Hiya Sweet Friend,
Picture this: It’s 5PM, you just got home from work, everyone is hungry (including you) and the fridge is a wasteland of limp lettuce and condiments. What now? Frozen pizza party? Take-out menu roulette? If you’re facing this conundrum more often than not, it’s time to end the madness. And it’s soooo much easier than you think.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the planning process step-by-step AND give you a super snazzy printable meail planner.
Then it’s up to you to make some magic at the grocery store/farmer’s market and in the kitchen. I know you can do it. Especially with my one-page Crazy Sexy Meal Plan PDF by your side. When you begin planning your meals ahead of time, shopping with a handy list, and cooking with the future in mind, your whole life shifts (mine sure did!). Better time management and prepping skills will help you stay on track and turn your “what-the-hell-do-I-make-for-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner?” stress levels way down.
When you’re the conscious captain in your kitchen, you’ll feel better mentally and physically.
That means less garbage (and excuses) and more love in your belly. You feel centered and grounded because you’re ahead of the game at home. Not to mention, it just feels so darn good when you’re feeding yourself and your family (if you’re cooking for more than one) home-cooked whole foods and sending them off with super-fuel leftovers the next morning.
Here’s my recipe for meal planning success:
1. Find recipes.
Pull those dusty cookbooks off the shelf a couple times a week and pick out a variety of recipes that you think you and your family will enjoy (I usually choose 3-4 at a time so that my grocery shopping trip covers 4-5 days). A simple Google search for something like, “healthy vegan dinner recipes” will come up with more delicious options than you could ever imagine. Oh, and did I mention my cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen? Wink, wink. Be brave and step out of your comfort zone. If you’re a newbie in the kitchen, you’re going to have to experiment. Don’t fret. You’ll find some go-to, crowd-pleasers in no time. Throw in a new recipe each week to keep you and your family excited about coming to the dinner table.
2. Plan your week.
Mostly, I eat simple meals for breakfast (a green juice or smoothie, avo toast, oatmeal with berries, etc.) and leftovers for lunch. Dinner is where the magic happens in the kitchen. Cooking double batches of stews, soups and sauces is a major time saver. A couple times a week, I simply defrost a hearty soup and pair it with a symphonic salad. Voila! The other 4-5 nights, I cook — whether it’s a quick 20-minute meal like my Penne a la Vodka or a more involved recipe from one of my beloved cookbooks. In the interest of not wearing myself out, I plan accordingly, probably cooking every other night — rarely more than two nights in a row.
3. Make a grocery list.
Use your meal plan as your guide. After you’ve filled in your whole week (or 3-4 days if you shop twice a week like me), make a list based on the recipes you’ve chosen and of course skip the items you already have in the fridge/cupboard. Often, I already have more than half the ingredients in my kitchen. That’s another awesome part of meal planning and cooking regularly: Your kitchen will soon be well stocked and your grocery bills will shrink.
4. Get cookin’ & prep ingredients ahead of time.
Now it’s time to prep and cook. If possible, get ahead of the game over the weekend. Cook a couple meals on Saturday or Sunday and you’ll have a couple weeknight dinners taken care of! Make your evenings even easier by prepping part of your meal ahead of time. Can you throw together the sauce or slice some veggies in the morning? Maybe you need to take that chili out of the freezer so that it’s defrosted just in time for dinner. If your partner gets home a little earlier, can he or she get the rice pasta boiling? Get the whole family involved. Make your kitchen a place for everyone to become a part of the cooking process. Let go of control and let your whipper snapper stir the sauce or measure the ingredients. Shake, stir, break all the rules!
5. Sit down for a mindful meal.
Light a candle, turn off the TV, and tune into each other or yourself. Experience the flavors on your plate. Give thanks for the good things that entered your life that day. Pat yourself on the back for putting a nourishing meal together like a pro.

Make it your own.
Scribble, draw, fill those boxes with meals that’ll thrill your palate. Use my example as inspiration, but by no means a prescription. It’s time to make magic in the kitchen YOUR way, so get frisky friends.
Your turn: I want to hear from you. So fill out that meal plan and let me know how it goes!
Peace & passionate planning,
I just love you! Thank you so much for the planner it will help TONS!
You rock so hard it’s insane!
This is wonderful! Thank you!
