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Adrenal Fatigue: Feeling Frazzled, Fatigued and Foggy?

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Hi Sweet Friends,

Are you feeling tired, fried and foggy most of the time?

After years of ups and downs in my energy department, I finally pinpointed the culprit — my adrenals. You may be walking around with the same misdiagnosed or unidentified issues. That’s why I invited my trusted friend and doctor, Kenneth Bock, Integrative MD, to sit down and talk with us about this common health challenge and how anyone can jump on the road to recovery.


In this Chat & Chew episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the heck do our adrenals do?
  • Why adrenal issues are often overlooked.
  • The main signs of adrenal problems.
  • The key to healthy adrenal glands.
  • How to support your adrenals (hint: lifestyle is a major player!)


And in case you’re curious about the supplements I take to support my adrenal fatigue, here are the deets:

  • Ashwaganda (Gaia or Organic India brand)
  • Licorice Plus (Metagenics brand)
  • Adrenal Essence (Xymogen brand)

But it’s not just about supplements.

As you’ll learn in this video, stress tramples our adrenals like no other. As a result, I’ve had to make a conscious and consistent effort to monitor my workload and not stretch myself too thin physically or emotionally. Once I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, I knew it was time to lovingly care for those cute little glands, my adrenals. I bet some of you can relate.

Your turn: Do you have something to add to the adrenal conversation? Share! I’m always amazed by how much we all learn in the comments.

Peace & renewed energy,

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  1. First, Kris – you look STUNNING in that blue!

    Second, this video is just perfect. I definitely think that I’ve experienced undiagnosed adrenal fatigue before – I’ve exhibited almost all of the symptoms, but my ‘levels’ tested within the normal range. I’ve since majorly modified my lifestyle (several times over) and added in some of the herbs/supplements you mention above (mostly ashwaganda) and have seen major improvements.

  2. Sharon Muse says:

    This is such a great resource – I have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue as well. I run a small business and this past year has truly messed with my body as a result of the stress, I gained 15 pound while dieting and exercising? What?! I couldn’t believe it and have just this summer taken steps to work on my adrenal issues. I am trying to cut back on work and focus on myself this year – thanks for your post, I look forward to reading more.
    All the best,

  3. Gina says:

    I feel like this may be my answer to my constant fatigue these past few months. This past year I have been following more of a plant based diet and have cut out meat to maybe once a week. The only problem is that I am fairly active ( I run sand dunes and do sprints on Ocean Beach San Francisco and lift weights occasionally from Crossfit workout) and have recently been getting too skinny! I felt like I am losing alot of muscle mass and I do not feel strong. I have not replaced my meat with any Plant Based Protein because I do not know HOW MUCH or WHAT to eat instead of meat. HELP!

    Do you have any advise on how to get my protein intake up without having to eat meat after a workout or in general?? And not look like a skinny toothpick. I constantly crave sugar (and recently been eating tons of fruit and chocolate in order to try and avoid brownies and desserts), get dizzy when working out or when in a stressful situation, low blood pressure and always irritable (not a coffee drinker).

    Kris do you have any advice for an active person who needs to step their Protein intake and does not want to eat tons of meat to help my muscles repair after a Crossfit workout or good long run??

  4. Alan says:

    You could try Holy Basil (Tulsi) for overworked adrenals and maybe the thyroid, but i’m not a GP.

  5. Sonia says:

    Great concise video, thank you. I’m working with my own probable adrenal fatigue at present. I went into early menopause at 42. Yikes ! and then struggled with all the symptoms you have described.
    What is helping me :-
    Rest !
    Altering my work and lifestyle (not easy being a single working Mum, but it’s possible)
    Deep, belly breathing several times a day to quiet the sympathetic fight/flight nervous system.
    Meditation and contemplative practices.
    Detoxing the Liver ! I use charcoal patches and mud packing several times a week.
    Avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sugar (hard because I love chocolate)
    Drinking home made chicken stock especially after exercise or when fatigued.
    Drinking salt water twice a day.
    Juicing and lots of fresh local greens and veges.
    Avoiding too much fruit particularly in the morning.
    Reframing my perspective on life from somewhat stressful/frightening to supportive and fun.
    Removing all people and things from my world which were not supportive and wonderful. This was hard but the best thing I could have done.
    Working with Dr Lam and his supplements which includes ALOT of vitamin C and several other supportive nutrients.
    I am currently developing a program which will include some of these practices. Website will be up Oct 2013.
    Feel free to contact me if you need any help.
    Love Sonia

    • This is a new phenomena for me. I’m an older lady, but I’ve always had a lot of energy until a few weeks ago. All of a sudden I felt like I ran out of energy and now live in a fog. I had blood tests and they showed nothing wrong. I am stumped and don’t know what to do. I will say I lived with a very stressful situation for years and have a difficult job as a caregiver with little or no support, so I think my adrenals are shot. I am in good health except for high blood pressure. I have read a lot of the commentary and need to sort it all out, but my fatigue and confusion isn’t helping me do that. Please help me find a plan that will restore my go. Thank you.

