Blog Post

If You Don’t Ask, The Universe Can’t Deliver!

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Happy Holidays, Dearest!

Did you believe in Santa when you were a kid?

If this tradition wasn’t part of your cultural upbringing let me share what it was like. It was a time when anything was possible. Consumerism aside, the big guy in the red suit still reminds me of the cheerful, hopeful kid inside. I love Santa to this day. If you’re feeling like you could use a dose of magical thinking to lift your spirits and launch your desires, especially as you head into the new year, this blog might get your creative juices flowing again.

And in case you need a refresher, here’s the kind of Santa-joy I’m talking about…

Now, more about Mr. Claus.

A jolly chap from a whimsical land works with elves to make toys and gather presents for all the children in the world. Some elves are the craftsman, others do gift wrapping and card writing. Reindeer cruise around without predators and everyone lives in happy harmony. Mrs. Claus (an incredible pastry chef) serves cookies for breakfast, gingerbread houses for lunch, and pudding for dinner—and nobody gets diabetes.

If you make it to the “nice” list, meaning you didn’t pull your sister’s hair all year, you’d be poised to score some serious loot. However, if you found yourself in the unfortunate position of being on the “naughty” list, well, you’d probably get scratchy wool socks and a book about something that would make you a better person. You know, self-help stuff.

Some of my top requests included a Fisher Price record player (however, I did not ask for the Janis Ian soundtrack that accompanied it, my mom must have slipped that in for herself), a pink Huffy bike, and Wonder Woman boots. I never got the boots, but I loved putting my desires out there and I learned to have gratitude for whatever I received—whether it was on the list or not.

As an adult, sometimes it’s hard to believe in a magical connection to an unseen world that works on our behalf. Today, as you reads this blog, I dare you to wish and dream again.

If you’ve forgotten or stopped believing in your power to manifest then this is a fun reminder that the universe is ready to fulfill your wishes. However, it can’t know what to give you if you don’t tell it. Bake some cookies, pour some almond milk, and start writing your letter to the universe. Shoes are fine, but I’m more interested in soul cravings. Get out of your head (ego) and into your heart (soul). Kick-start the domino effect of the law of attraction. Nothing is too big, small, weird, or wild.

What emotions come up when you think about your wants? Happy, tired, sad, inspired? If your wants create exhaustion in your body perhaps they’re not right for you. If they ignite joy, go for them.

Now ask yourself, are you willing to meet the universe halfway?

Action is required. It’s not a free ride, even kids had to do something (be kind) to get what they wanted. There’s a funny joke about a guy who prays to win the lottery but never does. He complains and complains. Finally, one day, the Universe or God says, “dude, you gotta buy a ticket!”

This next bit is really important. How will you know when you get there—when you got what you wanted? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m so busy doing that I don’t notice (and appreciate) what I’ve already received. Stay alert and set a measurement for your success.

Above all leave room and trust. Sometimes the universe has a much bigger plan for you.

The fulfillment of your desires can come in the shape of a gift or the form of a much needed lesson. Either way, you are deeply loved and everything is possible.

From my family to yours, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Your turn tootsie: Feeling brave? Share a wish. Put it out there. We’ll send them all to the spiritual North Pole and let’s see what happens! xo

Peace and bells,

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  1. Sondra says:

    I love this comparison of asking Santa to asking the Universe; it really hits a chord.

    My wish is to find “my people” in LA. People who aren’t only fun to hang out with, but people whose souls communicate with and encourage mine. Even one person this year would be the best!

  2. Isa says:

    Dear Universe,
    I whish I could find myself again. These past two years have been particularly difficult on those terms.
    I whish to find my path to harmony and peace in the middle of my new family role. So many things have changed and I could not adapt myself… I am looking for my path and still haven´t found it.
    I know you will help me in finding my inner me and my inner peace.
    I know I am where I should be so that I can learn the lesson. So here I am, being na active seeker for a peaceful mind.

    With love,

  3. Judyta says:

    Kris thank you for the article!

    I wish to meet again my high school sweetheart and rekindle the magic which connected us!
    Thanks in advance

    Judyta <3

  4. Jess says:

    Wishing you a merry Christmas Kris and family.

    My wish is to be more healthy and continue to thrive even if I was diagnosed with cancer.

  5. Brenda66 says:

    Dear Santa,
    Please make me and my paintings famous. They are painted to praise Thema universe and the cosmic energy. They are an oasis for your wall. Like a Fata Morgana in a dry desert.
    I want to make lots of money with them and selling the rights ….
    Colour and Joy to the World

    P.S. Chris ….you have christian energy and I love your witty giggling voice and writing.

  6. Susan says:

    Thank you for this – and all you share with the world, Kris.

    My wish is for love and a family of my own. I want so much to share my life with my soulmate, the man who will help me grow and bring the most Light to the world. Not just for me, but also for my parents who long to have grandkids. I’ve been waiting a very, very long time and truly hope 2015 is the year.

