Blog Post

Crazy Sexy Juice is here!

read all about it

Hello Wonderful Wellness Warrior,

Oh baby, Iโ€™ve been waiting for this day for close to two years now! My new book, Crazy Sexy Juice: 100+ simple juice, smoothie & nut milk recipes to supercharge your health, hit bookstores TODAY. This project was such a delicious labor of love to create for you. Itโ€™s filled with everything I know about sipping your way to health and it answers all the questions Iโ€™ve been asked over the years. Plus, the recipes. OMG, the recipes. Let me just say that Iโ€™ve never tasted such yumminess in my life. I rarely brag about my shizzle but this book is darn good. As Iโ€™ve been sharing in my emails lately, Crazy Sexy Juice is a celebration of you.

Yes, wonderful, bright, loving YOU are the inspiration for my fifth book. I wanted to make eating your fruits and veggies as easy and tasty as possible because I love and honor you. I know youโ€™re busy and that you want simplicity in your life, because there are so many awesome dreams you have for your future. Crazy Sexy Juice is my attempt at helping you fuel those dreams!

Iโ€™ve been a wellness seeker and teacher for over a decade now, and during big moments like this, I have to take a step back and pinch myself. Iโ€™m so grateful for the opportunities I have to spread the message of health, and so thankful for all that Iโ€™ve learned as a student of self-care.

When I was newly diagnosed, I was a wreck inside and out, and I had no idea how to find my way around the kitchen.

I remember one of the earliest books I picked up after my diagnosis. It was a book on macrobiotics and it talked about some of the people who had cured themselves through this practice. I immediately dove in and enrolled in a year-long training program to be a macrobiotic chef and counselor. Thatโ€™s how I roll. Go big. Learn it all. Try it for myself.

Though I benefited so much from this practice and it certainly was the catalyst to get me off of the Standard American Diet, after awhile it just wasnโ€™t working for me. Thatโ€™s when I learned about juicing. So about a month before my graduation from this training program, I went rogue and did my first vegetable juice fast. I was immediately struck by how great I felt in a relatively short period of time. Prior to juicing and making healthy smoothies, I had a difficult time with my circulation. My hands and feet were always freezing! Within a few days I was warm and toasty, and the benefits didnโ€™t stop there. Clear skin, more energy, a stronger immune systemโ€ฆ I was literally sipping my way to better health, and I havenโ€™t stopped since.

Note: Itโ€™s so important to experiment and keep an open mind on your wellness journey. What works for some doesnโ€™t always work for others. And what works for a certain period of time may change. We are dynamic beings and as such we need to stay open to our evolution / revolution!


Today, people always ask me whatโ€™s the one thing they can do to improve their health.

While there are no magic bullets, juicing and blending are probably the closest things to it. Couple these practices with a healthy, whole foods diet, better sleep, less stress, more joy and some tail feather shaking and youโ€™re on the path to vibrant awesomeness!

I hope you love this book as much as I loved making it for you. Thereโ€™s something for everyone in these pages, including tons of tasty smoothie and nut milk recipes for those who prefer blended options. These combinations are great for kids, teens, finicky eaters and folks struggling with health picklesโ€”there are brain boosters, hormone helpers and recipes for glowing skin, fighting colds, tummy troubles, cleansing and more. Some recipes contain more fruit and goodies; others are super clean and green. In all cases, I show you how to customize your juice or smoothie to satisfy your own particular needs.

Check out the cute book trailer my husband and I have been working on for the last few weeks. I just adore collaborating with himโ€”itโ€™s how we met and fell in love and making these fun projects always reminds me of all the ways I cherish this man.

And while youโ€™re waiting for your copy of Crazy Sexy Juice to arrive, enjoy this creamy and filling smoothie from the book to keep your energy levels stable and strong throughout the day.

All Day Energy Smoothie

all day energy green smoothie recipe

Makes 2 Servings

  • 1 teaspoon matcha green tea powder
  • 1/4 ripe avocado
  • 1 banana, frozen
  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk or nondairy milk of choice
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup or 1 pitted Medjool date
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Wash and prep all ingredients.

