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I’m making a meditation album for you!

read all about it

Hey Om Amigo,

I’m super excited to share that I’m about to start recording my first meditation album! Folks have been asking me to do this for quite some time, so I thought it would be useful to record meditations that really help me personally. Plus, I want to be able to be there for you anytime, anywhere. This album is my way to connect with you one-on-one and support you even further. It’s a dream come true and I really hope this project serves you as much as possible.

Update: The Self-Care for Busy People Meditation album is now available!

Opt-in to listen to a sample track below or get the full album here.

Anyway, the focus of the album is “Self-Care for Busy People” and I’d love to know what you need most. Meditations for more energy? Sleeplessness? Increased confidence? Reducing anxiety and melting stress? Meditations to free yourself from fear or cravings? I’m open to all your suggestions—even if they don’t perfectly fit the topic. My goal is to keep these recordings under 10 minutes each, um, because we’re all busy!

Meditation has been a grounding force in my wellness practice for over a decade. I was first introduced to it by my mom and then embraced it fully when I was diagnosed. During the summer of 2003, months after my life and health had seemingly changed forever, I found my way to a Zen Monastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Upaya. It was there that I discovered the deep peace and healing power of a calm mind and open heart. While I’m not as dedicated as some meditators, and I don’t always stick to a daily practice or follow one particular method, I do have a sacred practice that works for me and it continues to empower my life and shape my future.

Self-care practices like meditation, or just taking time to check in with yourself, go hand in hand with nourishing our bodies. In fact, while consciousness can begin on our plate (it certainly did for me), to fully embrace it, we’re called to go beyond food. How we connect with ourselves has a direct effect on our level of consciousness. Naturally, the more we balance the thoughts and habits that don’t serve us, the easier it is to create a healthy, passionate, satisfying life. If the word meditation scares you, just call it a mindful or contemplative practice. And remember, it’s called a practice for a reason: It can never be perfected (thankfully!).

Lastly, it’s my hope that this album will inspire you to create or enhance a practice that works for you. On your own terms. No rules. More flow, less rigidity. After all, your life is your meditation. May it be peaceful and joyful.

Now I want to hear from you: What meditations do you need, oh precious one?

Peace & inner wisdom,

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  1. Laura says:

    More energy, more confidence, less fear.
    Thank you, Kris!

  2. Kathy says:

    What a great project! I would love a meditation to get me back on track. Many times I set out with an agenda and then for whatever reason I get off track. Things that send me off track are road blocks, procrastination (which I find for me is usually because of fear), and distractions. A meditation to re-center and help me stay on track when that happens would be awesome.

  3. Ginger Maher says:

    SOOO excited that you are doing this! To be free from fear, anxiety and cravings would make the meditation perfect for me!
    Thank you so much for all you do to improve the lives of so very many people,

  4. This is fantastic news, Kris! I’ve had visions of recording guided meditations. So glad you’re doing it. You have a fabulous voice for it!! <3

    One of my favorite meditations is one that reminds me that ALL the love I've ever received from any/everyone is available for me to receive and absorb in any moment I choose. Very very powerful.

    More great reminders:
    For those moments when I worry that I'm not doing/accomplishing enough.
    That it's not a race, so not possible for others to get "there" quicker than me.
    To let go of comparisons.
    That saying no early and often is a good thing.
    That saying YES is the only answer.

    A favorite saying of mine: If it's not an absolute YES, it's a definite NO.


  5. Eileen says:

    All the titles youve written in the bolg for your new meditation album sound great I would love to see added to the list, ” vibrant health”

  6. Jeannie Danford says:


    This is a fantastic idea. I am so excited. I think fear and anxiety top the list for me.

    Thanks for all you do and always being a ray of sunshine.


  7. Lexi says:

    Meditation to find calm, inner peace, and to live in the present moment.

  8. Ashley Chew says:

    I agree that morning & night ones would be great. Definitely anxiety & maybe something about letting go of worry. I worry about everything.

    • Jeannie Danford says:

      Yes, letting go of worry. I forgot that on my comment and am surprised as I am a worrier too!!! Just letting go period!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  9. Mike says:

    A meditation including faith that we will have the self control needed to happily eat only what is good for our bodies and minds (ie, veggies, juice, organic, fresh, etc.) and to avoid anything that we know would be causing our bodies and minds harm (ie, bad fats, boxed & processed foods, preservatives, meats, sugar, etc.).

