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I’m making a meditation album for you!

read all about it

Hey Om Amigo,

I’m super excited to share that I’m about to start recording my first meditation album! Folks have been asking me to do this for quite some time, so I thought it would be useful to record meditations that really help me personally. Plus, I want to be able to be there for you anytime, anywhere. This album is my way to connect with you one-on-one and support you even further. It’s a dream come true and I really hope this project serves you as much as possible.

Update: The Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album is now available!

Opt-in to listen to a sample track below or get the full album here.

Anyway, the focus of the album is “Self-Care for Busy People” and I’d love to know what you need most. Meditations for more energy? Sleeplessness? Increased confidence? Reducing anxiety and melting stress? Meditations to free yourself from fear or cravings? I’m open to all your suggestions—even if they don’t perfectly fit the topic. My goal is to keep these recordings under 10 minutes each, um, because we’re all busy!

Meditation has been a grounding force in my wellness practice for over a decade. I was first introduced to it by my mom and then embraced it fully when I was diagnosed. During the summer of 2003, months after my life and health had seemingly changed forever, I found my way to a Zen Monastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Upaya. It was there that I discovered the deep peace and healing power of a calm mind and open heart. While I’m not as dedicated as some meditators, and I don’t always stick to a daily practice or follow one particular method, I do have a sacred practice that works for me and it continues to empower my life and shape my future.

Self-care practices like meditation, or just taking time to check in with yourself, go hand in hand with nourishing our bodies. In fact, while consciousness can begin on our plate (it certainly did for me), to fully embrace it, we’re called to go beyond food. How we connect with ourselves has a direct effect on our level of consciousness. Naturally, the more we balance the thoughts and habits that don’t serve us, the easier it is to create a healthy, passionate, satisfying life. If the word meditation scares you, just call it a mindful or contemplative practice. And remember, it’s called a practice for a reason: It can never be perfected (thankfully!).

Lastly, it’s my hope that this album will inspire you to create or enhance a practice that works for you. On your own terms. No rules. More flow, less rigidity. After all, your life is your meditation. May it be peaceful and joyful.

Now I want to hear from you: What meditations do you need, oh precious one?

Peace & inner wisdom,

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  1. Kathy B says:

    I would love meditations for energy and reducing anxiety.

  2. Cora says:

    I am getting ready to make a major change in my life. I am packing my bags and moving from VA to FL!!!! I think I may be having a mid-life crisis! I would like to have a meditation for a positive path to a fulfilling future!!! Love you Kris!!

  3. Yaya says:

    Please add tenets of focusing to your meditations.
    I am in the midst of writing my dissertation and am having issues staying on task.

  4. Great idea and so needed. Meditation should be as important as brushing our teeth! Think meditations around ‘letting go of the need to be in control’ could be key for a lot of us.

  5. Mieke says:

    Dear Kris,
    That is wonderful! I would love a meditation album.
    In addition to the other great suggestions, I would really like a meditation that helps keeping and increasing faith in my body, even during health challenges. I know a positive attitude helps healing and feeling better, but it is sometimes really hard when I’m feeling sick!
    Xxx Mieke

  6. Mandy says:

    I would love one for my commute to and from work. For energy, focus, strength and perspective and for reducing anxiety and stress at the end of the day. Thanks Kris!

  7. Clem says:

    Love this idea! I really want to get more into meditation but haven’t really found a meditation practice or ritual that suits me.

    I’d love a meditation track to help me feel empowered and strong on my own – I’m single and loving life, but still find myself wishing that I had “someone”… What I’d need is a track I can listen to to remind me that ME is enough!

    A destressing, soothing pre-bed time meditation track would be great as well.

    Thanks so much for this Kris, I’m looking forward to seeing what you create next.

  8. Karen S. says:

    Hi Chris,
    How about on healing, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally? Your website helps with these a bit . but a meditation form would be great!
    Thank you.
    Karen S.

  9. Sylwia says:

    Hey Kris. I’m so happy to hear the good news 🙂
    I’d love some meditation for strength, motivation and creativity. Something to keep me on the right track every day. Thank you!

  10. Michelle Martin says:

    My parents took the whole family to learn transcendental meditation when I was 11. I have been doing meditation on and off ..mostly off 🙁 I would love to see guided meditation to reduce stress, build confidence, let my light shine and well, of course, food issues. Look forward to reading your new book:)

  11. Jessica says:

    I would love a short meditation (5-10 minutes) that can help me re-center myself during tense/high stress/anxiety producing moments during the work day.. You know those moments when you just want to walk out the door and never look back? 🙂 But then you realize the rent is due next week!! 🙂

    Thanks for continuing to put such beautiful content into this world Kris! Xoxo

  12. jay says:

    Self-realization is my priority.
    I need a meditation to stay on that priority!

  13. kim says:

    Hi Kris

    A meditation on acceptance and surrender would be helpful.
    thank you!


  14. Bridget says:

    I love the idea of meditations for tuning into your intuition and trusting your inner guidance. Thanks for doing this Kris! Looking forward to it

    • Siobhan says:

      Yes exactly, we need to be reminded of our pure potential.

      • Lori says:

        Agreed – a meditation to help during major transitions or decisions. I really appreciate when you share your thoughts on how to listen to your intuition during major change including being ok when those around you struggle with your new direction.

  15. Siobhan says:

    Thank you for thinking of us, I think the best type of meditation is one of higher wisdom source, like that which you get from Abraham Hicks, I like Esther’s authoritive voice which also contains a divine wisdom and a mothers love that is very nurturing, I use this everyday if I can.
    It needs to resonate with truthful positive blissful vibes.
    I am so happy that people like you are venturing into this to help the people who have been asking for more ways to meditate, new ideas like making an app so it’s right there at ones fingertips and containing a good winding down resonance, with a message of fun like; (you know what? Everything is gonna be alright.) I’d also like it to contain a sense of love because I’m a very sensitive person who loves to spend time in the feeling of love.
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our preferences. Namaste.

  16. Steph says:

    I’d love those for sleeplessness and anxiety/worry. Thanks much!

  17. Kris Keller says:

    I have low dopamine levels, and adrenal fatigue, so, whatever helps those! Yes, this does results in early morning insomnia. 🙂 Problems with safety (feeling safe) and inclusion/belonging.

    Thank you!

    Just bought CSLN App!


  18. Susan says:

    Hi Kris
    I too would like a morning meditation to start my day, and also an evening one to help me sleep.


  19. Jay says:

    Topics I’d love your meditations on:
    –quieting the mind for sleep
    –energy for morning
    –focus for morning
    –focus for any time of day

    Thank you 😀 Love your work, thank you for it!

  20. Zita says:

    Dear Kris,

    I just love you, I am more than grateful for any kind of meditation that comes from you and your magnificent team 🙂 But if I had to pick one topic, it would be meditation against depression and anxiety.


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