Kris Carr

Kris Carr


Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light with Nancy Levin

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  • (4:53): What exactly is shadow work and why it’s important for our wellness
  • (11:14): How to deal with resistance and shame when confronting our shadow
  • (16:34): The power of reclaiming disowned parts of ourselves
  • (22:32): Practical journaling prompts to start exploring your shadow
  • (34:25): The liberating effects of shadow work in later life stages
  • (41:55): Nancy’s personal story of transformation from “Queen of the Impossible”
  • (47:11): Tips for overcoming fears about journaling and protecting your privacy

Key Quotes From the Show

“We all have a shadow. Every one of us has parts of ourselves that we disown. Every one of us is holding a belief that was not formed consciously that is ruling our lives.”

“Boundaries are the limits I set so that I can consciously choose and carefully curate the content of my own life.”

“Knowing myself is the most self-loving gift of freedom I can ever imagine.”

Ever feel like there are parts of yourself you’re hiding from the world? Do you wonder why you react strongly to certain situations or people? Are there parts of you that you’ve pushed aside, believing they’re unacceptable? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone. In this episode, I dive deep into the world of shadow work with Nancy Levin, certified master coach and author of “Embracing Your Shadow to Find Your Light.”

Nancy shines a spotlight on how the shadow self controls our lives, and how embracing it through shadow work helps overcome the fear and shame that may be holding us back. From understanding the origins of our limiting beliefs to practical journaling prompts for self-discovery, this conversation is packed with insights to help you reclaim your wholeness. Whether you’re a shadow work newbie or looking to deepen your practice, this episode dishes up valuable tools for self-reflection and personal transformation. Get ready to turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader on a path to more authentic relationships, improved self-esteem, and a more fulfilling life.



Check out Nancy’s website

Check out Nancy’s new book “Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light”


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