Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Natural Deodorant Review & Tips

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Hiya Gorgeous,

Let’s talk B.O.!

Do natural deodorants really work? Why should we use them? Which ones are best?

As per usual, there’s more here than meets the nose! In this video and blog, I’m giving you the down and stinky scoop on deodorants and antiperspirants. Like many of you, I’ve been on the hunt for natural products that work for years, and now I’m gettin’ down and dirty to find the best natural deodorant. I finally tested over a dozen products and included the results in this (hilarious) video and awesome infographic below.

Pssst! Make sure you watch the entire video. You don’t want to miss my surprise guest—A GRIZZLY BEAR!

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it’s really good at absorbing what you put on it.

Think about it like this: when smokers want to quit, they slap on a patch that delivers nicotine right to their bloodstream via their skin, same deal with the birth control patch. There are even vitamin B12 patches! With your spongy epidermis in mind, it’s important we do our best to reduce our chemical exposure. Which includes what we put on our pits. I can’t wait to discuss this all with you. Let’s dive in!

To clear up our stinkin’ thinkin’ about, well, stinkin’, here are a few starting points about deodorants, antiperspirants and good ole sweat:

  • Why do we sweat? Sweating is our body’s cooling mechanism. We sweat when it’s hot out, when we’ve been exercising, when we have a fever or when we’re anxious and stressed.
  • Why does it smell bad? Actually, sweat itself doesn’t smell. That signature sweaty odor comes from the meeting of the bacteria living on our skin with the sweat escaping from our sweat glands.
  • What are antiperspirants? Some people try to prevent  body odor by using an antiperspirant to stop their bodies from sweating (yikes!). Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find a truly non-toxic anti-perspirant because of the harsh ingredients necessary to prevent sweating—more on this in a moment.
  • What are deodorants? Unlike an antiperspirant, a deodorant works on top of the skin, killing off the bacteria with an antiseptic ingredient, then covering any leftover odors with a scent. As with all personal products, it’s important to be an informed consumer to select a safe natural deodorant. The good news is that it’s possible!

Conventional Deodorants & Antiperspirants

What should you be looking for when you check the ingredients on your next stick? Here are a few of the potentially harmful things found in regular deodorants and antiperspirants. These are the guys you want to avoid. Take note: Some of these ingredients will be spelled out right on the label, and some won’t be, so you might have to sleuth a little further.


What does it do? Absorbent and colorant.

Why should you avoid it? It is considered a carcinogen if it contains asbesiform fibers. But there’s no way to know if the talc in your product contains asbestos. So stay away—better safe than sorry.


What does it do? Kills bacteria.

Why should you avoid it? Triclosan disrupts the endocrine and immune systems, can cause allergic reactions and can also build up in your tissues.


What does it do? Acts as a preservative.

Why should you avoid it? BHT can cause allergic reactions and has also been linked to cancer.

Propylene glycol

What does it do? Keep things from drying out. Propylene glycol is used in cars as an anti-freeze and in airplanes as a de-icer.

Why should you avoid it? It can irritate your skin (and gosh knows what else).


What do they do? Used as a preservative, containing antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Why should you avoid them? Many parabens mimic estrogen in the body, and have been found inside breast cancer tumors. The widespread use of parabens in personal care products makes their potential link to cancer especially concerning. Most experts call for more research.


What does it do? This one is pretty straight forward: the synthetic chemicals listed as “fragrance” are included in products to mask body odor.

Why should you avoid it? There are an alarming number of chemicals (over 3100!) that fall into the fragrance category. According to the Environmental Working Group: “The average fragrance product tested contained 14 secret chemicals not listed on the label. Among them are chemicals associated with hormone disruption and allergic reactions, and many substances that have not been assessed for safety in personal care products.”


What do they do? These chemicals are called plasticizers—they make products more spreadable.

Why should you avoid them? Phthalates have been found to be endocrine disruptors (chemicals that can affect your hormones).

Aluminum Chlorohydrate

What does it do? Aluminum chlorohydrate is a salt that prevents wetness, which makes it a very popular ingredient in antiperspirants.

Why should you avoid it? The continued use of aluminum chlorohydrate adds to the number of chemicals your body must eliminate and to your overall body burden (see more below).

How do these chemicals impact your health?

