is chalk full of ways to build/enhance your mindfulness practice.

      Here’s a link to the introduction, so you can get a taste:–TzYceQA

      Take care,


    • Susan says:

      A lot of us can relate! Sometimes we need to be reminded about the simplicity of life when everything feels overwhelming. I’m not talking about generic cliché stuff, but simplicity. I think Robert Holden has a gift for poignantly simplifying and his little book Shift Happens, in my view, covered what ten bestsellers said in their thousands of pages. Also, Michael Neill’s new Inside-Out Revolution is another read-in-a-day-book that takes some common ideas/research and presents it in a really fresh new way – simple. I’m an avid reader of this genre of books, and Neill’s is the book that really provoked me above others in it’s new albeit subtle shift in perspective.
      Trust… tell the little voices you hear them – and now beat it… and believe: as you know better you do better – we all have to do that no matter our journey.

  11. Thanks for this super juicy list Kris!!! I’ve read most of them and totally feel the same. Going to check out the 2 that were new to me. Yay! Some of my all time inspirational favs & must-reads (over and over) are:
    Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
    Deep Play by Diane Ackerman
    True Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
    Art Objects: Essays on Ecstasy & Effrontery by Jeanette Winterson
    Writing Down to the Bones by Nathalie Goldberg
    The Alchemist (or anything) by Paulo Coelho
    Living on Your Own Terms (or anything) by Osho
    The War of Art by Steve Pressfield
    The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau
    Succulent Wild Women by SARK

    sending some BIG love your way!

  12. carolj says:

    I agree on Outrageous Openness….Tosha Silver rocks it and her facebook posts are spot on with what I’m needing to hear.

    I absolutely LOVED Catherynne Valente’s series “The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a ship of her own making” and “The Girl who fell beneath Fairyland and led the revels there”. The next one “The Girl who soared over Fairyland and cut the moon in two” comes out October 1 and I can hardly wait. They are pure fun and fantasy and so very yummy.

  13. Jill says:

    Hi Kris, I too recently compiled a list of my favourite books which have inspired me and influenced me in some way. Some of my favourites include Eckart Tolles – New Earth, You are Here – Thich Nhat Hanh, Feel the Fear & Do it Anyway – Susan Jeffers, and The Secret Language of Your Body – Inna Segal.

  14. Sarah says:

    Hi Kris, a great list. Thanks for posting. Some of my absolute favorite books of all time are Great Expectations and The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, Mother by Maxim Gorky and The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

  15. Kate says:

    So many of your favorite books are some of my favorites, too. I wanted to share that Tara Brach, author of “True Refuge” and “Radical Acceptance” also has many inspiring talks at her IMCW meditation center. Here is the link for one of her powerful talks about facing fear and transforming it:

  16. Zoe C says:

    Great suggestions! I need these from time to time and I guess I need to get a hold of your book after reading one of the comments saying that it’s a mean – in an inspirational kind of way – read.

  17. Chastity says:

    Thanks so much for the list.. I’ll definitely bookmark this page to come back to later.. I’m a bookwork myself..
    Follow my blog on the Simplicity of Style for the Home and Fashion.. Thanks again..

  18. Fiona Buxton says:

    My favourite book at present is the new edition of Ian Gawler’s ‘You can conquer cancer’. Based on Ian’s recovery from a supposedly terminal bone sarcoma in the 1970s it looks at the mind, body and dietary steps you can take to live better with or overcome cancers. Dietary advice is very much on CSK principles – style is very down to earth as Ian is Australian (and still very much alive)

  19. Carol Joan says:

    Interesting to see that only a few people mentioned the Bible which is THE BOOK for me.I once read somewhere that the initials could stand for “Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth” I get the feeling that you, Kris and the majority of the others who commented have never tried reading it. Have you not ever thought of giving it a go???

  20. Susan says:

    Kris, the book I’m reading now on my vacation is Paris is called “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. A Toltec Wisdom Book. It states this on the cover. It goes into detail on each of the four agreements; Be Impeccable With Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, & Always Do Your Best. It makes so much sense, especially after an exceptional bottle of Bordeaux! (p.s. I’m Dr. Sue who used to blog with you and a handful of others, Debbie, Callie, Dee, back in 2008 – still love the message!!!)

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