Hey Om Amigo,
I’m super excited to share that I’m about to start recording my first meditation album! Folks have been asking me to do this for quite some time, so I thought it would be useful to record meditations that really help me personally. Plus, I want to be able to be there for you anytime, anywhere. This album is my way to connect with you one-on-one and support you even further. It’s a dream come true and I really hope this project serves you as much as possible.
Update: The Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album is now available!
Opt-in to listen to a sample track below or get the full album here.
Anyway, the focus of the album is “Self-Care for Busy People” and I’d love to know what you need most. Meditations for more energy? Sleeplessness? Increased confidence? Reducing anxiety and melting stress? Meditations to free yourself from fear or cravings? I’m open to all your suggestions—even if they don’t perfectly fit the topic. My goal is to keep these recordings under 10 minutes each, um, because we’re all busy!
Meditation has been a grounding force in my wellness practice for over a decade. I was first introduced to it by my mom and then embraced it fully when I was diagnosed. During the summer of 2003, months after my life and health had seemingly changed forever, I found my way to a Zen Monastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Upaya. It was there that I discovered the deep peace and healing power of a calm mind and open heart. While I’m not as dedicated as some meditators, and I don’t always stick to a daily practice or follow one particular method, I do have a sacred practice that works for me and it continues to empower my life and shape my future.
Self-care practices like meditation, or just taking time to check in with yourself, go hand in hand with nourishing our bodies. In fact, while consciousness can begin on our plate (it certainly did for me), to fully embrace it, we’re called to go beyond food. How we connect with ourselves has a direct effect on our level of consciousness. Naturally, the more we balance the thoughts and habits that don’t serve us, the easier it is to create a healthy, passionate, satisfying life. If the word meditation scares you, just call it a mindful or contemplative practice. And remember, it’s called a practice for a reason: It can never be perfected (thankfully!).
Lastly, it’s my hope that this album will inspire you to create or enhance a practice that works for you. On your own terms. No rules. More flow, less rigidity. After all, your life is your meditation. May it be peaceful and joyful.
Now I want to hear from you: What meditations do you need, oh precious one?
Peace & inner wisdom,
Alignment with spirit. Self assuredness.
I think this especially holds true for busy people- Sometimes when time feels scarce, and we are on a path of pleasing others- somehow no one feels pleased.
I would love a meditation on releasing guilt and the expectations that other people hold for us. As well as dropping the expectations we hold for other people.
Hi Kris,
I would love to hear a meditation about dealing with grief. I lost my mom, my best friend, one week ago today. Something to help still my mind would be wonderful.
I need a meditation for mornings when I have a huge stressful conference to host or something. One that would reduce anxiety, build confidence and melt stress away.
I also would love an evening one to help me sleep and to envision my body restfully rebuilding strength and wellness.
I’m very excited about your project! Best of luck!!
Thank you for making a meditation album! Would be wonderful to have at least one meditation for physical self-connection with my body which is taxed every day living with autoimmune disease. Something to activate my body’s innate self-healing capacity. Other than that, the usual for winding down to sleep, another for bringing in the day, another for connection to our sexual energy, another as a check in for self-care. Thank you!!!
Hi Kris, I really enjoy your postings and information. I feel left out of the meditation idea if you label it for “busy people”. Myself and many others are retired, so maybe not quite as busy, (or maybe unemployed for several reasons including health issues) but we still may be searching for the peace and calmness-it’s difficult to transition from working to not. I do feel blessed to be retired, but I also struggle with finding my purpose and feeling useful. I have enjoyed many of the Deepak/Oprah meditations, especially Finding Your Flow. I really like the nature sounds that are often played in the background, it helps me picture a calm and peaceful place.
I would love meditations on facing fear and anxiety or calming the mind. I love the idea of them being 10 minutes, that’s a perfect amount of time for me!
I also agree with Tammy – morning meditations to set up our day for success, when I meditate in the morning, my day flows better.
Looking forward to this <3
Meditations for people who don’t have a quiet space to meditate – perhaps ones that focus on the sounds and feelings around you rather than blocking them out…. because small apartment living is not exactly zen
I think meditations for self love would be helpful.
I wanted to add a “Healing meditation”… you do such a good job explaining and expressing the healing process. I always appreciate how you mention everyone has their own “cancer” they need to heal from..one of the many reasons you rock!
Meditation for pain would be fantastic! You really can’t find much on that! Meditation for pain helps to bring the focus away from the pain and helps to relax the body, easing the harmful effects of pain on the body (increased blood pressure, stress, etc). How many times do people have plans of something they want /need to do, but can’t because of some type of pain – migraine, headache, back ache, pulled muscle, injury, etc. I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis for 16 years and am a Cancer survivor so, unfortunately, I have become somewhat of an expert on the subject. I do find that most people are stopped in their tracks when pain hits, so anything in our Crazy Sexy Arsenal to help us keep moving forward would be awesome!
Jotting it down, Debbie. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Kris!
I’d greatly appreciate meditations for more positivity, focus, gratitude & productivity
Hi Kris, would love to obtain a meditation especelly for two sepperate items, self healing/health and de-stressing, Look forward to the album!
Morning meditation to start off your day.
Loving yourself meditation
Listening to you own intuition
Nighttime meditation
Your voice is going to be awesome for guided meditations…soothing..
Thanks Kris
Hi Kris,
I really really admire your and Brian’s marriage. I know that I am lovable and I have met men that do want to date me, but I struggle with having faith that I can handle being in a romantic marriage while dealing with a physical and mental illness. I would really love to have a meditation around that. Something like romance brings be joy rather than focusing on the stress that a relationship can bring?
Thank you!
*Much Love*
A relax and de-stress mediation, a before bed mediation or unwind at end of day meditation, one to help start my day off with my morning breakfast
I am so excited about this… I would love to see one on overcoming shame and also on motivation.
I am under going Chemo for Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I was looking forwrd to finding easy understandable meditations to relax to! Especially during chemo, radiation, & hormone therapy! Thank you for all you do! God bless & best wishes. Mary Beth
Hi Kris!
Everyone seems to be on the same page. Energy / Awakening for morning, Soothing / Relaxation for Evening. I have just one to add: The My-day-just-got-crazy-and-I’ve-hit-my-stress-wall mini-meditation – not about sleep, just about returning to breathing, unclenching the muscles, and rebalancing a racing mind – a return to calm and focus.
Oprah and Deepak Chopra have done a few meditation series one of which was really effective, I found. Manifesting grace through gratitude.
Meditations on gratitude, opening our hearts to light and love – focussing on the greater love and its healing power would be wonderful. There is so much negativity fed through to each of us on a daily basis and it often takes over and creates such anxiety to the extent that you feel like you’re in a prison – even when you know you have the power to break free, you don’t always make the time or have those kind of tools or inspiration like a guided meditation to hand. If you could create a guided meditation that turns can enable the negative to wash away and with that the anxiety then that would free the listener up to welcome in the positive healing love that we all need to give the best of ourselves to our life and those around us. I feel so sure that you could create such a loving hopeful guided meditation. Thank you!