Blog Post

5 Affirmations for Success, Healing and Honesty

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Hi Sweet Souls,

Today I want to invite you to pick a video that resonates with you.

Kick back, listen to the message and meditate on how you can incorporate the wisdom into your life. I love sitting in my tree fort room and filming these readings for you. Each time I pick a card and share my reflections, I feel like we’re all hanging out and chatting about our lives. Thank you so much for watching and being part of my #crazysexylovenotes community. It’s pure joy seeing the cards pop up in my Instagram feed, on Twitter and Facebook.

Ready for your card of the day? Just press play on the Crazy Sexy Love Notes video that draws you in most. Soak in the words of comfort and encouragement awaiting you.

Card 1: Ask for Help

Card 2: Notice the Blessings

Card 3: Tell the Truth

Card 4: Nourish Yourself

Card 5: Forgiveness Heals

Peace & love notes,

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  1. Kate says:

    Forgiveness Heals. I was drawn to that one because your sweet dog with in it! I just lost my baby on 05/08/15. He was my angel and with me for almost 14 years. But of course, the message of forgiveness also resonated with me…. a reminder that YES, “we are doing the best we can.” Thank you.

  2. Katrina says:

    I found some insight in ‘Ask for help.’ I sometimes take so much on that I read a breaking point and I get angry at people around me. Life would be so much calmer if I just ask for help before the breaking point. Thanks Kris.

  3. Chelsey says:

    Nourish Yourself, hits home every time I hear it. I want to put this card up to see everyday as a reminder to myself to do what is best for me but nourishing my mind, body, and soul all day everyday.

  4. Sheila says:

    Dear kris

    I picked forgiveness heals because it’s something I’ve struggled with my whole life. I hold onto toxic negative feelings from my experiences and it’s been slowly making me sick. So every night before I go to sleep I practice saying I forgive you and think about everyone who’s ever wronged me or dissapointed me.

    Sometimes I mean it and sometimes I don’t but I’m getting there. I recognize the value in letting go of past resentments since their only hurting me. There’s this saying that really resonates with me “holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”-Budda

  5. Angela says:

    Hi Kris! Thank you for these videos! I’ve been feeling quite overwhelmed lately by many things going on in my life. I have been giving a lot, but not noticing the gifts I have around me. I also do have a pretty difficult time asking for help when I need it. I am getting married next year and we are in the midst of planning… it is so overwhelming and so expensive. I really needed to hear the note in your first video because I have been feeling the pressure from family to have a great, beautiful, successful wedding (all while working full time and going to school), but we don’t have much means to make it happen the way everyone else is envisioning (and the way we would love to have it.) It’s time for me to reach out and ask for help. In terms of support – emotionally, financially, and spiritually!

  6. Ashley says:

    I rewatched these and “Notice the Blessings” really resonated with me in this moment 🙂 a fun side note: I’ve been seeing Monarch butterflies all over lately! When you showed the front of the card with the butterflies on it, it reminded me of how many times I’ve seen them in the past couple weeks. I’ve been working on a gratitude journal the past few weeks and it’s becoming much easier to stay positive since doing so. This card is a reminder to keep on with the gratitude practice & let go of guilt & judgment, which is something I’ve always struggled with. As always, thanks for sharing these with the world!

  7. Victoria says:

    I was drawn to the reading: Tell the Truth

    Tell the truth to ourselves as well as others. The importance of integrity.

    I am inspired by this reading to take the time to develop a more gracious and loving way to tell the truth.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Kendra says:

    Forgiveness. I can be terribly hard on myself and it’s hard to forgive myself for being so. That’s the card that resonates most with me.

  9. Karen says:

    “Ask for help.”

    So simple, and yet, something I never think to do. I’ve had to handle things alone when I was too young to do so, and assumed that’s the way it always had to be for me. On the one hand, resilience, independence, and courage are wonderful things to have gained, but feeling like asking for help is not an option is not. Thank you for the reminder!

  10. Katie Rice says:

    My insight from your readings have revealed that I am a self loather. I have a disability so if I am honest with myself I really need to find some self love. I’m no better nor less than anyone.

  11. Robin says:

    I have a hard time asking for help (but an easy time giving it). I’m going to try to ask for help this week, which helps others feel useful and connected to me.

  12. Janine says:

    “Nourish Yourself” was perfect for me this morning. We’re moving in less than a year down to northeast Florida and I woke up talking to my love about the potted garden I want to plant. No idea what’s going in it yet, just thinking about things. Ruminating on the crazy, sexy life we’re creating for ourselves, and the dreams we’re making come true.

  13. Jo says:

    Definately number 4 – nourish yourself!

    Thanks Kris for this moment of truth. I eat chocolate every night and any junk I can find in my home (which I have often bought during the day knowingly I will be on the hunt later for that reward). What I’ve realised is I’m not rewarding myself doing this. I’m actually hurting myself and suppressing emotions that I don’t want to feel. I do this every night and go to bed very late.

    Its definately an aha moment for me – it’s time to stop self sabotage and practice loving myself!

    Thanks Jo

  14. Joy says:

    Your cards art work is beautiful! The guidence on the cards is loving and imspirering. Thank you Kris!:)

  15. Alexandra says:

    Asking for help by inviting my angels and guides for assistance

  16. Lisa Dobson says:

    I believe forgiving is a huge process in healing when you have a illness. Xo

  17. Annie says:

    Thank you for giving me the nudge to startbeing kinder to myself. I try to be kind to others, but I cut myself no slack. That chanes today. 🙂 Thanks.

  18. Lisa Deneau says:

    I really connected with “ask for help” I have a hard time asking for help and always feel the need to do it all.
    Made me aware of” really?” there is nothing wrong with a little help, from friend, family…or just putting it out there to the divine and my angels to lead me towards not taking on too much, because I do have a hard time with the word “no” too. Thanks Kris for making me realize ……..its ok to ask for help!! xo

  19. Evelina says:

    Recently I have been learning to let go as I travel through the world and through my life and take little steps towards becoming who I am. Also – behaving happy! 🙂

  20. Deb says:

    I am in desperate need of these cards. I have battled serious depression all my life and I really feel these cards would give me a boost on a daily basis.

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