Kris Carr

Kris Carr

Blog Post

These dogs need us! Fundraiser (plus, self-care for YOU!)

read all about it

Hiya Gorgeous!

Special Note: This 48 Hour Flash Sale Fundraiser has ended. With your help, we were able to raise a grand total of $91,925 to support The Sato Project.

If you’re still interested in supporting this amazing organization, click here to donate directly (and be sure to put crazysexylove in the comments so they know it’s from our incredible loving community!)

If you’re on my mailing list, or if you follow me on social media, you know that I use my platform and voice for animals, as well as people. I love to tempt you with adorable adoptable pets or encourage you to spread kindness to all beings.

I want to introduce you to one of my heroes—she’s the reason behind this compassionate idea. This woman inspires me so frickin’ much. She makes me want to step up and do more for animals and that’s exactly what we’re going to do today!

Without further ado, meet the incredible, Chrissy Beckles and The Sato Project…

Chrissy Beckles is a champion Amateur Boxer who uses her earnings to make a difference for dogs in Puerto Rico. (Badass!) When Chrissy first visited Puerto Rico, she was horrified by the “Dead Dog Beach”—a place where hundreds of stray dogs are dumped and left to perish.

Chrissy saw firsthand how these animals were abused, neglected, abandoned, and starving. Many of the dogs were seriously ill. Others seemed to be family pets who were just left behind. Countless dogs roaming the area with nothing to eat, nowhere to go and no one to love them.

Sato Project Dog Rescue Chrissy Beckles
So Chrissy decided to take action. (BADASS!) She founded The Sato Project, a nonprofit which is dedicated to rescuing these abandoned and abused beings. Sato is a Puerto Rican slang term for street dog. Since 2011, Chrissy and her team have rescued over 1,600 dogs and found them loving homes. The dogs are rehabilitated and then flown to the U.S on “freedom flights.”

Sato Project Freedom Flight TeamTake a look at some of the cuties The Sato Project is working to save. Are you kidding me, with this sweetness? I need to kiss those noses, right now. SMOOCH!

Sato Project Adoptable Pups
Sato Project Adoptable Pups 2
I was planning on raising money for Chrissy and The Sato Project next year, but in the wake of Hurricane Irma—and Hurricane Maria a category 4 storm!—countless hounds are in urgent crisis. We were in touch with Jen, their Communications Coordinator, and here’s what she had to say:

“The storm made a direct hit in Yabucoa this morning, which has literally been the focus of our efforts for the past six years. The beach we have worked so hard to change from ‘Dead Dog Beach’ to something better is bearing the brunt of the storm surge and 155 mph winds, and we fear the worst for the small group of feral dogs there who have eluded our rescue attempts. It is going to be devastating. We have lost contact now with our staff and volunteers in that area so we are anxiously waiting to hear from them to be sure everyone is safe. The island, like many others, is still reeling from the last storm. So the funds are definitely much needed at this time, as we are having to mobilize in this emergency situation to protect the dogs we have been helping since Irma and move them to safety, and will be trying to get dogs off the island after the storm to complete their vetting in the US since the vet clinics are likely to be incapacitated. We’re very grateful for your support!”

My heart is telling me…it’s time to help some satos and I could really use your help!

Sato Project On the Ground Puerto Rico

How You Can Save Pooches

Note: This 48 Hour Flash Sale Fundraiser has ended. With your help, we were able to raise a grand total of $91,925 to support The Sato Project. If you’re still interested in supporting this amazing organization, follow the instructions below to give!

Give directly to this incredible organization.

When you make your donation, please type crazysexylove in the comment field so they know it came from our amazing community.


Together, we can make a huge impact, dear friends.

Thank you for your time, your generosity, your love and your willingness to help.

Peace and safe, happy pups,

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  1. Beautiful work. Thank you for doing this Kris. I will be donating to this valuable cause.

  2. Helen says:

    Such a wonderful idea Kris. Happy to help out. Well done using your profile to help our four legged friends.

  3. Ashley Smaldino says:

    Done!! This is so incredible, Kris! You are such an inspiration! Animals have always held a very special place in my heart. I really love and appreciate that you use your platform to help mankind as much as you help the animals of the earth 🙂 thank you sister

  4. Toni says:

    Thank you for everything you do for animals and people alike! You are a beam of sunshine lighting up the world… Purchase made and prayers sent. ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Karen says:

    Thank you so much for organizing this fundraiser! My husband was asked if we would relocate to Puerto Rico a month ago and we are just waiting to see how soon we can move down there after these hurricanes. In researching PR I wanted to get involved with an animal charity and discovered Sato…..amazing and wonderful!!! I have already been looking into bringing animals into Canada that need homes……we already help with greyhound rescue. God bless Kris! I’m sending this email out to all my friends and family.!!

  6. Maria Petulla says:

    KRIS I’m deciding between a smaller donation or the meditation album. This is awesome that all proceeds go directly to The Sato Project – and that you are giving up your income for these needy animals. So So So Sato Awesome! I’m a professional fundraiser and non-profit and foundation consultant. It’s incredible that Sato has your support and that you reach out to your wide network! Amazing Kris. Amazing.

  7. Aura Carr says:

    We are in! ?

  8. berkeleybaby says:

    Thank you Kris.

  9. Pamela Colwell says:

    How kind of you to do this fundraiser; I had been wanting to do something for this group after seeing your post and now I get something great in return too! Thank you for all of the help you will give to the four-legged angels on Puerto Rico

  10. Jan Wiley says:

    God bless you all for your work to save these puppy babies. My daughter adopted a Sato she named Josie. Josie had a wonderful life for 14 years until she succumbed to melanoma. Please accept my prayers and know that I will be contributing what I can.

  11. Sami says:

    Kris, you are amazing. Your generosity humbles and inspires me. Thank you for letting us be part of this important project! I’m looking forward to the meditations too. 🙂

  12. Dana says:

    Kris, in addition to donating, how can we reach out to adopt dogs from this organization?

  13. kris says:

    Holy goodness! The donations are rolling in, thank you, thank you everyone! Will keep you posted. 🙂

  14. Trish Long says:

    Oh, my heart….. thank you, Kris, for doing this! You are a beautiful, shining light for all our animal friends. I just completed my purchase and am sending love & “pawsitive” energy to The Sato Project.

  15. This is SUCH worthy Cause! All my mediumship events profit goes to animal rescue. I will be sending a direct donation. Thank you Kris for your caring self and for all you do for animals. I am grateful to you for telling us about this important rescue organization.

    • kris says:

      Send us your donation amount so we can calculate it with our crazy sexy community! And thanks for taking action Colette. 🙂

  16. Kim Prough says:

    This is super cool however I live in a small city in North Carolina and I am also partial to saving cats as well we have a kill shelter it breaks my heart to see any animal harmed here or otherwise. I have no money only love to send. Wishing you all the best

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