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I’m making a meditation album for you!

read all about it

Hey Om Amigo,

I’m super excited to share that I’m about to start recording my first meditation album! Folks have been asking me to do this for quite some time, so I thought it would be useful to record meditations that really help me personally. Plus, I want to be able to be there for you anytime, anywhere. This album is my way to connect with you one-on-one and support you even further. It’s a dream come true and I really hope this project serves you as much as possible.

Update: The Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album is now available!

Opt-in to listen to a sample track below or get the full album here.

Anyway, the focus of the album is “Self-Care for Busy People” and I’d love to know what you need most. Meditations for more energy? Sleeplessness? Increased confidence? Reducing anxiety and melting stress? Meditations to free yourself from fear or cravings? I’m open to all your suggestions—even if they don’t perfectly fit the topic. My goal is to keep these recordings under 10 minutes each, um, because we’re all busy!

Meditation has been a grounding force in my wellness practice for over a decade. I was first introduced to it by my mom and then embraced it fully when I was diagnosed. During the summer of 2003, months after my life and health had seemingly changed forever, I found my way to a Zen Monastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Upaya. It was there that I discovered the deep peace and healing power of a calm mind and open heart. While I’m not as dedicated as some meditators, and I don’t always stick to a daily practice or follow one particular method, I do have a sacred practice that works for me and it continues to empower my life and shape my future.

Self-care practices like meditation, or just taking time to check in with yourself, go hand in hand with nourishing our bodies. In fact, while consciousness can begin on our plate (it certainly did for me), to fully embrace it, we’re called to go beyond food. How we connect with ourselves has a direct effect on our level of consciousness. Naturally, the more we balance the thoughts and habits that don’t serve us, the easier it is to create a healthy, passionate, satisfying life. If the word meditation scares you, just call it a mindful or contemplative practice. And remember, it’s called a practice for a reason: It can never be perfected (thankfully!).

Lastly, it’s my hope that this album will inspire you to create or enhance a practice that works for you. On your own terms. No rules. More flow, less rigidity. After all, your life is your meditation. May it be peaceful and joyful.

Now I want to hear from you: What meditations do you need, oh precious one?

Peace & inner wisdom,

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  1. Alessand says:

    Dear Kris, good afternoon (Italian time). Thank you for taking time to work on the meditation album. Along the years I have learnt to slow down, still taking time to nourish my suol through meditation is not easy. The meditations I might need are in the area of “self confidence” while taking a leap out of my comfort zone. I would like to review my career path, but feel stucked to my previous experience. Furthermore, being 46 I think I feel it is over now … Thank you !!! Take care!

  2. sue says:

    A meditation that reminds us to breathe in self love and to simply appreciate and love ourselves for all that we are and breathe out compassion and empathy for others.

  3. I would love to see a self-healing meditation. I know you are healing from cancer. I’ve got Multiple Sclerosis. I use to be a fitness buff but no more. I love guided meditations that allow me to visualize healing. Keep up the great work.

  4. Kendra Payne says:

    I would love meditations for energy, clarity to focus on goals, help overcome fearful thoughts

  5. Vicky Mortimer says:

    anxiety, stress, health, cravings

  6. Emma says:

    Something to melt stress and anxiety and promote a feeling of safety and security, also a morning meditation to set up you up with a positive mindset ready to start the day.
    Thank you for doing this, and for everything else that you do. You are truly inspiring! 🙂

  7. Mary Brooks says:

    Hi lovely Kris,

    I would love to have meditations specifically for those of us living in chronic pain. There are many people out there, like myself, who love the benefits of meditation but find it very hard to accomplish when you are not well. I am on a healing program for MS, but Neuropathy developed in my feet and legs, terrible shocks of pins and needles and stabbing pains that happen 24/7. When I am meditating, it is very hard to quiet the mind and stay still while my body is attacking me. Any suggestions?


  8. janet Helena says:

    Journey Meditation – something I could listen to on my journey to work. There’s also something special about Water – something to remind us to cleanse the body and drink more – to be healthy.
    A lunchtime meditation would be great too – 5-10 mins 🙂

  9. Renee says:

    Meditaions for increased confidence and for fear.

  10. Christy says:

    Forgiveness and letting go of fear would be my top choices.

  11. Asa says:

    I’d love a meditation for radical acceptance. Just something small that makes it easier for me to accept what is. Accept the hardship that comes with being human and that life sometimes isn’t exactly like I want it to be.

    Also: a meditation for self-love and love for the entire universe. Loving-kindness/metta sort of thing!

  12. Donna says:

    I would love a meditation I could use to stop self doubt and lack of confidence it it’s tracks!

  13. Ashley says:

    Would love to have an anxiety buster, something that helps refocus when you drown in the ‘what ifs’

  14. Nancy says:

    These are all wonderful ideas. I would also like to see a meditation on compassion to decrease suffering of all creatures both human and non human.

    • Lily says:

      Yes, I concur with K and Nancy;
      Kris, coming from you with your animal-loving heart, a meditation to positively focus our thoughts and open our hearts for the benefit of our fellow nonhuman earthlings would be beautiful and powerful…

  15. K says:

    Mediations on failure
    Meditations for animal shelter workers and those who have a hard time accepting you can’t save them all
    Meditations for swelling anger (like towards people who chain dogs)
    Meditations on wealth not being the only thing that really matters
    Mediations on releasing shame
    Meditations on self acceptance

  16. Mandy Blake says:

    Kris, love, love, love your work and commitment to healing and health. Ok, here’s my recommendation for the meditation album: stress, anxiety, specifically around feeling lack of control in one’s life. Something visual, soothing is always helpful. Thank you.

  17. Marcia says:

    interested in meditations for relaxation, sleeplessness, energy and confidence!!

  18. Ursula says:

    A morning meditation please! For a positive start to the day. And thanks for recommending, it’s really great!

  19. Ann says:

    Hi Kris,
    I’d appreciate a meditation that I can do during the day to re-align with spirit after dealing with intensely negative people or situations that crop up in the working world.

  20. Tara says:

    Meditations for breaking through fear, having self confidence, and being open to new opportunities would be awesome.

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