Hiya Sweet Friend,
Picture this: It’s 5PM, you just got home from work, everyone is hungry (including you) and the fridge is a wasteland of limp lettuce and condiments. What now? Frozen pizza party? Take-out menu roulette? If you’re facing this conundrum more often than not, it’s time to end the madness. And it’s soooo much easier than you think.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the planning process step-by-step AND give you a super snazzy printable meail planner.
Then it’s up to you to make some magic at the grocery store/farmer’s market and in the kitchen. I know you can do it. Especially with my one-page Crazy Sexy Meal Plan PDF by your side. When you begin planning your meals ahead of time, shopping with a handy list, and cooking with the future in mind, your whole life shifts (mine sure did!). Better time management and prepping skills will help you stay on track and turn your “what-the-hell-do-I-make-for-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner?” stress levels way down.
When you’re the conscious captain in your kitchen, you’ll feel better mentally and physically.
That means less garbage (and excuses) and more love in your belly. You feel centered and grounded because you’re ahead of the game at home. Not to mention, it just feels so darn good when you’re feeding yourself and your family (if you’re cooking for more than one) home-cooked whole foods and sending them off with super-fuel leftovers the next morning.
Here’s my recipe for meal planning success:
1. Find recipes.
Pull those dusty cookbooks off the shelf a couple times a week and pick out a variety of recipes that you think you and your family will enjoy (I usually choose 3-4 at a time so that my grocery shopping trip covers 4-5 days). A simple Google search for something like, “healthy vegan dinner recipes” will come up with more delicious options than you could ever imagine. Oh, and did I mention my cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen? Wink, wink. Be brave and step out of your comfort zone. If you’re a newbie in the kitchen, you’re going to have to experiment. Don’t fret. You’ll find some go-to, crowd-pleasers in no time. Throw in a new recipe each week to keep you and your family excited about coming to the dinner table.
2. Plan your week.
Mostly, I eat simple meals for breakfast (a green juice or smoothie, avo toast, oatmeal with berries, etc.) and leftovers for lunch. Dinner is where the magic happens in the kitchen. Cooking double batches of stews, soups and sauces is a major time saver. A couple times a week, I simply defrost a hearty soup and pair it with a symphonic salad. Voila! The other 4-5 nights, I cook — whether it’s a quick 20-minute meal like my Penne a la Vodka or a more involved recipe from one of my beloved cookbooks. In the interest of not wearing myself out, I plan accordingly, probably cooking every other night — rarely more than two nights in a row.
3. Make a grocery list.
Use your meal plan as your guide. After you’ve filled in your whole week (or 3-4 days if you shop twice a week like me), make a list based on the recipes you’ve chosen and of course skip the items you already have in the fridge/cupboard. Often, I already have more than half the ingredients in my kitchen. That’s another awesome part of meal planning and cooking regularly: Your kitchen will soon be well stocked and your grocery bills will shrink.
4. Get cookin’ & prep ingredients ahead of time.
Now it’s time to prep and cook. If possible, get ahead of the game over the weekend. Cook a couple meals on Saturday or Sunday and you’ll have a couple weeknight dinners taken care of! Make your evenings even easier by prepping part of your meal ahead of time. Can you throw together the sauce or slice some veggies in the morning? Maybe you need to take that chili out of the freezer so that it’s defrosted just in time for dinner. If your partner gets home a little earlier, can he or she get the rice pasta boiling? Get the whole family involved. Make your kitchen a place for everyone to become a part of the cooking process. Let go of control and let your whipper snapper stir the sauce or measure the ingredients. Shake, stir, break all the rules!
5. Sit down for a mindful meal.
Light a candle, turn off the TV, and tune into each other or yourself. Experience the flavors on your plate. Give thanks for the good things that entered your life that day. Pat yourself on the back for putting a nourishing meal together like a pro.

Make it your own.
Scribble, draw, fill those boxes with meals that’ll thrill your palate. Use my example as inspiration, but by no means a prescription. It’s time to make magic in the kitchen YOUR way, so get frisky friends.
Your turn: I want to hear from you. So fill out that meal plan and let me know how it goes!
Peace & passionate planning,
I LOVE the Crazy Sexy Meal Plan!!!!
It has taken stress out of my Sunday grocery shopping and made my nights a whole lot easier!
You are the BEST!!!!
I’m really drawn towards the raw-foodist diet ever since I started working for the company E3Live…I’m so inspired by all of this…
Which is the best way to get started?
Where have you been? 🙂 🙂
I am so beyond grateful to have found you and your website! As I sit here tearing up in gratitude for someone who really “gets it”. Thank you! Thank you! Did I say Thank you???
Ahhh, in gratitude!
Love the sheet! Forgive me, I am new to the site, and I may have missed it, but what does the LO in the lunch row stand for?
LO=leftovers 🙂
Looking forward to trying this new to vegetarian food
Awesome. The leftovers lunch is so key!