    Additionally, a meditation that we will have lots of smiles and joy each day, in spite of any stressors that come our way, which we will deal with responsibly, and also maintaining a healthy attitude.

    Thanks so much.

    • Kathy says:

      I ditto this. I am inspired to take care of myself by eating the best foods when I am ‘coached’ and reminded of the benefits. I know Kris would encourage me to honor my body by treating it well.
      Calming words in times of stress would be great.
      All to some soft background music♥️

  10. Georgina says:

    Fab idea! I love listening to a morning meditation on my phone during the snooze period that sets me up for a positive day. The same an evening one, to close off the day. Be great to have a grounding one for a melt down. Something for moments of fear. Relationship. I would love a breath one – getting back into breathing properly.

    Hope these help xx

  11. Rhia says:

    Free yourself from fear would be top of my list, with creating an inner calm/peace and a morning confidence boost to start the day.
    Look forward to hearing the album

  12. Monica says:

    Would love meditations for stress reduction and anxiety!! I have a big corporate job and deal with a lot of anxiety and stress

    • Gabrielle KC says:

      I agree! One for stress reduction when finances are bad, and trying to stay positive during hard times! One so that we don’t worry about getting sick when we are so stressed and anxious too!

  13. Petra says:

    I am so glad to hear you are making a meditation album!
    I would like meditations to increase energy, to release anxiety and achieve peace of mind.

  14. Gloria Baerg says:

    Sleeplessness please!!

  15. Zoe says:

    I’m sure you’ll get more than enough suggestions to fill an album of 10 minute meditations. But one bonus I think would make a massive difference would be a short one (perhaps 2/3 mins) that at 3pm when sh*t is hitting the fan, you haven’t had time to exercise, there is a mountain of work to do and you’re forced to just sit and try get through it. This meditation is short enough you could walk around the block or you can find a private space to reconnect and reapproach the remaining hours of the day.

    • sue says:

      I think this is an amazing idea. I would use it at about 230 every afternoon when I am well aware the kids are about to come in the door from school, I am stressed that I haven’t gotten as much done in the day as I wanted, my energy has dipped, and I am facing a flurry of activity with 4 teenagers from 3-11. A short mid afternoon meditation would be great to help me recharge for the rest of the day and brace the craziness!

      • Tiersa says:

        Yep. A ‘re-focus’ type meditation. Just a few minutes long but gently kicks your bum back in the right direction.

    • Donna says:

      Love this idea as well!


    • Liz says:

      Love this idea too, any kind of ’emergency’ meditation for moments when you are having a meltdown or just a having a moment when you really need something quick and easy to turn to help you to calm down connect back in with yourself would be great

      • Heidi Tomlinson says:

        I love this Idea as well! I am often feeling this way later in the day. As a mum, wife, daughter, full-time worker I would also love a Meditation that brings me back to the basics of how blessed I am, the other things aren’t important (eg. the washing, folding, windows, cooking……… those things can wait. Life won’t be over if dinner is a little late on the table tonight or the folding isn’t done).

  16. Jean says:

    Anxiety when trying to get everything done in a day! Sometimes my food choices are not so healthy when I feel crunched for time.

  17. melissa says:

    Thank you for devoting yourself to this creation. Would love meditations on reducing anxiety and trusting our soul voice.

  18. Barbara Machin says:

    Love the idea . Meditation for peace of mind and melt away fears will be great

  19. Tammy says:

    Hi Kris

    I would love a morning meditation that sets me on the right path for the day – one I can do as soon as I wake up to make sure my thoughts stay positive and creative!

    A before-bed meditation that enhances a good night’s sleep would be awesome too!


  20. Patti says:

    Would love meditations for more energy and for reducing anxiety. Thank you!

    • Rebekah says:

      Aloha Kris!

      I was wondering when your meditation cd was going to emerge… fantastic news. One of the reasons I meditate daily is in order to be present and fully available in my life. It allows me to connect with others in meaningful and useful ways! When I’m not in that space and “don’t have the time” to meditate, I certainly feel unbalanced and unable to be truly me.

      With thanks and blessings!

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