  6. Susanelizabeth says:

    Kriss, every hair analysis I have had since 2006 showed adrenal issues. I am also a Type 1 Diab on an insulin pump(40 yrs Diabetic), have serious digestive issues(chewing is difficult as I had a serious accident which left my teeth, jaws out of line and too costly to fix. Dentist not sure it would repair it anyway), and also chronic, longterm thyroid issues since 8th grade(am 61 now). The last hair analysis I had done showed almost total adrenal failure and I was so weak, tired. I did a 90 day juice fast last yr(live raw veggie juices) and did well during that time. Also did Gerson to heal numerous health issues. However, the past yr, has been rough trying to find a food plan, something that works. I have been told to cut out all carbs, even healthy ones and eat low fat , clean, organic meats, chicken, fish etc, and lots of veggies. But, I don’t digest them, nor do I feel like it’s healthy to do this. I keep being told that to heal, I need to get off the vegan plan I use as it’s carbs(albeit healthy carbs like legumes, sweet potato, etc) and I will never heal this way. My ND(who’s fantastic) put me on an adrenal supplement that all of her patients, like me, have taken and it healed theirs. But, with me, it shot my TSH off the charts, my heart raced, I got severly depressed, jittery and felt horrible and my MD was very upset(she’s normally supportive of all my natural methods of healing). So, since my TSH was unbelievably high, within 2 wks of being on the supplement, I stopped it What is your take on vegan diets and healing adrenals with it? Also, what are your thoughts on Garden of Life Raw Meal, Raw Protein? I have been using that in my smoothies. I can’t eat salads, and even blend them as I don’t digest them so need to mk smoothies and also juice alot(Green Star Elite). Thanks so much!

  7. Debra says:

    Hello Kris,
    I need a new start!! New diet, new body, new life!! I have yet to combine mind, body and spirit! It seems something is always in the way, and that something is TIME. I have noticed a number of muscoskeletal changes as well as energy decrease and poor nutrition…I am working full time, going to school for nursing, a full time single mom and I WANT to be HEALTHY!! I don’t know where to start! I have the vitamix blender and that’s it! I really don’t like or desire any one particular food, but I know I CRAVE candy and junk food! Can you please help or provide some insight on what direction to go…I have the Crazy sexy Diet book and it is just about worn out. I keep reading it, but that’s it! I plan to purchase the smoothie book and kitchen recipes book, but I need to work them into by budget first. Hope you can help. You are always inspirational and uplifting, thank you for being you 🙂


  8. Brittany says:

    Dr. Bock mentioned rhodiola. I can’t find anything online about dosage. Any tips? Thanks 🙂

  9. Silvia Ribas says:

    This was very helpful to me. As a busy single mom I felt like I was struggling to stay awake and have that healthy happy energy that we all want so bad.. Thank you for this Chris!!

  10. Jeanne Joannides says:

    I am deeply touched by your positive uplifting attitude especially surviving the road blocks thrown at you receiving a diagnosis of cancer. My beloved dog Mama Key whom I rescued when my mother was dying of multiple myeloma has been diagnosed with hemangiopericytoma. I used IP6 as an adunctive therapy for my mother who when diagnosed with stage 4 was told she had 6 months, she lived almost 4 years. i am trying to use for Ms Key (dog) best when taken on empty stomach in liquid she is non receptive at best to my natural therapies. I ran across a newer version of this product with increased immune enhancement of natural killer cell activity. I wanted to share with you in that you may have heard of it & if so your thoughts. The product is a modified arabinoxylan rice bran called MGN-3/Biobran I believe a comparable product less expensive is Peakimmune 4. I have no financial interest in either product I read a study where a man having hemangiopericytoma used this product his tumors had spread to the lung & lymph system he opted for no more additional conventional interventions. Instead research led him to use MGN -3 with amazing results at 34 months out it was noted on his ct scan no visible tumors found. I wanted to share with you giving you an opportunity to investigate further accessing potential application in your supplemental therapies. Additionally further research info from Memorial Sloan-Kettering has been published with small studies treating HIV & leukemia. Original article can be obtained if you or your readers have any interest (baylor college of medicine. I enjoy the wonderful resources presented by you & look forward to putting them to use. While caring for mother eating junk food my gallbladder failed necessitating removal. During which I sustained extensive damage that after 8 procedures I suffered acute pancreatitis ending any further attempts to try & correct. I suffer from pancreatic insufficiency, gastroparesis & additional complications. You give me hope in finding my way as after 13 years I am finally learning of the damage I sustained at the hands of a new surgeon. My prayers are with you thank you & your readers for sharing your journeys. Sincerely Jeanne

  11. Randi Holder says:

    The most common complaint patients make to their doctor is of excess tiredness or fatigue. There are many possible causes, such as anaemia, poor nutrition, lung disease, infections, depression and insomnia.