This is an awesome idea. I tend to be lazier in the coldest winter months and get into the habit of ordering take-out too often. I also like your idea about leftovers….buying lunch in NYC everyday adds up…and usually isn’t even worth it.
Thanks Kris….I heart you! xo
Love Love Love!! Thank you!!!:)
I’m glad to see I already do this! I look forward to the day I will own a larger freezer; at present, mine is teeny tiny so it barely holds a couple of bags of frozen vegetables. But when I can, I freeze as many leftovers as possible.
That’s exactly what I needed to hear today. I had been feeling frustrated that I haven’t been preparing as many vegan meals as I would like (trying to make the transition from a wholefood carnivore diet to a purely vegan one).
Love the meal planner. Any possibility for this to be an app for an iPhone. Now that would be sublime!
Thank you sooo much!
Much love from Belgium…
Hi Kris, I love your attitude and energy! I own/read Crazy Sexy Diet-and have enjoyed a good number of the recipes (my favorite is the Buddha Bowl), am reading Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips right now & have started trying some of the recipes in Crazy Sexy Kitchen.
I have a couple questions in regards to this menu & planning. I am confused about the food combinations I see listed and also about the nutrient & enzyme quality of frozen foods and leftovers. Soups & stews also lend for “overcooked” veggies after a day. I am in the process of healing my body through diet and natural remedies alone and want to do what is best for this process-I have a big challenge ahead but am up for it. I would appreciate any input you could give me in this regard.
You are a shining light, thank you for your contribution to our world & the arena of healing,
With gratitude,
I prefer savory in the morning so I love having avocado, tomato toast in the morning a few times a week.
Doubling the recipe’s for dinner to have as leftovers is a great recommendation…it’s something I do as well. Thanks for sharing your tips!
I so wish I could be like you and want savoury in the morning but my peri menopausal hormones and inherited sweet tooth genes from my mom (she saw the main meal as just a required nuisance for dessert!) I crave carbs in the a.m. I do find if I take time to sip my green juice first it helps but just like mama I’m bee lining for the carbs (which in my case right now are incredibly bland)…LOL! I’m hoping this blog and others stories will keep inspired on my path to wellness.
Such timing Kris! I actually sat down w/ both of your books to review our busy week and to pick out a few yummy recipes. This is SO helpful-thanks a ton! And thanks for all you do & ur happy spirit–I brag about you all the time! xo
Love your easy simple sexy advise..I have started drinking smoothies for breakfast and feel better..which also makes me eat better during the day..
Thank you!
I love this! I have been making weekly meal plans for nearly 10 years now and it has made my life so much simpler. I would advise, however, that you hide your meal plan from your family or they will take you to task if you go off-schedule. I mean, sometimes Wednesday roles around and you just don’t feel like making that curry you had on the plan 🙂
125 recipes in and now something to keep me organized! It is never too late! Love it, thanks!
Thanks for this, Kris. Crazy Sexy Kitchen cookbook is fantastic! Over the holidays, the large extended family got together. Everyone had different eating habits. I incorporated a number of your recipes and they were favorites at every meal. Holiday meals, now with new memories. Continuing to use the cookbook in weekly meals and loving it. Thank you.
Hi I tried to sign up for your Crazy Sexy Revolution and Crazy Sexy Manifesto….could you please let me know how to do this..
Thank YOU and looking forward to getting started….
Blessings to YOU
Hey Fran! Email us at sales@kriscarr.com & we’ll help:)
I already did this for myself, but now I have a fancy pantsy piece of paper to put on the pin board in my kitchen. Looks much nicer and really professional 😉 love, daphne
Yay!! I’ve been trying to make my own version of this recently, but yours is so much better, and prettier 🙂 Thank you!!
Thank you for the meal plan, Kris! I’ve been wanting to know what you eat during the week and here it is-thank you! I love planning our weekly meals, but sometimes I get in a rut. I will definitely use your meal plan next week! Thanks again and I just love your new cookbook!
Thank you so much for the Meal Plan. I have tried to go Vegan before, but I have gotten overwhelmed with all the information and resources for meals and foods to use.
I am once again trying this lifestyle because I want to be healthier, and see no reason to hurt or kill animals when I can eat this way.
I love your bright and cheery demeanor. It helps just seeing your journey and I don’t feel so alone with my lifestyle changes.