Hi Sweet Souls,
Today I want to invite you to pick a video that resonates with you.
Kick back, listen to the message and meditate on how you can incorporate the wisdom into your life. I love sitting in my tree fort room and filming these readings for you. Each time I pick a card and share my reflections, I feel like we’re all hanging out and chatting about our lives. Thank you so much for watching and being part of my #crazysexylovenotes community. It’s pure joy seeing the cards pop up in my Instagram feed, on Twitter and Facebook.
Ready for your card of the day? Just press play on the Crazy Sexy Love Notes video that draws you in most. Soak in the words of comfort and encouragement awaiting you.
Card 1: Ask for Help
Card 2: Notice the Blessings
Card 3: Tell the Truth
Card 4: Nourish Yourself
Card 5: Forgiveness Heals
Peace & love notes,
I chose Ask for help!! I feel like if I ask for help that I am incompetent of running my business on my own. But I have taken your advice and asked the universe for help. Can’t wait to see the signs of help coming my way xoxo
I picked number 1 Ask for Help because it can be a hard thing for me to do sometimes… Thank you for the words of wisdom!
The “forgiveness heals” really resonated with me today, I’ve been really struggling the past several months with severe anxiety coming back, and all of my old “demons” so to speak resurfacing, i.e bad habits, not caring for myself properly, not being patient with myself and others, and really pushing away my significant other who has done nothing but try to be as patient with me as he can, while still caring for himself. I haven’t been able to really forgive myself for my short comings, and watching was a really great reminder that for me to fully heal and continue to have my severe anxiety improve, I need to be patient and kind with myself, and forgive not only myself but forgive others and get rid of the pain that holds e back in certain areas of my life. I can and will forgive myself because that’s the only way I can move forward. Each day I’ve just gotta keep on going and be the love and light that I desire to be. Thanks as always, Kris! xo
I guess I need ALOT of help. Just reading what each video reading was about-forgiveness, tell the truth, etc.-had me in a puddle of my own tears. Lots of things I need to face. Thank you for the virtual hug. <3
I picked “Notice the Blessings” and I want to say that I am grateful for all the people in my life who love and support me. I also want say that I am grateful to my friend Rachel who had an extra copy of “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” that she was giving away because I got to “meet” you (Kris) and I am grateful for all your love and support to all of us especially those of us who have been diagnosed with cancer.
My aha to “asking for help” was when today I needed to escape for ‘me time’ so I needed help from my hubby to be with the boys for a while so I could do this!!! Easy peasy- he gladly agreed!! Yay!!!
Moving into a new phase and awareness, I have found so much joy and freedom but letting go of the old stuff hasn’t been easy. Luckily I have amazing people around me who understand what it takes to get through it. The video on forgiveness is a kickass affirmation that not only do you have to forgive and let go of the past, but to forgive yourself as well. Because we are worth it! Thank you so much for posting these!
Forgiveness heals : Reminds me that no one is perfect and we are all here to learn.
I watched Forgiveness Heals and it was just what the doctor ordered. I’m experiencing some health issues after some very rough times in the last several years and I work at forgiveness a lot. But just as there is always more to do, there is always more to forgive and layers to uncover. So thank you, Kris. You are helping me a lot.
Well every one does resound loud and clear! I just found out that I will have to be in bed 4-6 months when I thought I was going to get a pin out of my leg its back to the bed I go. I just did this 3 years ago after a near death car accident. Come to find out the pin is bend and rebroke my femur from the inside. I am a single mom in a foreign country with only cosmic family, bless them!
ASK FOR HELP: I suck at that but have no choice but at least Playa del Carmen has a wonderful network of caring people, many who became my cosmic family after my accident.
NOTICE THE BLESSINGS: yes I am alive and bones heal. There is always a worse scenario out there. Plus now I have an excuse to be toted hand and foot…can you say “Princess”!?
TELL THE TRUTH: I keep saying how much I am ok with this but in reality I have a flood of emotions…anger, fear, confusion…just had to write this morning to get them out.
NOURISH YOURSELF: I do that everyday but now I need to bump that up a notch to get ready for surgery and recuperation.
FORGIVENESS HEALS: ouch! Yes there are others I have tried and even convinced myself that I have done this with them but its still a process but I choose to be gentle with myself to allow this process to happen. And to most of all forgive myself.
So which one resonates with me? ALL of them. Thank you for your posts and inspiration. I WILL meet you one day! I love these cards and hope to add them to my collection. I will have lots of time to focus on their lessons in the upcoming months! Many blessings and love! Caribbean Crystal
I enjoyed going through the cards and love to share them with my fiance, whenever I feel like he needs a reminder to slow down, breath, sleep more, etc. I know what I’ll be getting my friends for Christmas!
The Tell the truth video stood out to me today so I picked it as my message. It motivates me to be honest with clients for their health and wellness (even if I anticpate they may resist to my suggestions) and to express myself clearly to my loved ones for the sake of keeping things kosher, but to express myself unworried and full of self love.
My daily dose of positive affirmations and an inspiration to live better, be nicer, and practice daily acts of kindness!
Love the no judgment advice. Everyone is doing the best they can… Forgiveness card
Truth card! Yes. A fantastic reminder for me. I wrote a lengthy detailed response that somehow was lost. So thanks universe and thanks Kris!
I’ll leave it at that.
I loved them all…. but I am currently dealing with a lot of change and stress in my life…good and not so good. I am getting married in two weeks (wedding planning, yikes!) , expecting a baby boy in November, and losing my job at the end of the month. The thoughts and emotional rollercoaster I am on is insane, and yesterday I started to feel myself caving in. I definitely need to ask for help- my angels have helped me to get to this place- which is a very happy place, and I need to remember to ask them to help me move through it. Thanks for such great videos!
I love taking a moment to absorb the messages. My favorite is the “Nourish Yourself” card. Working full time and school full time often leads to not the healthiest eating habits. Taking a moment to step back and think about healthy choices is definitely needed guidance.
I watched the video for card number 1: ask for help. As a first time mom to a beautiful 10 day old baby girl this video really resonated with me. I have been feeling like I need to do everything by myself and feel guilty when I ask for help. I am not super woman and need to realize asking for help, even when it’s just for someone to hold her so I can take a nap, actually makes me a better mother. Taking care of myself allows me to take better care of her!
Thank you for your beautiful words!
I so needed the notice the blessings affirmation. So many wonderful things happen throughout the day and I never really stop to notice them. Blessed and appreciative to these cards for being one of them!!
I have been searching for new ways to nourish myself with more positivity in my day to day life. I am so happy to have discovered your website and blog. I have been enjoying the recipes as well. Thank you so much for all of your crazy sexy lovingness!!