2. Blend till smooth and serve.

Peace & super-drink-fueled fabulousness,

Add a comment
  1. Cheryl Osten says:

    Hi, would it be nice if you provide all videos to include CC ( closed captions for the deaf and hard of hearing people? I am bot deaf and partly blind and I need to keep myself healthy.

  2. Aimee says:

    Do we need to do anything extra if we already pre-ordered? My book arrived yesterday, it’s so awesome!

  3. Michaela says:

    Hi Kriss, will your book be available in german too?

  4. Jillian says:

    Got the email from Amazon yesterday that my preorder book had shipped!! Can’t wait to get home from work tonight and dive in:)

  5. Yasmin says:

    Dear Kris

    Thank you for this awesome gift. I am on my way to pick up my book, can’t wait to dive in and try all the delicious recipes. You rock !!

  6. Lisa S. says:

    Congrats on the new book! I’m looking forward to receiving mine in the mail. I pre-ordered ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! I have enjoyed your other books and given some as gifts, including Crazy Sexy Diet to my mama who passed. My mama really enjoyed your stuff, as do I. Much love and blessings with this new book…

  7. siri says:

    Kris, I got notified from Amazon last night that my book has shipped and i am SO excited for it to arrive today. Enjoying your countdown in IG, I don’t think i have EVER actually been excited for a book to come and i am a huge lifetime reader. For a couple of years now I have been the juicer and smoothie maker for me, my husband and two kids. My routine goes like this:
    I get out like 15 raw and vegetarian cookbooks, each of which has a handful of juice or smoothie recipes, i sort through them and create a week-long plan for what’s happening each morning, then i shop and implement. I have full confidence that Crazy, Sexy Juice is going to simplify this whole process for me. I know you juice and smoothie within all the same parameters as I so i know that more than just a handful of your recipes will work for my family. This means each morning i can simply turn the page and go….! thank you my sweet unicorn friend….i can’t wait for Crazy Sexy Juice to land on my doorstep today.

    one more thing…i used the proof of purchase for my book to get into your webinar tonight. Am i able to also use it to receive the gift of these new bonuses?

    thank you for being the great you that you are!


    • Kris Carr says:

      Amazing, siri! I’m so excited for you to get the bookโ€”I definitely think it’s going to streamline your (impressive) routine. ๐Ÿ™‚ As for your question, it depends on where you purchased your book. All the details are on the page linked to belowโ€”check it out, find the form that applies to your situation and go ahead and resubmit your info. Hope that helps!

    • Billie says:

      Siri, looking at the Gift Pack prerequisites, if you pre-ordered from Amazon, you can only access Gift Pak 1. You have to order another book from the other new vendors listed to get access to Gift Pak 2.

  8. Juliette says:

    Hi Kris. Thank you for beautiful smile and positive attitude. I ordered your book, it seems a couple of months ago now, I hope I will be receiving it soon.
    I look forward to juicing it up!
    Have a super fabulous day!

  9. Samantha says:

    Kris, I was just pulling out my blender this morning to make my breakfast smoothie when your email popped up in my inbox! I just wanted to say Mazel Mazel! I can’t wait to come home tonight and have the book waiting for me on my doorstep. You are my shining star and have been ever since I was waiting for my biopsy results to come back– even before I was diagnosed with a stage IV cancer. Today my wish for you (and always, really) is that you soak up all of the love and gratitude that we all have– around the world, for everything that you do. Unicorns, green goodness and peace, your “BFF” ๐Ÿ™‚ Samantha xoxo.

    • Kris Carr says:

      Thank you, Samantha. Sending so much love your way. xo

    • Deborah says:

      Cancer schmancer… fuck that fungus! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Hang on to the green goodness here and you’ll sail right past all that fear crap. Clean up your environment too. Lots of scientists are beginning to think cancer is caused by fungus. But Kris here knows more than I do since she’s the one that’s had to deal with it so long.

