Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

My Not-So-Secret Healthy Habit: Green Smoothies!

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Juicing may be my main squeeze, but green smoothies take a close second and sometimes they’re exactly what my body needs to function at it’s best.

These blended nutrition blasts certainly save the day when I’m short on time in the kitchen, but don’t want to short change my health.

Toss all the plant-based ingredients in a blender and press a button! Within minutes I have a fiber-filled, satisfying meal that balances my blood sugar and fills me with long-lasting energy. Plus, hard-working fiber is our digestive system’s BFF and the arch enemy of toxins. It sweeps the junk out of the body and keeps Grand Pooper Station right on schedule!

All you need to become a smoothie superstar are nourishing, delicious recipes, some blending smarts and a quality machine.

When I started whipping up green smoothies, I made some pretty gnarly concoctions, not the kind of drink you’d want to throw back on a regular basis. It took a lot of experimentation before I could create delicious smoothies on the fly. I want to make it easier for you! That’s why I pulled together every drop of my smoothie know-how, plus over 100 phenomenal smoothie (and juice!) recipes in my book, Crazy Sexy Juice.


What’s the difference between smoothies and juices?

Now that I’ve showed you how to make one of my favorite green smoothies in the video above, you may be curious about the difference between blending and juicing. My readers are always asking which is better. The answer depends on your personal taste, your lifestyle and what supports your health best (usually they both do, just in different ways!). I juice more than I blend, but both are cornerstones of my lifelong self-care plan.

It’s much more fun to compare blending and juicing using a super snazzy infographic, which is why I made one for you!

I hope you’ll download it below, print it and post it near your blending and/or juicing altar (aka kitchen counter) and share the heck out of it on social media.



Let’s wrap up this smoothie crash course with some of my readers’ most asked questions. Read on to learn about my favorite blenders, tips for raising smoothie-lovin’ kids and some storage smarts.

Frequently Asked Blending Questions

What blender should I buy?

I’m not going to sugar coat this: A high-speed blender can be pricey with some models starting at $300-$500, but it’s a lifelong investment. I use my blender on a daily basis for smoothies, soups, dips and sauces. If you’re a bargain-hunter, search online for a used machine. Who knows? You might be able to barter with a friend for one! Just be sure you’re getting a machine that will make creamy, dreamy smoothies. Cheap, not-so-great blenders leave lots of chunky greens in your drink and in your teeth. No, thanks! Here are some tried and true blender recommendations:

How can I get my kids to enjoy green smoothies?

Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to add leafy greens and other nourishing plant-based foods into your child’s diet. Since my fur-kid doesn’t drink green smoothies, I turned to some of my pals (who also happen to have green smoothie guzzling rugrats) for this question. After surveying them for some tips, I put together these gems for you:

  • Pull a chair up to the counter and get the kids involved! Let your child add smoothie ingredients with your supervision. The little ones will love turning on the blender and watching the veggies, fruits and other goodies take a spin.
  • Avoid smoothie rejection by serving green-tinted recipes in a solid colored cup that has a top.
  • Use frozen berries and bananas to add sweetness, creaminess and hide the veggie taste. Frozen berries will also give smoothies a nice red, purple or blue color. Just make sure you’re still packing the veggies in there!

Can I make smoothies ahead of time and freeze them for later?

Yes! I like to drink my smoothies right away (fresh is always best), but if you know that freezing your smoothies will insure that you’ll drink them on a more regular basis, go for it. Don’t forget to leave a little room at the top of your storage container, since your smoothie will expand in the freezer (the same goes for green juice).

Your turn: Do you have a blending tip or recipe? Share it in the comments below!

Peace & blended bliss,

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  1. Melissa says:

    I’m waiting on my blender. I’ve ordered the big daddy 44000rpms….

    Its been on back order since May. now however I’ve been told that I will have it this week! I’m looking forward to making some Green Smoothies using only one appliance. Currently I am juicing my greens (Kale/Silverbeet/Cucumber) and blending the rest in my old milkshake maker. 2 clean ups but worth the effort.

    Kris on a side note I’ve just read your books cover to cover this weekend and have started C.S.D today. I look forward to sharing my results with you but mostly I want to smack Diabetes out of the park……I don’t have it yet however it is lurking….

    Its time!

  2. I can’t believe I never thought to put my toddlers smoothie in a tinted cup!
    Thank you!

  3. Just want to say how much I’m enjoying your cookbook!

    I also love my green smoothies! Although I like to experiment I always come back to my personal favorite.

  4. Just made my FAV today from Crazy Sexy Kitchen – The Aztec smoothie! Love that one for a zingy pickup!

  5. Hi Kris!

    I’m doing, for the second time, the cleanse following your wonderful program. But, if I like very very much juices i don’t like a lot smoothies for their consistency: what should I do to make them better? I don’t like the fact that my blender leaves a lot of pieces “unblended” of fruits!