  7. Gabriela says:

    Thank you for all your kind words and wishes:

    God, I only have one request in my heart complete healing for my children and myself from all our ailments and diseases. Thank you Lord for everything I have now and for what is on its way.

    Merry Christmas and wishing 2015 is your best year ever.

  8. Dawn says:

    I adore you Kris! Thank you for helping us all put it out there to the Universe.

    I want to really shine in my business this year. To find my tribe and help people on a larger scale, while letting go of the need for perfection or the fear of failure.

    I’d also like to find a nice piece of land in Ulster County to park a sweet Airstream on so my boys and I can escape NYC from time to time to reconnect with nature and each other.

    Happy Holiday and may all of your dreams come true in 2015!

  9. Sandi says:

    Thank you for the dose of positivity and an excellent reminder to ask specifically for what we want.
    So, universe, my wish is for all obstacles to disappear within a relationship. I have an awesome man to share my life with, yet there are some things keeping us apart. This is the year for us to receive the start of our future…and begin our happily ever after.

  10. Cheryl says:

    I love your website, Kris, and all the work you do. Thank you for continuing to inspire me. I wish you all the best. Merry Christmas!

  11. Kate says:

    Happy Holidays to you and your family and friends Kris!

    I would like to manifest my true passion in 2015 and combine my love of having a healthy mind, body and spirt with my knowledge of diabetes and skill of graphic design to create something to help people and the world!


  12. Kashawn says:

    This was a great read and an amazing reminder to just ask for what you want and wait for the universe to help you achieve it! My wish for my life is to learn to get out of my own way. To be able to care for my mom, my family and my future children.

  13. Sarah says:

    Hello universe. Please help me. I need to be healthy for my two young beautiful children, my amazing fiance and myself…. Please keep me to cure my thyroid and all other health problems I may have….I deserve to be happy and have energy to keep up with my babies. Thank you in advance for my healing 🙂

  14. Martika says:

    “What emotions come up when you think about your wants? Happy, tired, sad, inspired? If your wants create exhaustion in your body perhaps they’re not right for you. If they ignite joy, go for them.”
    I needed this today–my eating disorder comes out strong in these times, and that’s an exhaustion I don’t need. To say I want to lose weight, and then it causes that much stress and pain? When I could use that energy to planning a trip with a dear friend, which ignites pure joy? Your books and articles are the closest I’ve come to escaping my disorder, so keep the inspiration coming! Thank you, Merry Christmas, and blessings to you!

  15. Lalala Christmas says:

    I wish you a merry christmas Kris, to you and all your family. I hope that your dreams will be fullfilled and that you are happy where you are. Thanks for all the advices you share throughout the year. I’m grateful for having met you on my spiritual path for your wisdom and strenght are admirable.
    As for me i wish to get a bit moe closer this new year to knowing what relaxed and joyful means and to continue my artistic path, aware that the blocks and hard times never last. I also wish for everyone, our souls, to get more insights of what is essential to heal this planet.
    Lots of love from Montreal,

  16. Melanie says:

    My wish is to experience VIBRANT health and energy!! To have great endurance and stamina and deep reserviors of wellbeing.

    This morning i prayed that I wanted as much vitality as Kris Carr exudes!!!

    Thank you in advance, Santa, for delivering this to me SO QUICKLY!!

  17. Alison says:

    I wish for every thought and action of mine to be rooted in gratitude and love instead of fear. Also would love some help from the Universe in kindling a fire in my belly to be brave and go after the things I want!

  18. Lucy Ladley says:

    Kris, Thank you for being an example for all of us in your sweetness & joyful spirit. My desires for myself – to be sweet & kind & to be blessed with financial abundance so I can be a blessing to others in action & financial contributions. Many Blessings to you Kris, your family & your readers.

  19. Jo Peirson says:

    Thanks for the lovely festive blog Kris. I still get to enjoy the magic of Santa through my son, he’s six.

    As for my dream for next year – to launch my own business as a Virtual Assistant. I’ve spent all of this year figuring out the ‘what’, next year is all about the ‘how’ and the ‘just do it!’.

    I wish you and your family a happy and blessed festive season from me and mine. Thanks for all you do and share.


  20. Kris,

    I REALLY needed this today.
    I’m hitting that point in the holiday season where I witness all of the chaos, and the not-so-mindful consumerism/commercialism and am asking myself “what is this really about?” “do people even know anymore?”
    I love giving, I love the holidays. But the true spirit can get lost.
    The magic, the joy, the dreams and the wishes.
    I am so grateful you reminded me it’s still there.

    I have two BIG wishes Universe: to find a way to continue improving my health while making my dreams a reality, and to gain some more capacity for being comfortable with the unknown.

    Happy Holidays everyone.

    PS- I had the fisher price record player too 🙂

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