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I’m making a meditation album for you!

read all about it

Hey Om Amigo,

I’m super excited to share that I’m about to start recording my first meditation album! Folks have been asking me to do this for quite some time, so I thought it would be useful to record meditations that really help me personally. Plus, I want to be able to be there for you anytime, anywhere. This album is my way to connect with you one-on-one and support you even further. It’s a dream come true and I really hope this project serves you as much as possible.

Update: The Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album is now available!

Opt-in to listen to a sample track below or get the full album here.

Anyway, the focus of the album is “Self-Care for Busy People” and I’d love to know what you need most. Meditations for more energy? Sleeplessness? Increased confidence? Reducing anxiety and melting stress? Meditations to free yourself from fear or cravings? I’m open to all your suggestions—even if they don’t perfectly fit the topic. My goal is to keep these recordings under 10 minutes each, um, because we’re all busy!

Meditation has been a grounding force in my wellness practice for over a decade. I was first introduced to it by my mom and then embraced it fully when I was diagnosed. During the summer of 2003, months after my life and health had seemingly changed forever, I found my way to a Zen Monastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Upaya. It was there that I discovered the deep peace and healing power of a calm mind and open heart. While I’m not as dedicated as some meditators, and I don’t always stick to a daily practice or follow one particular method, I do have a sacred practice that works for me and it continues to empower my life and shape my future.

Self-care practices like meditation, or just taking time to check in with yourself, go hand in hand with nourishing our bodies. In fact, while consciousness can begin on our plate (it certainly did for me), to fully embrace it, we’re called to go beyond food. How we connect with ourselves has a direct effect on our level of consciousness. Naturally, the more we balance the thoughts and habits that don’t serve us, the easier it is to create a healthy, passionate, satisfying life. If the word meditation scares you, just call it a mindful or contemplative practice. And remember, it’s called a practice for a reason: It can never be perfected (thankfully!).

Lastly, it’s my hope that this album will inspire you to create or enhance a practice that works for you. On your own terms. No rules. More flow, less rigidity. After all, your life is your meditation. May it be peaceful and joyful.

Now I want to hear from you: What meditations do you need, oh precious one?

Peace & inner wisdom,

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  1. Anka says:

    Please, please, please Kris.
    Make a ”during the day” meditation.
    That’ll make all the obstacles, that built up already during that day, seem super little tiny.
    A meditation that’ll recharge your energy batteries to have a fantastic day still.

  2. Danni says:

    Dear Kris,
    meditations for more energy (like morning meditation) would be perfect.
    A meditation to increase confidence and melting stress, would be super cool also.
    Thank you, shine bright.

  3. Angela says:

    Hi Kriss, I would love it if you included emotional healing. Because it is something we can’t see and we often don’t realise where old stuff/hurts came from.
    Tku x

  4. Anna says:

    Would love to have meditations for reducing stress, removing fear and letting go to allow flow. Thank you.

  5. Liz says:

    ooo I would love a new fresh meditation album, especially from you! For me it works if they are ‘guided’ but not too intensely focused… a little thought or to to set the intention and set me off in a nice direction is great, but not too much, the peace and space to relax and go within without getting to caught up in mind messages is so important, maybe aided with some lovely relaxing background music or sounds of nature (more you’re style). Your self care message will naturally ooze from your meditations, so I don’t think you need to worry about the ‘topics’ – they will come naturally. Maybe something led from your fabulous cards would guide you….
    I agree with Tammy’s suggestion for a bedtime track. I love to fall asleep to something healing.
    Good luck and have fun, sounds like it will be a great project!

  6. Sylvia says:

    For me you would be the go-to person when it comes to anxiety.
    Kris, obviously you wanted to learn how to act as host to a sickness and – clearly visible – you chose to realize sexy joyful peace as your soul. C’mon, when the overwhelm comes in, we other «hosts» could benefit so much from your mirror ‘loving creation over deliberating fear’. As Tammy said, the right & stirring path for the day.

    We always heal together …
    stay golden …
    rainbow spectrum hugs,

  7. Monika says:

    I wanted to ask you if this offer applies if I order the book from bookdepository? because living in eastern Europe I cannot order it through the american Amazon.

  8. Sarah says:

    Hi Kris I am so excited for this!
    I often ruminate at night in bed about interactions I had with people/colleagues over the last day or week-whether I said the wrong thing etc. I know it’s all in my head and just because of my social anxiety but I’ve been looking for a sleep meditiaton for a while which basically reminds people with social anxiety to let it go, what’s done is done, everything is ok etc. If it was your voice I know my subconscious would be even more convinced to relax! 🙂 Much love xx

  9. Kelly says:

    Empowerment, Stress, Confidence. What a cool project! Sending my best wishes.

  10. Roselie says:

    Hi Kris,

    Personally I like a variety of different meditations, because not one day is the same for me, and all that you mentioned I come across one day or another. So any of those would be helpful for me.
    Wishing you the best, and can’t wait for the album!

  11. Melissa says:

    Hi; I would love to hear more about how to meditate specifically for underlying stress and for a more focused mind. I am a comfort eater too, so not sure if meditation can help for that. Thanks.

  12. Anu Lampenius says:

    Loving kindness meditation

  13. Julie says:

    For sure the one on stress but we also need to meditate on putting ourselves first.
    When I am busy/ stressed and pulled in a bunch of different directions, I start putting myself further and further down the list. I also then may punt exercise or meditation time, not eat right or get enough sleep. It is like everything spirals our of control.

    Maybe another that follows the above is ” It is okay to say “no”

    Good luck with the project!! I for one very likely NEED this mediation album.


    ps. I own one other mediation album and the disappointing thing about it is that they never included a meditation list so I can’t refer to the cd cover for instance and decide I want to listen to….or I need to practice that one…. I have to put the cd in the player and skip from track to track till I find the relevant one. Honestly sometimes that alone puts me out of the mood to even meditate.

  14. Chely says:

    As so many have requested, I, too would love an mediation to start the day and an evening meditation to support restful sleep. I would also love something to help me work through fear, a confidence booster for days that zap one’s energy and also to help with letting go. All the suggestions resonate as so may of us struggle with similar challenges.

  15. Jennifer says:

    Hi Kris,

    You are truly a ray of sunshine! It makes me happy to see an email in my inbox with your name on it. I am a big fan of meditation and look forward to your album. I am most interested in meditations for more energy, sleeplessness, reducing anxiety and melting stress, and freeing oneself from fear.

    Thank you!

  16. Gloria says:

    Thanks Kris for always listening to your sacred heart and sharing the depth of you with us.
    What do you think about a meditation that would assist one in connecting with the Divine within?
    Big hugs and buckets of love,

  17. Pa says:

    I agree with a going-to-bed meditation, and I also would love one “to let things go”, sometimes I get crazy on my mental loop, thinking the same thing over and over…I am not sure I am clear on this, hope it helps. Xoxo!

  18. Carolyn says:

    I would enjoy using meditations for
    1. am and pm, to begin and end my day on a positive and grateful feeling.
    2. pain relief
    3. overcoming sugar cravings
    4. forgiveness
    5. For the music to be at a low enough level so that it is not distracting from the spoken words.

  19. Suzanne says:

    I have discovered after going through the “Change” that I can bring on my own hot flashes produced from anxiety! Yikes!!!
    Please hook me up with some much needed, relaxing/mind altering meditations.

  20. Andrea says:

    A meditation on loving your body – symptoms, ailments, dis-ease and all – would be wonderful. Something to help break that habit of getting mad at yourself/body when things aren’t going exactly how you think they should be.
    Greatly looking forward to the album, I know it will be wonderful!

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