  12. Jane Dominguez says:

    But it’s not just about supplements. As you’ll learn in this video, stress tramples our adrenals like no other. As a result, I’ve had to make a conscious and consistent effort to monitor my workload and not stretch myself too thin physically or emotionally. Once I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, I knew it was time to lovingly care for those cute little glands, my adrenals. I bet some of you can relate.

  13. Jennifer says:

    I have suffered from low energy for many years. It’s difficult because I have so much drive and a lot of goals but it’s difficult to find the energy to accomplish everything. I will definitely be giving the supplements you recommended a try. Coffee makes me too jittery and seems to create more issues than it helps. Caffeine gives me anxiety and increases stress so I’m looking for something natural. Thanks for the ideas.

  14. Rachel says:

    Fuq this shit! I came to crazysexylife just now to get some inspiration as I am feeling like death and my health insurance ran out. I am done. Done with three cups of coffee and occasional adderall. I just give up. I will sleep until I am better and not feel guilt for needing to rest. I am going to beat this thing. This is my life and I’m not giving up.

  15. Dan Hickey says:

    Good info. I struggled with adrenal insufficiency for quite awhile. Stacking this on top of low testosterone and Hashimotos had me feeling like a zombi. I thought I had mono. I was also getting very close to being diabetic, despite and otherwise healthy lifestyle.

    May 2012 Cortisol Test
    Time Value Range
    Morning – 1.5 ng/dl (3.7 – 9.5)
    Noon – .4 ng/dl (1.2 – 3)
    Evening – .2 ng.dl (.6 – 1.9)
    Night – .3 ng/dl (.4 – 1)

    This was not when I was feeling my worst, but still pretty bad results. I read this article and implemented some of the recommendations
    I chose Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Licorice Root and Huperzine A. I was already taking a good multi, extra B, pregnenolone and DHEA.

    Sept 2012 Cortisol Test
    Time Value Range
    Morning – 5.7 ng/dl (3.7 – 9.5)
    Noon – 1.3 ng/dl (1.2 – 3)
    Evening 2.5 ng.dl (.6 – 1.9)
    Night – .5 ng/dl (.4 – 1)

    A bit higher in the morning would probably be better, but a pretty significant improvement.

  16. Helen R says:

    I really enjoyed the video. I am interested in your opinion on treatment for Lyme disease. i was tested 1 1/2 years ago and my dr found my Tyder count was 7 out of 10. I have been taking drops (Samento microbial defense – 5 drops in water 3 times a day since I was diagnosed with Lyme disease). This medication seems to be working well…is there anything else I could be doing? thanks

  17. Robyn says:

    So glad Dr Bock talked about this issue. Years ago I read a book “Let’s Get Well” by Adelle Davis. She advocated adrenal health by taking Vitamins B2, B6, B5 and C. She helpfully listed topics such as this alphabetically in the back of the book, so the reader could quickly look it up and figure out what to do. Thanks Kris.

  18. Annie Kravitz says:

    Hi Kris,
    Love your book and like you am fighting cancer. I had one adrenal gland taken out because of of a tumor and then it spread to my kidney and some of my intestines, so that had to come out as well. Because of all the drugs I take the other adrenal gland does not work and never will. Do you know if any of those herbs mentioned would help me? I cannot take the licorice because of high blood pressure. Any help would be welcome. Thank you


  19. Christine says:

    check out and the book by the same name “Stop The Thyroid Madness” ; there is most probably more going on than just adrenal fatigue and these resourses really go into all aspects of the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, hypothalmus – they all produce hormones and all must communicate w/ea other in order to produce… if one is not working (or working minimally) then all others are not working as designed. A good ND can help w/testing and supplementation.

  20. Once I learned about adrenal fatigue, I realized what a huge roll it plays. And then realized it can be such a habit to continue adding to the load just being freaking out over “my adrenals are compromised”. I switched it around to help me make most of my decisions now and the amazing thing when it pertains to my life with dogs…. I noticed it changed the calm factor in our home as well.

    Interestingly enough I teach dogs are reflecting our behavior. I think they are picking up our adrenal problems as well by the way we stay wound up all the time. It was huge to see how much a change in my reaction to stress level could really change even how my dogs are appear and act. 🙂

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