Thank you so much for sharing the plan! I have already printed it out and my husband and I are going to have a sit down this weekend and get stared on making an awesome plan for the week. Yay 🙂 You are a true inspiration and thank you for sharing your recipes online. They rock and so do you!! Would love to have you come and share your wisdom with us here in Iceland. How about that??
Thank you for this post! I SO needed it. I’m in my 30s and just started having some reflux issues and some health challenges pop up. My diet is the traditional, meat and dairy, etc.. I am a mom of two boys (4 and 5) and my husband and I are changing our diets to a more plant-based diet… and we are attempting to teach the kids as we go along. My challenge is finding healthy recipes that they will eat too! I am going to follow this EXACTLY until I get into my own groove. I love your books and empowering journey. Thank you for all you do!!
I just wish it was in a form that I could type my plan into it and then print it off.
For many, i.e. those with bad handwriting or arthritis, the computer is easier than the pen.
Dear Kris,
You are such an inspiration to everyone who wants to heal themselves. I have been a true believer that “Food is our medicine” which I picked up from my mom when I was a little girl growing up in Sri Lanka. We had no super market food, no frozen food and definitely no fast food chains….only small family run restaurants that cooked fresh food everyday! When we got sick, my mom made us all sorts of herbal concoctions and we rarely had to see the doctor!
Since moving to Vancouver, BC(Canada), I have been sharing this philosophy and also teaching mostly-vegetarian and ethnic inspired cooking classes for nearly 20 years .I find it hard to understand that people today are so crazy busy, that they have no time to feed themselves!! Where has the survival instinct gone? Even animals in the wild learn to feed themselves on healthy, wholesome and natural foods! Most of the young ones today simply can’t bother to prepare their own food — and believe me, spend half their earnings on buying ready-made food.
So I am starting a new series called ‘Healthy-licious Eating’ – vegetarian/vegan with minimal cooking, that I am hoping will appeal to busy working people who have no time to cook! I really like to introduce this course to Vancouver and several neighbouring towns.
Chris, I have been following you for awhile and am a greater admirer of your dedication, wisdom and courage. I love the way you write your newsletters – light-hearted, funny, and appealing! I would really like to tap in to your marketing tips and wisdom on spreading the word about my courses.
How do I enrol in your B-School?
Wow Kris, I have to say a HUGE thanks for this. I’m not sure if it was the pretty colours, the beautiful fonts, or just the great tips. This guy has been up on my fridge for two weeks consecutively. I have now explored my awesome cook books and found some new recipes. Also, I am a personal trainer and have handed this out to almost all my clients. One girl sent me a pic of all her healthy choices at the grocery store…all thanks to this incredible PDF. Great job, thanks for your generosity!
Stuff like this helps so much – thanks Kris!
I was not able to sign up, it said to contact you.
What a wonderful way to keep us on a plan to better health. It’s awfully tough to do with such busy schedules! You might want to check out this course from the online cooking school, Rouxbe called Plant-Based Cooking. Rouxbe is different than most other websites in that it focuses on cooking techniques and methods vs. just recipes (although they do have some wonderful recipes within the course!). It also talks about how one goes about changing to a plant-based diet, and how to talk to family and friends, how to choose restaurants, etc. It’s really an awesome resource. Happy cooking everyone!
Kris!! I am on day 2! I feel so empowered and in CHARGE! Thank you thank you for inspiring me to finally do this! I am trying to clean up my Psoriasis (my Shit Pickle! LOL!)) and I am going to chronicle my journey. I’ve been GF and Dairy free for almost 2 years but when I goof up and go back to it, my skin flairs. I think giving up the meat, wine & coffee may do the trick. I hope so… thank you again! xo Nancie J.
This is EXCELLENT. Thanks so much. My biggest issue is lots of food goes to waste because I over shop. Shopping twice per week will solve this problem. Also, planning the meals for the entire week will make life sooo much easier. When we don’t plan in advance, we often end up eating crap, or eating poorly balanced meals.
I do something similar and it works really well if I can stick to it. However, I print a monthly calendar and put it in a plastic clear sleeve and then write the menu on post it notes with the cookbook and pg number. It never fails that plans change mid-week, then I can rearrange post-its without destroying the calendar. Also, I hope to come up with a year’s worth and then only have to go back and pull post-its forward to avoid drowning in recipe books searching for recipes. Now i just have to work in the healthier recipes! Tried your Penne a la vodka and the kids LOVED it! Thanks for all you do.
Thanks Kris! This is a helpful little tool. Planning ahead makes all the difference with my family. I have also hung a dry erase board inside my pantry door that I use to plan dinners, lunch boxes and make grocery lists.
Sometimes you need a place to just jot things down right when you think of them and that usually happens when I’m in the kitchen.
Meal plans = <3
I did this for myself and automated it so I don't even have to think about it anymore! Took a lot of work, but definitely worth it. I totally agree – when you're driving (or walking, in my case) home from work at 6pm and have no idea what to cook, it's a totally un-sexy downer. Having a plan is uber important. Thanks for the post!
I am very excited about this & will start using for my menu planning for next week.