  6. Keith says:

    Here are my two favorite recipes…for both, just throw everything into a blender and mix till smooth(ish)/

    1/2 Cup Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
    4 Tbsp Chia Seeds (Ground)
    1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
    1/2 Cup Kale
    1/2 Cup Berry Boost or Blue Goodness
    1/2 Banana
    1 Cup Water

    Dinner…sort of a Gazpacho in a glass:
    1/2 Cup Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
    2 Tbsp Chia Seeds (Ground)
    1 Cup Grape or Cherry Tomatoes
    1/2 Cup Sweet Peppers
    1 Serrano Pepper
    2 Tbsp Red Onion
    4 or 5 Kalamata Olives
    1 Tbsp Fresh Garlic
    1/2 English Cucumber
    1 Carrot (optional)
    3/4 Cup Ice or Filtered Water

    I often eat these smoothies for all three meals a day…when I do my blood pressure is perfect, I loose about 1 pound per day, and blood tests show my nutrition is nearly perfect. YMMV.

  7. Nancy L. says:

    I wanted to share what I’ve recently done with the pulp from my juicing. I do not like wasting all that goodness. I cannot afford a vitamix right now so I use my magic bullet , well sometimes I’ll drink it that way and sometimes not, well what to do with the pulp? I saved it and thought about it. Well I created a meatloaf with it and used Tempeh My saved pulp and spices, tamara , and if you eat meat a little meat but not the main ingrediant. My pulp had carrot and celery and kale and spinach beet , arugula , etc… All kinds of stuff I added onions and garlic. OMG YUM!!! I used carrot pulp for Oatmeal cookies too! Creativity and desire wow we could Rule the world!! hahahahaha in a good way! Peace and Love Love you Kris!!!

  8. Joanna says:

    So sorry, typo again! It’s Dr. Clement.

  9. Joanna says:

    Sorry typo! I meant Dr. Clenet

  10. Joanna says:

    Here’s the Dr. Cheney link I watched:

    You can see what he says.

  11. Joanna says:

    Kris, what about people like Dr. Brian Clement from Hippocrates Health, who say green smoothies are bad for your health? Siting fetmentation, putrification, and skipping the salivary digestion process…and more. There are so many videos on YouTube of him speaking about this topic, promoting juicing and warning against green smoothies. I’d love to please get your take on this! Thanks so much.

  12. amber skyring says:

    I am so confused! If you have cancer…. hey there CSC lady… me too! I thought we were not supposed to eat any sugars including fruits! All recipes everyone talks about re raw contain quite a bit of fruit and according to Dr Mercola, he says keep below 15gms a day….that’s only 1/2 banana and a very small amount of low fructose fruits e.g. berries etc….Most of these recipes you provide contain fruit and yet you seem well enough and keeping your cancer stable…. Please can you give more advise on this? Amber.
    p.s I have been stable too for 2 years ( I still have my tumors but they are not grown but really miss fruit!!!).

  13. I love your website! Thanks for the demo on the green smoothie. I have a Nutribullet and I like to use broccoli stems and dandelion leaves w/ frozen banana, strawberries, almond milk, and a scoop of peanut butter.

  14. Kate Worley says:

    Drinking this smoothie as I write this comment! Delicious!

  15. Sheryl says:

    Tart cherries are in season at u-picks in NY, they would be amazing in a smoothie or juice!

  16. Theresa Key says:

    I was just looking for a new smoothie to try. Thx girl! I love your blog and all that you give here. My daughters absolutely love your videos and they dance with you on the intro:) – Thank you for sharing let us (all your fans) know what we can do for you!

  17. Jackie says:

    Hi Kris – I have a Champion Juicer…..I usually just use it to make up a veggie mix for the dogs (lol) but will have to get it out and start using it for me. Do you have any tips at all for me about using the Champion Juicer for my smoothies?
    Thanks – love following you!

  18. Dear dear dear dear Miss Kris, I downloaded your E-Guide a few days ago, and it’s turbo-charged my green smoothie regimen. So many tasty alternatives to what was just starting to slip into monotony. Thank you so much for both the inspiration and the practical advice. kiss kiss, Kate

  19. pam says:

    Thanks. I have been wondering if the blender would work as well. I have not made any green smoothies yet but have been just drinking water in the morning. I will try one tomorrow. I was afraid the pulp would be too much to drink…but will give it a try. I do get hungry in the morning and that water helps but doesn’t take away the hunger and I find myself watching the clock for 12.

  20. Anita says:

    I bought this e-guide last year and it’s completely changed the way I approach food. I LOVE juicing and it’s such an easy guide to follow and read. I’ve told anyone I know who is dealing with any kind of illness to make this one simple change in their life. Just reading this e-guide had me running out the door to buy my juicer (a simple, not too expensive Phillips) and a big bunch of kale! It literally takes 15 mins to juice, wash (the juicer) and go on with your day. Thanks Kris. Love the work you do 🙂

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