As our friend Heather White, the Executive Director of Environmental Working Group, put it so clearly during our Chat & Chew, we just don’t know what the long term effects of the buildup of these chemicals are, and the things we do know are pretty alarming. When EWG studied body burden, (the amount of chemicals stored in our bodies), they found the average person has nearly 300 different chemicals in their system, including PCBs and DDT, which were banned over 30 YEARS AGO in the US.

Natural Deodorant

But there’s good news! Lucky for us, there are natural ingredients that can be used in place of the chemicals. Remember that we all have different body chemistry. That’s why your best friend might swear by a certain brand, but that same formula might leave you wanting (and wafting). What works magic for me may or may not work for you.

Disclaimer: Read your labels tootsies! When you test your own deodorants, keep in mind that not all natural deodorants are created equal. And just because a product says “natural” on the package doesn’t mean it’s all good in the hood. If you can find products that are certified organic (not always possible), that may be the best way to go, since the labeling has a more stringent standard than “natural.”

My Natural Deodorant Rankings

I hope you enjoy my video (watch above!) and rankings chart, which cover a slew of sticks (and rocks, and sprays, and creams—whew!). The natural deodorants I tested are all free of the harsh toxic chemicals and are cruelty-free. I ranked the deodorants a few ways: How well they worked for me, how enjoyable they were to use (sticky? chalky? silky?), and how they rated at EWG’s Skin Deep database. Though I tested over 15 products, I only included the top 9 because many of the others ranked too high at skindeep (over a 3 rating). Download my Natural Deodorant Rankings chart below!

Natural Deodorant Review

Have I mentioned that there’s a bear in today’s video? Don’t miss it!

Kris Carr and Bear | Deodorant Review Video

Your turn: Have you found a natural deodorant that works? Share your successes (and failures) in the comments below!

Peace & healthy pits,

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  1. Marlene says:

    I use baking soda dusted on with a powder puff…two months now and working great.

  2. Joy says:

    I love your blog! Thank you for all the great information too! I have very sensitive skin and have had a tough time finding a natural deodorant that actually works without irritating my skin. I tried some big natural brands, but they always irritated my skin and the ingredients weren’t the best. I used bubble and bee for a while, but their pit putty just wasn’t deodorizing enough for all day. I finally found a natural deodorant that really works and doesn’t irritate my skin. It’s face naturals.

  3. Marianne says:

    Kris, you are one funny cat. Thanks for the honest review! By the way, your dog in the video made my day!

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I have tried many so-called natural deodorants. Even though some are safe in their ingredients, most either irritated or frankly did not deodorize me. The best I had found lasted about two hours… not acceptable. Then I tried Soapwalla. I said “that’s it!” My search is over for a safe deodorant that eliminates the odor and does not irritate my sensitive skin. Thank you, Rachel Winard, Soapwalla Chef!!!!

  5. Reeta says:

    Loved it!! My first time commenting here. I once heard someone very wise say that the best deo ever is a low-fat diet!!

  6. Annie says:

    I used nourish, it so doesn’t work. I use toms lavender now and it works ok.

  7. Nina says:

    Hi Kris,

    I too spent years searching and trying. A couple of years ago I found this french deo: Acorelle Fresh Care Deodorant and never looked back. I buy it from a local webshop here in Norway, you can probably google it to find an english site selling it. Your video was great, by the way!

  8. Christine Koenig says:

    I checked out your rating to see if the Thai Crystal I’ve been using for as long as I can remember passed the test….it did with flying colors! Thanks….I shared this on FB.

  9. Charlotte says:

    I too make my own deodorant (my underarms were raw!). The ingredients are: organic coconut oil, 100 % pure beeswax,aluminum free baking powder, cornstarch (could not find arrowroot flour/powder), vitamin E capsules, a little heat and 10 minutes in the freezer to solidify it. It smells great, it is inexpensive to make, and best of all, it works!

  10. Liesha says:

    Just came across this article. My husband got a chemical burn on his armpit from using Old Spice deodorant. It’s horrible! He’s on medication for it, but it’s really painful for him. I don’t use scented products like that, and I use Toms of Maine (he doesn’t listen to me, and thinks I’m crazy). Unfortunately, it was a very painful lesson for him to learn.

  11. Laura says:

    My search for a natural deorderant that works is over. I bought the Herban cowboy. It works great, I love it. Thanks

  12. Emma Mead says:


    I just wanted to extend my thanks to you for being such an inspiring health hero.

    Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and initially vanity led me to improving my health. I had seen my husband go through chemotherapy following his diagnosis with bowel cancer back in 2008 (his story is summarised in an article he did recently to raise awareness and I had seen the impact it had and how it had aged him. I didn’t want to accelerate my ageing as a result of my treatment – I wish I could tell you I was motivated by more than just a few wrinkles initially, but I wouldn’t be being honest if I did. So I ordered a copy of a book I had bought for a friend previously “Stop aging, start living”. Just 30 pages in and I came across the details of Otto Warburg’s Nobel Prize and just how significant an acid environment was to allowing cancers cells to thrive. It was one of those lightbulb moments. There I was unwittingly creating an environment that was helping cancer cells to thrive and in doing so also ageing all my cells & organs including my skin. That book opened my eyes and led me too ‘Anticancer a new way of life’. These two books were key in helping me improve my health while undergoing treatment

    The next big leap came when I finished my chemotherapy and I was inspired by a poster on the wall of the Pilates Studio where I had started to go weekly during my treatment. Again it was vanity that gave me the next boost to my health the poster said “in 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference and in 30 you will have a whole new body”. So I decided that I would sign up for the Studio Pilates Boot Camp programme which was a four week programme where you attended a minimum of two classes a week as well as received a healthy eating plan. The element that was the most significant for me was the support of fellow participants where we shared ideas and encouragement at classes and via a private Facebook group and it was there that I first heard about Hungry for Change.

    Watching that programme I was particularly inspired by your story and the information you provided leapt me to the next level and fuelled my desire to really become a ‘health detective’ so that I can make informed choices about my lifestyle and enjoy the ride of life surrounded by the people that matter to me. So I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you

    I am in part trying to do a little to share what I have learned with others. Initially it started as an idea to spread a little love in the countdown to Christmas by sending my immediate family a little ‘food for thought’ each week, a Christmas Countdown to Health. I mentioned it to a couple of friends and they also wanted a copy so I have now started a blog. Hopefully I can then ‘play it forward’ and help others (albeit on a very small scale) and whilst I can only aspire to be as inspirational as you I hope that I can play my part

    So just wanted to thank you, without you I wouldn’t have learned all that I have and my health and that of my family and friends would not be benefiting as it is now.

  13. Eleanor says:

    thank you for that comparison. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and now am 90% raw and I haven’t bought or used deodorant or anti perspirant for that long. I teach exercise classes and I may perspire a little but no odor. That was one of the first things I realized after changing my diet and then I became extremely aware of the marketing schemes, etc. I loved the little video of your research to see if you perspired with being chased by a bear. LOL.
    Take care and keep up the great inspiration.

  14. mary says:

    Thanks Kris~ My 32 year old daughter shared you with me and I’m loving it! I enjoyed your testing of the healthy choices in deodorant VS aluminum oldtimers. Thai Crystal should endorse your web site! I thought the bear was a gorilla…silly me!

  15. Marissa says:

    Kris Carr, you are so cute and fun! Love you!!!

  16. Mari says:

    I got the Soapwalla Deodorant Cream as a freebie and I love it – it smells great and works and it’s not weird to put cream in your pits, who knew?! It’s also good to know it has a 0 rating from EWG and of course 3 Unicorns!

  17. Nancy Jezior says:

    Hi Kris…I found the most awesome 100% natural deodorant and I love it! It’s called Pit Powder by MuddyH2O. We started up a vegan food truck in Northern Virginia (The Randy Radish) this past April and the Pit Powder kept us sweet smelling even through the hot summer months.

  18. Hannah says:

    I use Mukti organics deodorant. I have also used moogoo in the past. Moogoo is lovely smelling and very smooth but not strong enough for me as I run approx 40 km per week. Mukti is long lasting! These are both produced and available in Australia ! Great post!

  19. Berdell says:

    I have realy enjoyed using Thai Crystal and a natural deodorant that I get from Vita Cost on line with almond oil.

  20. Sasha says:

    Dear Kris,

    Thanks so much for this great post! I too was on the hunt for the best natural deodorant as I also think it’s creepy that antiperspirants stop you from sweating (an important natural biological process!). My favorite brand is herbal magic roll-on. I wrote an article about it a few months back to share the natural stink-free love.

    Peace and blessings to you!

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