Hi Sweet Souls,
Today I want to invite you to pick a video that resonates with you.
Kick back, listen to the message and meditate on how you can incorporate the wisdom into your life. I love sitting in my tree fort room and filming these readings for you. Each time I pick a card and share my reflections, I feel like we’re all hanging out and chatting about our lives. Thank you so much for watching and being part of my #crazysexylovenotes community. It’s pure joy seeing the cards pop up in my Instagram feed, on Twitter and Facebook.
Ready for your card of the day? Just press play on the Crazy Sexy Love Notes video that draws you in most. Soak in the words of comfort and encouragement awaiting you.
Card 1: Ask for Help
Card 2: Notice the Blessings
Card 3: Tell the Truth
Card 4: Nourish Yourself
Card 5: Forgiveness Heals
Peace & love notes,
Love the readings! What a great way to start the day.
Just remembered that the truth can be uncomfortable but in the end, liberating.
Notice the blessings resonates with me, although life can be tough at times if we are not thankful in each moment, I believe we are telling the universe not to bring us more blessings. Love your dog’s expression in your last video!
I just commented on Facebook when I saw the video about Blessings, for fairness, I am pasting in what I felt on FB into this comment with some additional observations. I feel blessed for friendships that fueled my life at an early age, and twenty years later after some amazing reunions I looked back and realized I had more of myself together than I ever gave my credit for. Today I give myself credit for the good person I was at a time when I was very self critical but loving. I am still my own hardest critic and have matured to a point where I can embrace myself and appreciate where I am today, thanks to still always being open, supportive to others and also internally kinder to my Self.
I’m grateful for taking a trip I recently took which was out of my budget to reunite with great friends overseas that I haven’t seen in a range of 5 – 20 years. With each reunion, we caught up and talked for hours, as if no time had passed. We shared our experiences and perspectives and were blown away at how we’ve grown but were still the same at our core, and flowed together. Meaning we were different by life experience with more mature perspectives, but our friendships remained true. I’m grateful for my life with a new perspective on the times I doubted myself the most. It’s worth being open to risk and facing the unknown.
Thank you for Card #5: Forgiveness Heals. I am struggling with my recovery after back surgery 6 months ago and today I realised the protruding disc I suffered from is a perfect symbol for the weight of all the mistakes I have not forgiven myself for over the years. I have felt weighed down and never put the two together. I think it is time to move on, to forgive myself and realise I was doing the best I could, with what I had at the time. I already feel uplifted. Thank You Kris for your generosity.
Nourish yourself resonates with me. I really need more nature in my life – need to be outside breathing the fresh air in more. It reinvigorates me, gives me time to think, relieves stress and is my form of meditation. Yes, that is my July challenge to myself. Also, as I have been nourishing my body with a more plant-based diet, I am also nourishing my mind. It feels good to be excited about something and wanting to learn more and more and more…………. Yes, life is good.
Many Thanks
My card was Notice the Blessings. Thank you so much for YOU, Kris and the blessings of inspiration you share. I’m thankful for the possibility of finally getting my own home soon. I’m thankful for learning to speak again (I could not for many, many years due to a traumatic series of events in my life). I’m thankful for my creativity, sharing the unity of all life. I’m thankful for friends and family. I’m thankful for healing. I’m thankful for the ability to give to my favorite charities even if it’s only $10 a month. I’m thankful for nature and all Beings. And I’m thankful for me and life itself!
I chose notice the blessings because it is so easy not to! Something I need to remember every minute of every day.
Lately there have been many Ravens coming into my path. I have found there are many meanings of the Raven. One is believe in you and another is letting go of what does not serve me and my higher purpose. I have been battling back and forth in my mind and these have really helped me start to become more clear on my direction. It has given me some inner peace instead of being in my head. Love your posts and readings! Blessings
My take away was to nourish myself. I have a head cold currently and needed the reminder to slow down, and give my body what it needs:)
Ask for Help!!! Why is this so hard to do? I like that it is really that simple to ask the universe and the help will be there. Maybe we should be saying accept help.
It’s hard to pick only one that moved me. But I’ll have to say that Forgiveness Heals resonates in my heart and soul. I’m learning every day to forgive, mainlymyself and let go of my old story and rewrite new one. It truly is a beautiful life! Love!!Love! Love!!!
I used to tell people that strength can mean knowing when you need help and asking for it. Hmmmm….not good at practicing that. I like the idea of asking for help and being open to the help that enters your life. That actually has been happening to me, now that I think of it, in many ways. One way is through you Kris Carr…ever since I watched Crazy, Sexy Cancer years ago! Thank you!
Love your “Crazy Sexy Love Notes” Chris! I picked, “Ask for Help” and “Nourish Yourself” to listen to today! I need help in that area so much! Now I’m going to go make me a scrumptious salad to feed my body and also ask for help from the universe to be able to set my goals for this month to be prosperous and successfull! Thanks so much for your uplifting spirit and btw Love your tree fort!
I was watching your 5 affirmations for success, healing and honesty with my 9 year old son and we both agreed that we liked the 5th card “Forgiveness Heals” card. It resonated with me because I am currently on a healing canser journey right now and Forgiveness has been a big part of my journey in letting go of the old story. My son on the other hand loved your assistant!! This was the winning card for us both.
First, hugs and love dear one! Ahhh Forgiveness Heals. Well, this has been a discussion I’ve been having with my angels daily! Almost a year ago, the Universe kicked my butt to the curb since I didn’t make the move first — employer let me go and that was a first time experience! Initially it was a big yikes, now, not so much! Forgiving self first and recognizing my expectation wasn’t being met (love note: give up on expectation, it’s not needed!) Then, forgiving all involved for not meeting my expectation–that’s accountability as I see it and wow has that has been a beautiful gift in and of itself–I say thank you Universe! I purchased your deck about a month ago and eagerly opened it taking time to take in the sweetness of the artistry and read every card; I draw a card, or two daily and it warms my heart, brings a smile and gives me a delightful start to the day!! I’m asking the Universe to win a deck so I can pass it on to a sweet friend of mine with a birthday this month! Gratitude for your love and light <3 Linda
It is always a good reminder that we rely on others constantly!! Especially Mother Earth and Father Sky … asking for help is a good way for me to remember to be grateful … for each breath and sip of water … gravity and levitation … sunlight and full moons … and angels and other celestial beings, fairies and elemental beings and beings of light … Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
I have to say these all spoke to me on one level or another. The one I’m focusing on is Notice the Blessings. I have a very life with 4 children under the age of 13, a business, a full time job, and I go to school full time! I’m usually in a state of rushing from one thing to the next. I’m working at slowing down and noticing life around me. The blessings. All I have to be thankful for. There is a lot and I certainly don’t want to take any of it for granted. I have a beautiful family – kids that are healthy and a supportive husband that loves me, a job that feeds my soul working with special needs kids, a school program that stretches me to get outside of my comfort zone and fine tune my skills, a business that supports us and allows me to express myself creatively. The paradise island I live on that keeps me grounded. Thank you for all you do in supporting and encouraging us to be the healthiest we can be both physically and spiritually Kris.
thanks for being a ray of sunshine in our lives!