  10. Alaina says:

    I’m so excited to try all of your recipes. Just ordered my copy. Thank you Kris for creating this and for all you do!

  11. Beth says:

    Love love love your sweet energy Kris! Thanks for taking the time to put all these great recipes and tips in a new book for all of us! The smoothie recipe here looks great…just wondering where the best place is to find the the green tea matcha powder. On-line? Whole foods?


  12. Pam says:

    Reading Liz Gilbert’s book Big Magic and your book is on the way too? So much learning, healing and just plain awesomeness coming my way. Thank you Kris!!!!

    • Deborah says:

      Liz Gilbert eats animals doesn’t she? She was glomming all over poor tortured rabbits in Italy and then conveniently found “enlightenment” the next day in India, then she must’ve become “unenlightened” because she started supporting the cruel industry again in Bali. And that was all in her first book. How she became a “spiritual guru” is beyond me. Like Oprah, you can call yourself whatever you want but actually BEING it takes a bit more discipline. Kris walks her talk here. (Although I was dismayed when Donna Karan was on your site Kris. Especially since it was right after she was selling furs near your home. That was disappointing to say the least. Donna Karan is not a selling point. She lied to PeTA years ago. Please don’t put her on your site again. Not a good woman.)

      • Stephanie says:

        Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey back to herself is the inspiring part about Eat, Pray, Love… we don’t have to agree with her choices, but that book changed my life in more ways than one, and I love all of her others as well. You can agree to disagree. She eats animals… and that’s sad considering I am on my way to being a vegan myself… cracking down and planning on watching Earthlings in the upcoming week to finally get the last of it (mainly having a hard time giving up dairy, though I’ve started substituting everything already) out of my system. But her story is inspiring and it’s helped a lot of people. So I do consider her an inspiration, and enlightened person (as finally learning and accepting her journey and herself ENLIGHTENED her and her life). How other people view that is their choice, as is yours… but you don’t have to cut other people down for their choices or rant about something they write. Enlightenment is about positivity, support, happiness, encouragement, and inspiration to become who you are and help others become who they are. At least, that’s how I see it!!! If reading a book does that, who cares who the author is!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Much love!!! <3

  13. Hi, I bought your book at a bookstore, I have it right here in my hands, I haven’t tried any recepies YET, but I’ve earmarked a couple, must get ingredients!
    I would LOVE to get your gifts (especially the Livestream lecture) would that be possible?
    And, PS, I love your fur children, I have a fur child myself, and I feel as lucky to have him as he feels to have me.

    Thanks for the book, Steve

  14. I love your story and the wisdom and grace in which you tell it ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m actually enroute to NYC from London to attend your VIP book launch and meet you and Marie! I can’t wait!!
    I hope you guys will still be there as unfortunately I missed my flight and the next one gets in to JFK at 630pm so I will have to head straight over but will miss the VIP bit ๐Ÿ™
    Congrats on the new book:) love your passion and inspiration xxx

    • Kris Carr says:

      Wow, you’re coming from so far away, you rock! We will still be there and can meet you during the book signing! Looking forward. xo!

  15. Kris! You changed my life. Ever since Crazy Sexy Madness began. My Crazy Sexy Juice arrives today and I’m Mad already. Blessings, love and sexy sexy sexy. Going to be making variations of Macro Crazy Sexy Juice today.
    Love Paulette

  16. Love the idea of using matcha, so energising and yummy ๐Ÿ™‚ xxx

  17. Satol victoria olubunmi says:


  18. Sofia says:

    Dear Kris,

    First of all, congratulations and good luck for your big day! Second, thank you! For everything you are and inspire…
    Third, done!!! I just get the book and can’y wait for my big bonus bundle! So happy right now!

    Big, big hug and all the love for you.

  19. Petra says:

    You are such an inspiration Kris!
    I got a note that my book has shipped and I can not wait to have it in my hands!

  20. Cia says:

    I recieved note from my bookstore here in Sweden yesterday that it was time to order. Placed my order immediately and am eagerly awaiting its delivery… =)

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