Hi Sweet Friends,
In the spirit of unplugging and filling my well before welcoming 2014, I’m keeping today’s blog short and sweet. And I’m really excited about this coming year—not because of monstrous goals or momentous milestones, but because this year is all about ease.
For me, ease at work and at home equals joy, health, creativity and contentment.
Ease connects me to my internal life. The more ease I feel, the more grounded my decisions become. I welcome those things into my life in 2014 and I invite you to join me.
The opposite of ease leads me to unneeded suffering.
I find myself chasing shiny objects, losing sight of my true purpose and saying yes when I mean no. Those things I’m happy to leave behind in 2013 (and even if they crop up again—and they will—returning to my goal of ease will get me back on course).
In order to beckon more flow, we’re called to identify the areas of conflict in our lives. Who or what causes our briefs to bunch up? When we keep ease in mind, there’s no need for lofty resolutions. Aim and plan for ease. That’s enough. Move with ease, observe with ease, evaluate based on ease. Committing to this feeling will totally transform the people and situations you welcome into your life (or not).
I hope this simple seed will grow and blossom in the coming months. I cherish you and I’m so thankful that you’ve joined me on this journey, whether you watched Crazy Sexy Cancer on TLC when it all started, you gave me a hug and a kind word at a book signing, or you’re visiting my blog for the first time. Blessings to you sweet friend.
And now for a little token of my appreciation for you…
I am grateful
Affirmations are extremely powerful. I see that everyday when I post notes of encouragement on my Facebook page. Folks light up and come out of the woodwork! Reading your comments on these posts thrills me to no end. It’s amazing how a few sentences of inspiration can shift someone’s day, flip their perspective or just lift them out of a dark place. As we move into 2014, I want you to know that you have this power too.
I write affirmations for myself first. Then I share them with the world with the hope that they’ll touch your lives in the way that they’ve changed mine. That’s why I created this fun, downloadable PDF with four of my recent Crazy Sexy affirmations. They’re my gift to you, print them, cut them out, use them as a bookmark or post them on your vision board—whatever works. And if you like them, let me know. I’ll keep creating them for ya!
Ok, back to finding more ways for you (and me!) to breathe in 2014 …
Now it’s your turn, how will you embrace more ease in the year ahead?
Peace & exhale,
Beautiful stuff everyone, thanks for your comments. xo
How will I embrace more ease in 2014?
I will slow down, breathe, make space by saying no to expectations and yes to my heart.
Breathe, smile, replace judgement with compassion (for self and others), cultivate awareness of where I’m at right now… Repeat.
Lots of words but pretty simple!
Thank you KC
Just started following you. Love the affirmations! look forward to reading Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Ease….well, I am gonna start by at least saying “I am at ease”. I feel some instant healing by just saying that.
Let’s see….I will keep my phone off for my 45 min walk. I will practice smiling at strangers. I will be ok with my less interesting days and not ruminate about all the “woulda/coulda/shoulda’s”.
I want to simply be in a constant effort of BEING with WHATEVER the moment/day/week – IS.
And…read more!!!!
Thank you!
Kris, thank you for the affirmations and for sharing your light with us. I’ve been following you for some time now and this is my first comment. One of my goals for 2014 is to engage more with the world and I thought this would be a good first step.
Wishing everyone an awesome 2014!
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful affirmations page. I needed to hear those thoughts today.
I really appreciate all the hard work you do for your community. You have blessed many lives Kris.
Please continue to bless and create. And, may 2014 exceed your wildest expectations!
Linda Wallace
Health Counselor and Breastfeeding Educator specializing in the developmental care of premature babies
Happy New Year Kris – and all others reading this!
Thank you thank you thank you for everything you’re putting out there – since discovering Crazy Sexy Diet on a book table about two years ago my life has changed so much! I never thought I would become a Vegan, and now feel so much better, also knowing I’m doing something for the health of the planet and good for the animals!
While there still are areas in my life I’m struggling with, my life (and my boyfriends with it) has improved so greatly!
And the motto ease might just be the perfect motto for me, too.
Sending you lots of love!
Great way to start the new year! I have met and read all about Gabrielle…She visits SV quite often
Yessssssssssss! Ease sound so great!
What itś mean- Freedom from pain, worry or agitation… ohhh wow just what I need. Thank you!
Thanks so much for these! I’ll be sharing them with everyone. The new year for me means more time for doing my artwork, meditation, and getting yoga in as much as possible.
I found a UNICORN puppet at IKEA last night and my non gender specific horned pony named RAINBOW is going to have adventures in cooking trying to find color in 2014!
Thank you for your kind words and inspiration. I am going to chemo today for the first time and am quite nervous. Your posts and books have helped tremendously on this crazy breast cancer journey I am on. Happy New Year to you, Kris. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
And you are in my thoughts and prayers too Madonna. Lots of love and hugs, KC
Sending you best wishes for ease, acceptance and courage during your next steps. Love comes to you even from strangers like me!
Madonna – I am sending you my best wishes and blessings. Keep following Kris Carr…she’s a major source of encouragement and love. I am an 8 year breast cancer survivor. Kris taught me more about living present than my own cancer did. Susie
Love the affirmations! And the ease.
Thanks Kris!
Thank You!
Thank you for the affirmations. I’m always encouraged and interested in your postings. I first learned of you through the Crazy Sexy Cancer video that the universe put in front of me. At a time when I was going through my own issues with cancer, you were a great source of how to make my life healthy, more focus and meaningful for me. Ease is a great word for the New Year. Love you, girl. Happy New Year! May it be a happy and healthy one for all!
Hey K girl!
Happy New Year! I am grateful that I found your story, back in the day of TLC airing your documentary. I am grateful for all you share with us! I have learned so much from you! Hope to be able to run into you in person sometime in 2014, I mean, I affirm that I will see you in person and have a wonderful conversation in 2014!
Mwah! All my positive energy to you, Brian, Lola, and Budddy!
Your Granola Gal, Mary Jo <3
Thanks, Kris! The last photo affirmation reminded me of this: Remember?
Come on and Ease on down the road, Come on and Ease on Down the road, Don’t let your mind carry nothing that might be a load, Come on and Ease on Down the Road.
(from the Wiz)
Have a beautiful New Year to you and Brian!
OMG Karen. You brought me back girl. I saw The Wiz on Broadway when I was a kid! Loved it. Good one.
Blessed I feel for being on holiday in Rome, Italy and reading your blog!!
So doing this ‘ease’ thing in 2014 and the rest of my life, that’s the plan!! Best wishes and lots of Love and Laughter for you Kris!! And the rest of the world!
Love the affirmations, thank You!
Wow, Kris! You literally took the word right out of my mouth– “Ease” is my word for 2014, too! Thanks so much for being such a light in this world. It’s really inspiring to see people like you living words like “ease” by example, not just adorning themselves in the concept like a pretty jewel. I wish you all the best for 2014 and look forward to seeing what else unfolds at kriscarr.com throughout the new year!