Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

5 Affirmations for Success, Healing and Honesty

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Hi Sweet Souls,

Today I want to invite you to pick a video that resonates with you.

Kick back, listen to the message and meditate on how you can incorporate the wisdom into your life. I love sitting in my tree fort room and filming these readings for you. Each time I pick a card and share my reflections, I feel like we’re all hanging out and chatting about our lives. Thank you so much for watching and being part of my #crazysexylovenotes community. It’s pure joy seeing the cards pop up in my Instagram feed, on Twitter and Facebook.

Ready for your card of the day? Just press play on the Crazy Sexy Love Notes video that draws you in most. Soak in the words of comfort and encouragement awaiting you.

Card 1: Ask for Help

Card 2: Notice the Blessings

Card 3: Tell the Truth

Card 4: Nourish Yourself

Card 5: Forgiveness Heals

Peace & love notes,

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  1. marj says:

    I am so grateful that I have learned to focus on joy. It’s so easy to complain, but choosing gratitude
    instead makes the whole day brighter.

  2. Jessie says:

    The card about asking for help really speaks to me. I am terrible at this and wait until I’m completely overwhelmed before asking for help. But once I do, I’m amazed at how quickly people help and I feel relieved. What an important reminder!

  3. Sherri DeGolia says:

    LOVE your card readings!!! Thank you for the reminder to nourish myself!! I’m going to make a healthy smoothy instead of a cup of coffee!! I would love to win a deck of these cards!!

  4. Jill says:

    I got Ask for Help! So true. I’m a natural Giver. I work as a nanny taking care if young children all day long and often find myself completely spent! It’s hard for me to ask others for help but on the rare occasions I do they are always willing. Just have to remind myself of that!

  5. Marlene says:

    I picked “Notice the Blessings” because it just draw my attention to it. As soon as I saw the card I knew it fits perfectly. I love butterflies and I was taken away by how beautiful the card looked. When you started reading the text I knew that my attention that draw me to this video was right. I am currently finishing my Bachelor thesis and all I want to be is to finish it. In such stressful times it’s easy to be carried away and forget what I am really blessed with (health, a loving family + friends, overall wellbeing).
    There is so much to be grateful for and I am truly blessed with a lot.

  6. Kim says:

    Thank you Kris, for your love, positivity and inspiration!!! Ask for help was my pick today. It is perfect. I am going to appreciate all the wonderful blessings already in my life and ask for help to get through this particularly challenging time in my life.
    as always, your emails are beautiful gifts that I look forward to reading. Xoxo

  7. Kim says:

    Nourish yourself. I am trying to aleays follow this. I needed this reminder today.

  8. Sandra Adragna says:

    I chose Forgiveness Heals. This came at a perfect time as this was the topic of discussion with family members this week and the reasons why we needed to let go of some past family hurts . I have learned that because of the many blessings in my life that I can afford to be generous with my judgments and encouragement. It is a discussion that can be intense but being able to forgive is truly liberating to the mind and soul.

  9. Pam says:

    I picked Notice the Blessings because my first thought this morning was, “What a beautiful day!”

  10. Natalia says:

    Ask for HELP! Such a beautiful reminder that we are always guided and supported. All we need is to ask and be open to receive.

  11. Gail says:

    I picked Notice the Blessings after reading through the five choices. I thought that was an interesting way to present these — read a few subjects and pick the one that speaks to you today! A beautiful card and a great reminder to focus on the good in our lives. Thank you, Kris!

  12. Jacy says:

    #5, forgiveness, having left domestic violence, and dealing with chronic pain, 30 minutes before I saw your Facebook post, a past memory had popped up and I was just telling myself, I had to let it go. Forgive the other party, so I can be free. Kris’s reminder and video selection proved to me, that there are great things connecting us in the universe.

  13. Barb says:

    Thanks for the awesomeness! You make the world a better place.

  14. Hi Kris. I am an esthetician and I love facials and massage to nourish. I’ve been giving crazy sexy love notes to my clients as a take-a-way gift after their treatment. Thank you for all that you do!

  15. Maureen Polson says:

    I choose the ask for help since that is something that I am still learning how to do since I am always trying to do everything to help everyone else and I need to learn how to ask for it for myself when I need it. Thank you!

  16. josie says:

    I have to remember to ask for help. I find that I get a little overwhelmed at times and have to remember that I have those special angels around me.

  17. Brandi says:

    he help love note speaks to me because right now I’m traveling across country to meet my sister for the first time and I have had car trouble all the way . I have had to let angels help me and look for the signs from the universe about what this all means !

  18. Lisa says:

    I really would love one of these decks, the reminders are wonderful and the cards are beautiful. My aha moment today was with “nourish yourself”. I know I put my body through a lot and I haven’t respected what it needs. Like the card says I’ve been using food to numb myself which in turn lead to weigh gain and more bad feelings and need for numbing. So today I will take your advice and drink a much needed green juice, get outside for a bike ride to the beach, meditate and stretch, and get extra sleep today. That is what my body is calling for. And my mind as well. Thank you :). And thank you for being an in inspiration!

  19. Robyn says:

    I picked Nourish Yourself, and what a great card to pick for me right now. I am working on taking the time to prepare fresh foods and just started to create smoothies and juices to nourish my body. I love the picture on the card. For me, part of nourishing my body is also getting out into nature. In the hot AZ sun, that is hard to do sometimes, but there are small moments within the day that I can take at least 5-10 minutes to sit outside and give gratitude. Thanks for the reminder; love the cards. And I love the tree room. Is that a wallpaper?

    In good health,
    Robyn W., PT, DPT

  20. Kelly Irving says:

    I chose Forgiveness heals. I struggle everyday with forgiveness, not of others but of myself. I find that the act of forgiveness within is one of the hardest things, yet I know that my health and happiness depends on it. My inner voice constantly teases me with self doubt, worries, judgement so this reading really hit home. Thank you ☺️

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